Personal Experience


Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service

8 Jan 2022 – All over the world, this fearful pandemic is creating incalculable harm and fatalities. Be it USA, or England or India, its scope is increasing. Many areas which were free from the horrible disease are now succumbing to it.

I myself am a victim of COVID and suffer mentally physically.

Medicines of all types are scattered all over my table. Imagine what would’ve happened if I didn’t have them and services of my children. But that is how the poor without help or medicines are suffering. Has God betrayed these god fearing poor people. Krishna, please help the poor and needy. For me, I suffer but with help of my family. Neighbours send messages of early recovery, speedy recovery, speedier or rather speediest recovery but don’t wish to risk their own lives by visiting me.

Such is the status of the rich English  speaking minority of India.

This may be my last article to my good friend Antonio. May God bless him to become healthy and fit.

Hare Krishna


Dr Ravi P Bhatia is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment, an educationist, Gandhian scholar and peace researcher. Retired professor, Delhi University. His new book, A Garland of Ideas—Gandhian, Religious, Educational, Environmental was published recently in Delhi.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 31 Jan 2022.

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5 Responses to “Personal Experience”

  1. Lorraine Joan Elletson says:

    I am so sorry for you I will pray for your recovery. God bless you. Lorena

  2. Gary Steven Corseri says:

    Thank you, Dr. Bhatia, for your courage and fortitude in writing this heartfelt note, sharing your own pain and worries, and alerting us all to the harships and suffering of others….
    And, thank you, Antonio, for your steadfast dedication to helping others to surmount life’s difficulties and share the struggle for compassion and deeper consciousness.

    • Dear Prof Gary Steven
      What wonderful comments you have made in your message to me. Yes, when one is at the end of one’s life, one shows fortitude and anxiety. What will be my next existence, will I be born as a human being or some other creature.
      In this long life was I a good human being, did I help people both poor and marginalised or was I a selfish person only?
      One admires the character of Antonio who is dedicated to is work and has a religious bent of mind.
      Where are you located Prof Gary and what is your profession?
      I hope that I can meet you in this life and share a bonding based on kindness and compassion
      With regards and appreciation

  3. Ravipbhatia says:

    Dear Loraine Thankyou for your good wishes and God’s blessings. I have partly recovered
    Where are you located Lorraine.

  4. Ravipbhatia says:

    Dear Gary
    Thanks Gary for your gracious note and unstinting friendship. You are a kind person my good wishes to you and your wife