We Are the Same

POETRY FORMAT, 10 Sep 2018

Hüsamettin Olgun – TRANSCEND Media Service

What if each of us listens to a different song
And cherishes a different color;
That wouldn’t be wrong!
Same is the music we play
Same is what we say
deep down we are the same
On our lips is the same wish
we’re human, with our load of hope and love.

We understand the language of the sheperd’s flute
And the lure of lovesongs,
And the grief that our mothers
Live with their elegies for our dead brothers.

We’re one, our hearts, full of love, beat
For the unity of all.
In our spirit,
Like children, we’re immaculate.
Little things give us joy
And big things
We want to share with the whole world.
We weep with those who weep
And laugh with those who laugh,
Our hearts are full of friendship,
We’re one,
We’re one

What if each of us listened to a different song
And cherished a separate color;
That isn’t wrong
Same is the music we play
Same is what we say
deep down we are the same
And on our lips is the same wish
we’re human,
with our load of hope and love.


Turkish peace poem translated by Talat Halman.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 10 Sep 2018.

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