Kuznick’s Essential Companion to the Oppenheimer Movie


Diane Perlman, Ph.D. | Substack - TRANSCEND Media Service

4 Aug 2023 – It is excruciatingly frustrating for me that the makers of the almost-amazing Oppenheimer film failed to consult with Peter Kuznick, a friend, colleague, brilliant nuclear historian, professor, and director of American University’s Nuclear Studies Institute.

In this interview, Peter, who also teaches a film course on “Oliver Stone’s America,” gives an essential analysis of Chris Nolan’s Oppenheimer. He commends the film in many respects, and then criticizes the exclusion of important historical facts, which he proceeds to supplement in great depth and detail.

While the film is otherwise an astonishing accomplishment, it is too bad that the filmmakers never sought even an hour of Peter’s time. He could have shed significant light on the realities behind the making of the bomb and the decision whether and how to use it. There was bare mention of the scientists who tried to warn about its use. Most importantly, Nolan could have dispelled the myth of the necessity of dropping the bomb on two densely populated Japanese cities and the false belief that it was the only way to end World War II and save millions of lives.

In addition, my friend, Sam Husseini, investigative journalist and Substacker, points out that the movie failed to point out President Truman’s lie that Hiroshima was an army base.

The film is both a great success and a serious failure, in that it deprives us of the deep understanding that we desperately need now. False beliefs must be challenged if we are to be aware of the hidden forces that drive policies and manipulate beliefs. Demystification is necessary in order for us to transcend the continuing nuclear threat.

If anyone is making a film or writing a book or article about nukes, I urge you to consult with Peter so that you can offer a more accurate and complete picture.

In the meantime, I strongly recommend that you watch this interview of Peter Kuznick by Paul Jay on TheAnalysis.News before and/or after you see the film. This interview, along with the film, will provide the knowledge needed for enlightened action.



Diane Perlman, PhD   is a clinical and political psychologist, devoted to applying knowledge from psychology, conflict studies and social sciences to designing strategies and policies to reverse nuclear proliferation, to drastically reduce terrorism, reduce enmity, and to raise consciousness about nonviolent strategies for tension reduction and conflict transformation. She is a visiting scholar at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, is active in Psychologists for Social Responsibility, the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment, and on the Global Council of Abolition 2000. Some of her writings can be found on her websites, www.consciouspolitics.org  and  www.SanityandSurvival.com. Email: dianeperlman@gmail.com

Go to Original – coronawise.substack.com


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