A Blessing for PEACE

POETRY FORMAT, 21 May 2018

John O' Donohue – TRANSCEND Media Service

As the fever of day calms towards twilight
May all that is strained in us come to ease.
We pray for all who suffered violence today
May an unexpected serenity surprise them.

For those who risk their lives each day for peace,
May their hearts glimpse providence at the heart of history.

That those who make riches from violence and war
Might hear in their dreams the cries of the lost.
That we might see through our fear of each other
A new vision to heal our fatal attraction to aggression.

That those who enjoy the privilege of peace
Might not forget their tormented brothers and sisters.
That the wolf might lie down with the lamb,

That our swords be beaten into ploughshares
And no hurt or harm be done
Anywhere along the holy mountain.


John O’Donohue (1 Jan 1956 – 4 Jan 2008) was an Irish poet, author, priest, and Hegelian philosopher. He was a native Irish speaker, and as an author is best known for popularising Celtic spirituality. (Wikipedia)

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 21 May 2018.

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