Back to the Old Path and Returning to

POETRY FORMAT, 24 Dec 2018

Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service

I was entered
Into the mythical cave
A lit up lamp
A gem embossed crown of truth reflected
I met heroes, winners and defeaters sleeping

When I touched the crown
They woke up
You can touch but cannot hold
I need this, that’s why I came
it’s useless, just an archive
I know that your crown is so, I need not that
Then what you need?

It’s too dead
I can give a life

Excited symbols pleaded
Asking the life
You are still living though you are dead
Your lives reflect without a change
I need only truth

If you are given
We shall be vanished
Not at all
I will invite you in the proper time
Or you may come with me
If you can transform

After the consensus meeting
We set out at the dawn
Through the historical path

On the way
Under the construction, re construction and de construction
I showed them the city
You may stay there
It would provide a place

I took the truth and left them
While  the sun is setting down
In the darkness, under the star lights
I passed by the forest
To reach the border
Where a wall was built

Udaya R. Tennakoon – Poet/ Diaspora Writer, Journalist, Dramatist,  Peace, Human Rights and Political Activist.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Dec 2018.

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