
POETRY FORMAT, 10 Jul 2017

Emanuel E. Garcia – TRANSCEND Media Service

Indigo petals, dew beading in their darker folds,
The memory of cinnamon like alms,
A poet’s hidden tune: all was flush
In the days of our setting out

I could rest my cheek against the soil
Dreaming the vastness of lips,
The smooth incomprehensible of touch,
The seething tendernesses shared
And all the fulsome earth our mimicking

Perhaps you knew
About the blade-like line beyond the haze
Under the fell of an eye-less heaven

How could I miss it
In the creases of our bright
Voluptuous streams,
The cloven rivulets like parting hair

Scanter now, the journeying, I know –
But come, against the bark of some unnamed tree
Let us embrace,
Against the heedless joy of evensong

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment, an American poet, novelist and physician who now resides in New Zealand. He may be contacted at emanuelegarcia@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 10 Jul 2017.

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One Response to “Evensong”

  1. Eden Maxwell says:

    As usual, Poet Garcia’s surprise imagery is indelibly fabulous.

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