“Peace Is Possible” All-Day Summit


Alberto Portugheis | HUFUD – TRANSCEND Media Service

True to its name, Humanity United For Universal Demilitarisation, our message remains constant, we must achieve what we propose: live in a NON-MILITARIZED planet.

We are happy to announce ourPeace Is Possible” All-Day Summit. A free event, held at Initiatives of Change (IofC) in LONDON on 17 June 2019.

Among our distinguished guest speakers, we are honoured to have Dave Webb, CND Chair, on his own dissertation; from Uganda, Josephine Apira, Acholi freedom fighter and founder member of the Ugandan Sustainable Development Initiative (USDI); and Dr. Victor Olisa QPM, ambassador to the Tutu Foundation 

Screenings of various films include Shadow World, based on the acclaimed book The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade by Andrew Feinstein, former South African MP and Director of Corruption Watch, UK War Schoolwhich raises the issues of the targeting of children by the British Government to promote support for the military. This will be followed by a Q and A with the film’s director, Mic Dixon. We shall also watch HUFUD’s own short documentary Peace is Possible.

Panel debates will follow each film and speech. TRANSCEND MEMBERS who are free on 17 June will be most welcome and requested to register as per instructions on flyer. Those interested in joining our Panel discussions please contact me. Thank you.

Do come along!  PEACE !!!!    http://www.hufud.org


Alberto Portugheis is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. By profession a concert pianist and pedagogue, he is an active peace campaigner, whose anti-military stance earned him a nomination for the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize. As a result, Portugheis wrote Dear Ahed…..The Game of War and a Path to Peace – a book that has received critical acclaim .  Another successful book followed: $$$$$s In Their Hearts. In 2015 he founded the Movement HUFUD-Humanity United For Universal Demilitarisation, which has many followers worldwide.  In 2018 HUFUD Latin America was born, based in Bogotá, Colombia. In Portugheis’ writings, speeches, thoughts, ideas and reflections transpire his desire “to make people think” and not take for granted what they read or hear, “no matter where.”

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 10 Jun 2019.

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One Response to ““Peace Is Possible” All-Day Summit”

  1. Certainly , peace is possible, provided, justice , its mother, is born. For this possibility, one may refer to the article: The Mother of Peace Yet to Be Born By Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
    Also one may refer to the article: Nonviolence: More Fundamental than Disarmament
    By Surya Nath Prasad, Ph. D. – TRANSCEND Media Service
    And a Chapter on “Universal Peace Education: Concept, Meaning and Practice”
    By Surya Nath Prasad, Ph.D. in the book:
    Pour une éducation à la paix dans un monde violent (FOR PEACE EDUCATION IN A VIOLENT WORLD)
    Edited by Obrillant Damus, Christoph Wulf, Joseph P. Saint-Fleur, Denis Jeffrey 
    Published by L’Harmattan, 2017: Paris, France https://translate.google.co.in/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp%3Fnavig%3Dcatalogue%26obj%3Dlivre%26no%3D58155&prev=search