
POETRY FORMAT, 17 Jul 2017

Sumeet Grover – TRANSCEND Media Service

Give me two pounds sir,
I will find a home by tomorrow

You can see him all day
asking for change: coins enough
to take him away from this wet
street of London.

Memory is a distant home:
he has forgotten we spoke
three months ago on a Saturday
in January outside an immigrant’s
fries shop on the high street.

“Take 50p and telephone Shelter,
go to their office, they will
put you somewhere.”

His memory always distant:
everyday he asks for change
from me, from old strangers,
hoping to find his home
by tomorrow.


Sumeet Grover is the founder of Global Poetry, dedicated to creativity, human dignity, dialogue and global citizenship. He is a winner of the Portico Brotherton Open Poetry Prize 2014 and was shortlisted for the Jane Martin Poetry Prize in 2014 & 2015. He has authored two books of poetry: House Arrest & Disobedience (2015) and Change (2011). Grover is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 17 Jul 2017.

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