Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary, Earth Day 2020

IN-DEPTH VIDEOS, 27 Apr 2020

Michael Moore – TRANSCEND Media Service

Directed by Jeff Gibbs

21 Apr 2020 – A documentary that dares to say what no one else will in this Earth Day: We are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road–selling out the green movement to wealthy and corporate interests.

This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It’s too little, too late. Removed from the debate is the only thing that MIGHT save us: getting a grip on our out-of-control human presence and consumption.

Why is this not THE issue? Because that would be bad for profits, bad for business. Have we environmentalists fallen for illusions, “green” illusions, that are anything but green, because we’re scared that this is the end—and we’ve pinned all our hopes on biomass, wind turbines, and electric cars? No amount of batteries are going to save us, warns director Jeff Gibbs (lifelong environmentalist and co-producer of “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Bowling for Columbine”).

This urgent, must-see movie, a full-frontal assault on our sacred cows, is guaranteed to generate anger, debate, and, hopefully, a willingness to see our survival in a new way—before it’s too late.

* Michael Moore is an Academy-Award winning filmmaker and best-selling author.
* Jeff Gibbs is a producer and composer, known for Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), At the Edge of the World (2008) and Bowling for Columbine (2002).

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 27 Apr 2020.

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One Response to “Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary, Earth Day 2020”

  1. The Michael Moore movie is deeply flawed and should not be relied on for much accuracy. There are several reviews available on the net if you are interested in the specifics, including a rebuttal by Bill McKibben, founder of

    I have followed these issues for some years. It is indeed true that industrial biomass is very destructive and totally unsustainable, and should not be supported. But there are also many smaller scale biomass operations that use genuine waste for fuel that are considerably better than both coal and natural gas. But again, not all small scale biomass operations are sustainable either. It is not a simple single technology – but it can be done well. Each operation has to be judged on its own.

    It is also true that many environmental movements have been co-opted by corporate funding. There is no evidence that has been affected in this way. For some this was temporary and for others it persists. Again, each NGO needs to be looked at on its own merit with up to date information.

    The movie’s critique of renewable energy is very much out of date. Problems of storage and managing intermittency have been considerably reduced, but there are still significant problems with the mining of materials that are needed to manufacture renewables. And too date, the growth of renewables has not replaced fossil fuels, just added to the total energy available.

    The things that the movie does get right are 1. Renewables are not sustainable (they require too much mining), and 2. We are unlikely to deal with the climate and energy challenges unless we move away from a growth driven economy. Unfortunately, the movie offered no solutions – with a wellbeing economy being one option worth considering and working toward (

    The 2040 film by Damion Gameau does indeed offer many worthwhile solutions. But it still relies on technological solutions by and large. Genuine ecological sustainability will require significant reductions in consumptions, especially from those of us in advanced societies. It is the only way we can live within the planetary boundaries that support us