“The Lady of the Roses”


Andrew Quilliam Brewer – TRANSCEND Media Service

     –for Susanne

What can be said about her?
She rose when sorrow fell.
When she walked into her garden
blossoms opened.

There was a fragrance
around her.
Rocks spoke  to her.
Trees bowed down.

We who were blessed
to be always near
grew stronger–
like every plant in her gaze.

She loved big dogs, big monkies,
bright colors, real chocolate,
Hawaiian skies.

Whatever she touched became art.

She was a temple-maker.

Where she walked the earth was glad.

And now she is back in the garden
of the Lady of the Roses,
carrying blessings from that other world
no one owns.

The peach trees blossom.
The water flows.

Susanne Still was a writer, ceramicist, painter, photographer and herbalist. Her last poem, “Slipping On,” appeared at the TMS.org site on March 12 this year (https://www.transcend.org/tms/2018/03/slipping-onward/). Her enduring work may be viewed at her website, www.susanne-still.artistwebsites.com. Andrew Quilliam Brewer, Susanne’s husband, is a writer and homeopath, living with his son on a mountain in North Carolina. He wrote “The Lady of the Roses” shortly after Susanne’s passing (at age 61) in 2017.

Submitted by TRANSCEND member Gary Corseri—a poet.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Apr 2018.

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