How May We Fray

POETRY FORMAT, 23 Oct 2017

Emanuel E. Garcia – TRANSCEND Media Service

24 Oct 2017 – In celebration of Johan Galtung’s birthday that happens to be also the author’s.

spinning even at the halt: loops,
long aimless stretches sometimes taut:
craft in turning kinks to knots

they became our resting places
the way a cluster of rocks along a path
might lend formality and art to wandering

fingers link or lace,
small motion soft – why
we do neglect, forget
comes home to heart

it’s all invisible
whatever height we choose,
the woof and warp,
the prayer

left to right we read
each other, front to back
at the museums, the cafes,
the corridors

but on the road
are pauses, rhymes,
cathedral hues
and always near –

that’s what I meant:
watch how the mists leap and twirl,
the strands of water fly and bend
to beat or brighten us

how may we fray

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace, Development and Environment, an American poet, novelist and physician who now resides in New Zealand. He may be contacted at

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Oct 2017.

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