“I don’t know why” Says a Rohingya

POETRY FORMAT, 16 Jul 2018

Dr. Abid Bahar – TRANSCEND Media Service

“I don’t know why” says a Rohingya.
But I thought I didn’t know the answer to why
But I know, I know why, I know why and why

I know the state of the Rohingya life in Arakan
These are regular people, their families, I know why they cry
I know they don’t have any protection in Arakan
I know Rohingyas are scared, hungry and they cry

I know the answer to why
The world is a strange place, so strange!
Leaders don’ hear anything. even when they can hear the tides making sound in the bay
Strange, they don’t hear the Rohingya cries

I know why,
I can hear the cries from the Rohingya house on fire,
I can hear from the smoke in the air,
I can hear from the water, bring the waves to my door steps in the Atlantic
I can hear the weeping of the old man in despair, the cries of the young woman who just lost her beloved husband
that is lying on the road by the paddy field

I know why
Why in Burma a Rohingya man is captured and taken to a slaughter house
A man goes to his farm in the morning to work but never returns
The family finds him slaughtered in the village road next to his house.

I know why
when a woman is raped in front of her mother-in law.
A mother is raped in front her children by the military man
I know it is racism
I know it is Burmese way of meditated Buddhist killing
I don’t think it’s Buddhist yazna

I know why
I know Burma lives in the past
I know Suu Kyi collects prizes but doesn’t want to use the name Rohingya!
I don’t want to know why

I want to know
Saddam didn’t possess WMD but he had to lose his country and his life.
Gaddafi didn’t possess WMD but he had to lose his country and his life. I don’t know why
So, I ask myself, is this 21st century?

I wonder, I want to know
What is the purpose of me being here on earth?
Why do I call myself a human when Rakhine Monks kill the Rohingya and their killer leaders Aye Maung, Aye Chans who agitate villagers to kill Rohingya enjoy respect

Why these leaders don’t I live on mars, as the Martians?
Why they are here?
Why an anti Rohingya is the UN representative in Arakan, an anti Rohingya Namibar is the UN representative in Burma? Why Annam can’t meet the Rohingya leaders?
Why, why why?

I know why
I call myself civilized
Because I cry when a Rohingya cries
I call myself civilized when a helpless Rwandan, Cambodian cries
But I wonder why are Martians occupy our earth as respectable leaders?

We call ourselves civilized
I don’t know why says a Rohingya
I say I know why.

I say Burma lives in the past but Suu Kyi collects noble and more prizes
from Martian leaders.
She doesn’t recognize the Rohingya I know why
Why, why, why?

Many people can’t write poems to vent their sorrows
They are too shocked, aghast, they are too many,
they cry. I know why
I know the killers are Martian monsters,
They deserved to be captured and tried
Unless they hide, they run with their lives

I hear little Rohingya children and worried women
in despair, they need urgent help
They need help
I know why.


Dr. Abid Bahar is a playwright and public speaker now teaching in Canada.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 16 Jul 2018.

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