Special Journal Issue on Galtung


Charles Webel, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service

24 Mar 2024 – I’ve been asked to be the editor of a special edition of the Italian-based (Centre for Peace at the Univ. of Pisa) journal Scienza e Pace/Science and Peace.

Rivista Scienza e Pace – Home page

Although I knew Johan and co-edited the Handbook of Peace and Conflict Studies with him, I’m sure some of you knew and worked with him as well.

Therefore, I’m wondering if one of you, TRANSCEND Members, would consider being the co-editor with me of this special edition of that journal! There is no pay, but there might be “eternal glory” in keeping Johan’s name and work alive.

Also, I’m issuing a CALL FOR PAPERS for articles of 10-20 pages in English that focus on:

  1. Galtung’s Life
  2. Galtung’s Theoretical Contributions
  3. Galtung’s Practical Contributions
  4. Galtung’s Legacy
  5. Further Developments in Peace and Conflict Studies

All submissions will be carefully considered, but, of course, there is no guarantee of acceptance. Please submit an indication of interest and/or an outline or draft of the possible article as soon as possible to:

Prof. Charles Webel: charles_webel@yahoo.com

Many thanks.


Charles Webel, Ph.D. is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. He currently teaches at the University of New York in Prague, is a five-time Fulbright Scholar, and a research graduate of the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California. he has studied and taught at Harvard University and the University of California at Berkeley, where he received his Ph.D. He is the author or editor of 13 books, including the standard work in the field, Peace and Conflict Studies (with David Barash); The Politics of Rationality; and Terror, Terrorism, and the Human Condition.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 25 Mar 2024.

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One Response to “Special Journal Issue on Galtung”

  1. Piero P. GIORGI says:

    Dear Charles,
    the lovely convent of Gargnano (on Lake Garda, Italy) that you visited when Silvana and I were there has been sold by the Franciscan Order and now we two live in a retirement village of Brisbane (Queensland, Australia). But we will be in Italy from 9/4 to 17/5/24. In that occasione perhaps I could help you in interacting with people in Pisa for the special edition of the journal “Science and Peace’. I could also write a paper about my esperiense of working with Galtung at the University of Hawaii (teaching) and a few times at conferences with him in Italy.
    I send a copy of this text also to your email.
    Pace e Bene from piero

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