I Think I Shall Never See… (Earth Day Poem)

POETRY FORMAT, 27 Apr 2020

Adwik Roshan – TRANSCEND Media Service

I Think I shall never see
A creation as lovely as a tree
As it dances in the wind,
Moving back and forth in glee

I think I shall never see
A freedom as an untamed river
Don’t underestimate its power
You don’t want to drown and shiver

I think I shall never see
A skyscraper as mighty as a mountain
Those buildings may crumble into dust,
But Mother Earth’s creations never go in vain

I think I shall never see
A dish sweeter than a mango
But if chemicals take over, where will its nectar go?

I think I shall never see
A home as nurturing as the forest
Destroying them for grabbing land and toilet paper,
Is it really for the best?

I think I shall never see
A sage as serene as clouds,
I admire the rain drops
As they fall down, charmed and astound.

I think I shall never see
Thoughts as deep as the ocean, where everything is pure,
In this salty potion.

I think I shall never see
A lady as beautiful as the Earth
She is the Mother of all,
Her kindness has no dearth.

I think: I rather want to see!
A human race, not so selfish
Who treats the Earth like its own,

With pride and gratitude.

Adwik Roshan is the 15-year-old grandson of TRANSCEND Member Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia from Delhi, India.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 27 Apr 2020.

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