Do Not Deprive Me


Laila Yaghi – TRANSCEND Media Service

Poems about Palestine

Do not deprive me from that gentle smile
For I’ve been debating whether to live or die
Heaven shakes when I see that face
And makes me optimistic that there will come a day
Full of laughter, and then my sorrows will dissipate
So do not take away from me that gentle smile

I promise you that I won’t get in your way
But make me choose to live rather than to die
And let me look forward to that special smile
To lift me up when I’m feeling down and depressed
For God in heaven had made my heart compressed
And filled it up with sorrows and distress

I make my plea through the silent night
When my aching soul is about to flee
The sadness and loneliness it is a witness to
To God I pray to fill my life with light
And take away from me the loneliness of the night

Happiness is bound to visit me one day
So ‘till then I plea, in God’s name, to humor me
And not take that gentle smile away from me
Gloomy place I look at… full of darkness
Crows linger by… with no smile… full of madness

©Laila Yaghi

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 6 Aug 2018.

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