O` Buck Moon
Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service

This poem was inspired by the Buck poem. The photo is from outside my home in Durban North, S. A. taken on Monday 26 July 2021 evening. — Usha Roopnarain
In your orange light I look at you.
Silently drawn to your beauty,
Unfolding the auburn light, as the young deer grows his antlers.
Stop the constant chatter disguised as banter.
Chase the dark thoughts and become nothing.
O` Buck moon
Glistening in the dusky night.
Let me immerse myself in your beauty.
You look at me, reminding me to embrace simplicity.
O`Buck moon
Glistening in the dusky night.
You remind me to shed the thoughts of negativity
Time to cut the artificialities and pursue positivity.
Grow consciousness like the antlers.
Potent and designed by God.
Follow me and you will surely find it.
Don’t rely on the material reality.
Hiding inside and leaning on one`s ego only leads to depravity.
Look to me, I’m right here in your vicinity.
Time to think differently,
There is a possibility that the whole world needs to see me
O`Buck moon,
Glistening in the dusky night.
We don’t need anger, pride, hate, bitterness or hostility
Just to lose all propriety and follow the light.
Dr Usha Roopnarain – Former parliamentarian in the National Assembly of South Africa, social activist and passionate about human rights and gender equality.
Tags: Poetry
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 2 Aug 2021.
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