Johan Galtung: The Greatest Living Thinker Ceased to Think

POETRY FORMAT, 19 Feb 2024

Udaya R. Tennakoon – TRANSCEND Media Service

The author with Prof. Johan Galtung

The great hope is a dream.
Though he is gone,
vision blows

A world without wars is a dream.
“…the history of all hitherto existing
Society is the history of class struggles.”

Spread classes,
Prolonged struggles
Inside, direct, indirect, and with-in-out

Conflict is the course of nature.
Nature turns into culture.
The germ is violence, which is justified.
having said the peace.
Johan Galtung, Founders of Peace

The world is shown by you, the thinker.
You, the master,
from math to peace
a science of conflict
A theory of peace

The way to life and the world
To transform the conflict
With the beauty of non-violence

Criticize the world of power.
The power of the west
Rest of the west, Johan thinks

an eye to the Orient, more to Buddhism
Daoism, all of holysm
A peace fighter, a severe critic, and a saint
Having wisdom, a planet to the earth
Hope of the great

Once upon a time
At the house of Dietrich, your friend
Your company, and your light
It reminds me of nothing.
Having said that, in that, everything,
because of nothing.

from the hatred of the empire.
The power and greedy desire
You are gone, but not gone.
the wisdom, and hope

On the 17th of February,
a message by Jan Oberg to the evening
The greatest living thinker ceased to think.
Master of peace
Peacefully sleep
Your dream without wars We dream
To transform


Udaya R. Tennakoon – Lives in Switzerland. Poet/ Diaspora Writer, Journalist, Dramatist, Peace, Human Rights and Political Activist. Master of Art in Peace and Conflict Transformation. More about the poet may follow this link

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 19 Feb 2024.

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