Live Now

POETRY FORMAT, 27 Sep 2021

Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service

Out of your entire life give just one moment!
All of your life that has gone past,
all to come after it, – so you know it won’t last,
make perfect the present, –  the Now.
Death, destruction, disease and even the pandemic has taught us
there is no perfection, no possession,  no attachment- why the Fuss?

The search is for wisdom.
Is it a Thought or a Feeling?
Is it to be found in the mind?
Oh but the mind is an artifact.
Maybe even an abstract,
live in the moment! Enjoy the present
the pandemic may be here to stay
live in an  enlightened way.
Forget the failures of everyday.
Just let it languish away.

Dr Usha Roopnarain – Former parliamentarian in the National Assembly of South Africa, social activist and passionate about human rights and gender equality.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 27 Sep 2021.

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2 Responses to “Live Now”

  1. Rajendran says:

    Very wonderful fact of life in poetic form that encompasses everything thing of the past,present and future in few subtle poetic phrases.

    True the pandemic has taught the realities of how life is and life will be .

    We came into this world with nothing and will go back with nothing.

    Non can say what’s perfect ! , as perfection is a misconception.

    We all start life when we wake up and look forward for our dear loves ,whether it it could be ourselves,our children, our pets our assets, our obligations , our duty towards our kith and kin, welfare of our community ,concern for their sufferings, do our work to earn some money that’s a tool or artifacts of living life in this modern world ,where money buys our needs to live.

    We all do it unconsciously more so because of our responsibility of gratitude that we have towards our loved ones.

    Any pandemic may teach as it’s just comes and goes after two years once in 100 years approximately to put humanity in its place back to make us understand the purpose of humanity towards our humanness with no doubts in our minds to remind of the first statement ” that we are born naked and we go back naked back to the mother earth not even with our clothes.”

    Yet ! the covid had only remind us of the gratitude not to follow but perforce was ruthless in not allowing us to see our loved ones also when they suffered or died. It was inhumane in not allowing us to follow the gratitude for which the whole world gets churned day in and day out.

    Love is the greatest gratitude that the humans have in common called wisdom to follow or pursue .

    There is everything embedded in only the action word called Love!

    LOVE is so great that even the cosmos cannot be accommodated.

    The word Love is the fuss that we have live in snd live out.

    There are no mistakes no perfections, no particular formated processes, no time destined for it ♥.

    We live every minute in anticipation of love, to be loved and to have lived in memoirs of love that was delivered through out parents, kith and kin , and friends ,and beloved.

    Understand ! Ones love is wisdom of truth that’s cherished by many and not anything else.

    Love is Devine and sublime and that’s wisdom that we all should seek ,live in it live for it through life.

    It’s a great truth people cry in love of joy when you are born and love at the grave when you are gone .

    Done we live on our people who loved us ,though they may not be there now with us.

    You also live on love showered on you by many that keeps one moving forward in life.

    Whatever little Said or expressed or through gestures or directly or indirectly through elements of showing love is the real wisdom one needs to seek and one should give out or reciprocate too as therebis wisdom in doing it.

    Love gives the ultimate joy and happiness in a us or in others and learning this as wisdom is the real truth of our life.

    Love has no shape ,size, or form. . It’s a something that only one with wisdom only can open its doors ,understand its manifestations, reciprocate to be filled in with more to energize one’s life.

    A very good poetic that triggered me so much on wisdom and meaning to live our life.

    I honour the author Dr. Usha Roopnarain for her internal thoughts that spoke about life in totality.

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