St. Francis Prayer for Peace (three languages)
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service
الله، إجعلني أداة لسلامك.
حيثما توجد الكراهية، دعوني أحمل الحب.
حيثما توجد إساءة، اسمحوا لي أن أحمل العفو.
حيث يوجد خلاف، اسمحوا لي أن أحمل الاتحاد.
حيثما يوجد خطأ، اسمحوا لي أن أحمل الحقيقة.
حيثما يكون هناك شك، اسمحوا لي أن أحمل الإيمان.
حيث يوجد اليأس، اسمحوا لي أن أحمل الأمل.
حيث يوجد الظلام، دعني أحمل نورك.
حيث يوجد الحزن، اسمحوا لي أن أحمل الفرح.
يا إلهي، إجعلني لا أطلب التعزية بقدر ما أطلب التعزية،
أن يفهم كما يفهم،
أن يكون محبوبا للحب،
لأنه في العطاء الذي يأخذه المرء،
وفي نسيان الذات يجد المرء،
ومن العفو يغفر للمرء،
ففي الموت يستيقظ الإنسان إلى الحياة الأبدية.
אלוהים, עשה אותי מכשיר לשלום שלך.
איפה שיש שנאה, תן לי להביא אהבה.
איפה שיש התעללות, תן לי להביא סליחה.
איפה שיש אי הסכמה, הרשו לי להביא איחוד.
איפה שיש טעות, תן לי לשאת את האמת.
היכן שיש ספק, הרשו לי להביא אמונה.
איפה שיש ייאוש, תן לי להביא תקווה.
איפה שיש חושך, תן לי לשאת את האור שלך.
איפה שיש עצב, תן לי להביא שמחה.
הו אלוהים, אל תגרום לי לחפש נחמה כמו שאני מחפש נחמה,
להבין כמו שהוא מבין,
להיות נאהב מאהבה,
כי זה בנתינה שמקבלים,
בשכחה של עצמך מוצאים,
ועל ידי החנינה נסלח לאדם.
במוות, אדם מתעורר לחיי נצח.
For the origin of this text, see → Prayer of Saint Francis – Wikipedia
Translation: Google Translate
Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. Having worked as researcher, development program/project officer, legal protection/humanitarian assistance officer, human rights monitor-negotiator, managing-editor, and more, he prefers a peaceful and prudent life. His previous work experiences, including those in war zones and war-torn zones, constantly remind him of the invaluableness of peace.
Tags: Peace Prayer St. Francis
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 5 Feb 2024.
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4 Responses to “St. Francis Prayer for Peace (three languages)”
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What about the music?
Dear Satoshi, why did you suppress the intermediate part of the so-called St. Francis’ prayer (invented in early 1900)?
The following is my version:
In our erratic life we recognised your LAW OF LOVE, Son of Man, that is
through giving one receives,
through forgiving one is forgiven,
through dying one resurrects to eternal life.
Therefore, today we renew our will of following your impulse of LIFE, Father, that is to try
to not be consoled, rather to console,
to not be sympatised, rather to sympathise,
to not be loved, rather to love.
Then in time of a conflict, Creative Spirit, let us to be an instrument of your PEACE through the non-violence which unites the Charity of the Son and the Justice of the Father
where there is alienation, let we be an example of righteousness,
where there is hate, let we bring a love dialogue,
where there is exploitation, let we bring a brotherhood spirit which will recover the justice in view of the peace of the unity.
Give us Peace, Force, Joy,
and give us to give them to others
(attributed to St. Francis; new version by A. Drago)
Dear Professor Antonino Drago,
By using this opportunity, allow me to make three suggestions as follows:
First. I suggest that your version of the peace prayer be translated into many languages of the world to be disseminated to every corner on this planet.
Second. A beautiful song should be composed based on the words in this prayer.
Third. Let the diplomats at the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly sing that song before they will begin the discussion.
With gratitude, appreciation and respect,
Satoshi Ashikaga
Hello, thank you for translating. I have always had an affinity this prayer and its call for peace. I hope to ask a favor if possible; the specific Hebrew translation of the line: “Oh Divine Master grant that I may, not so much seek to be consoled as to console”. Thank you in advance for your time and your effort.