Prof Johan Galtung on Peace Journalism, Capitalism, Positive Peace, Structural Violence, Feminism, and Much More
Josef Mühlbauer | Varna Peace Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service
3 Dec 2021
Johan Galtung was at the core of the group of intellectuals behind the establishment of #PRIO (Peace Research Institute Oslo) in 1959. Without Galtung’s enormous effort and personality, PRIO would never have come true. He left it in 1969 to become Professor of Conflict and Peace Studies at the University of Oslo and was the founding editor of the Journal of Peace Research in 1964. In 1993 Galtung, Dietrich Fischer, Poka Laenui and wife Fumiko Nishimura founded TRANSCEND-A Peace Development Environment Network in Honolulu, Hawai’i, a Conflict Mediation Organization that thrives to this day with about 400 members worldwide. In 2008 he co-founded TRANSCEND Media Service-TMS with editor Antonio C.S. Rosa.
Tags: History, Institute for Peace Research in Oslo-PRIO, Johan Galtung, Paradigm change, Peace Education, Peace Journalism, Peace Research, Peace Studies, TRANSCEND Media Service, TRANSCEND Network
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 6 Dec 2021.
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