Pink Hibiscus

POETRY FORMAT, 11 Oct 2021

Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service








The hibiscus sturdy and tall,
the sweet fragrance of  the pink blossoms,
epitomizing romantic love,
the sturdy hibiscus symbolises deep affection for lovers.
It`s almost like the hibiscus awakens from a deep sleep
to watch the suffering, and evil struggles.
The pink hibiscus stands, unable to weep.
The hardships, pain and greed of the world.
Corruption, crime  and intolerance run deep.
The pink like the colour of the eye shadow,
Her beauty is seen even in snow!

These flowers are the perfect gift for a soul mate.
But unable to silence the pain and hate
The pink petals are  soaked with dew ,
She seems perfect, but that can’t be true.
Yet no one sees feminine beauty in women.
Her vulnerability is masked with  a normalised fear.
the pink hibiscus with its trumpet shaped petals
like the morning will reappear.

The dew sweet hibiscus blooms are here
yet repressive regimes still stand sturdy
initiating more fear.

The pink hibiscus blooms,
beauty and sweet perfume
yet soldiers stand sturdy
with weapons to consume.

is war worth the sacrifice?
How can  we regain paradise?
Hate must dissipate.
Evil must evaporate
Her blooms were never designed to hate!
Can humans decide on fate?

Dr Usha Roopnarain – Former parliamentarian in the National Assembly of South Africa, social activist and passionate about human rights and gender equality.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Oct 2021.

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2 Responses to “Pink Hibiscus”

  1. Rajendran says:

    Very nice in portraying the pink hibiscus to a romantic feminism .
    These females live in the cloak of fear,hurt or hate by the greed and problems of the world who do always curtain them from freeing them to be natural living scenario of romantic thoughts .

    Always live in fear yet bright of yearning love to their soul mates through romantic yearning thoughts.

    An existence of romanticism amidst fear that’s more powerful.

    Well written Dr.Usha roopnarain

  2. Dr Afroz Ahmad says:

    Congratulations Very beautiful Poetry

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