The Truth in History Is Not So Simple
Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service
Jewish People, Nazis, Muslims and Other People During WWII and in the Contemporary Age
“Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.”
– The second sentence of Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
28 Apr 2024 – Some major media, political leaders and diplomats or the like provide the audience with the stereotype views that Jewish people and Muslims in general have hated against each other not only since the Nakba but also even during WWII and that Muslims intended to attack and/or destroy Jewish people during WWII. For example, see The UN breaks the Guinness World Record for rewarding terrorism -Gilad Erdan ([i]
Hatred and division of peoples could lead the humanity eventually to the mutual annihilation. Despite that some media and some people promote the hatred against the opponent group, we, all human beings, should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.[ii]
Fortunately, there are tons of evidence and testimonies that are against the prejudicial stereotype and/or hate producing claims, mentioned above. Some pieces of the information in the following web links, in particular, could transform the bias and/or prejudice in those claims into the cautious viewpoint in searching for the truth in history.
[1] Some Jewish People during WWII:
- Jewish collaboration with Nazi Germany – Wikipedia
- The Jews Who Fought for Nazi Germany – Tablet Magazine
- Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers (
- Who was the Jew that became a Nazi? | Unpacked (
- Top 10 Nazi Collaborators Who Were Jews – Listverse
- The Jews in Hitler’s Military – Los Angeles Times (
- The Jewish Men Forced to Help Run Auschwitz | HISTORY
- Haavara Agreement – Wikipedia
- Was Hitler Part-Jewish? – YouTube
- Hitler’s “Jewish Daughter” (
- Israel honors individuals who helped Jews in Third Reich | DW Deutsch (
- How did a Nazi Officer become a Mossad Hitman? (
[2] Some Nazi Officials during WWII:
- Nazi official who risked life to save hundreds of Jews posthumously recognized | The Times of Israel
- The Nazi Who Saved Jews – The Forward
- Oskar Schindler’s Heroic Holocaust Legacy | HISTORY
- Rescued by Schindler: Rinah Birnhak’s testimony about Oskar Schindler (
- A Nazi officer’s housekeeper hid 12 Jews in the basement. All of them made it out alive. (
- Karl Plagge – Wikipedia
- Team Sheds Light on Story of Nazi Officer Who Tried to Save Jews – YouTube
- Honour for German major who saved 250 Jews | World news | The Guardian
[3] Some Muslims during WWII:
- The Forgotten Stories of Muslims Who Saved Jewish People During the Holocaust – Ya Libnan
- How a Paris Mosque Sheltered Jews in the Holocaust – The New York Times (
- Muslims’ WW2 help for Jews displayed at Cardiff synagogue – BBC News
- A Jewish Family Was Saved From the Nazis By a Muslim Family. 50 Years Later, They Returned the Favor. – Kveller
- Team Sheds Light on Story of Nazi Officer Who Tried to Save Jews (
- “The Holocaust Was an Arab Story Too”: Holocaust Remembrance in the Arab World المحرقة كانت قصة عربية أيضاً: إحياء ذكرى “الهولوكوست” في العالم العربي | The Washington Institute
- “A number of Arabs and Muslims participated in efforts to help save Jewish residents of Arab lands from the Holocaust while fascist regimes controlled the territory. From June 1940 through May 1943, Axis powers, namely Germany and Italy, controlled large p” Arab and Muslim rescue efforts during the Holocaust – Wikiped
- The ‘Iranian Schindler’ who saved Jews from the Nazis – BBC News
- Who are Mizrahi Jews? The untold story of Arab Jews and their solidarity with Palestinians – Vox
- When Muslim Albanians Risked Everything To Save Jews From The Holocaust? – The Forward
- David Wasserstein: How Islam Saved the Jews | Taube Center for Jewish Studies (
- BESA Muslims who Saved Jews during the Holocaust (
- Film tells of Bosnian Muslims and Jews saving one another in wars | Reuters
- Exhibit honors Muslims for saving Jews from Shoah – The Jerusalem Post (
- Muslims who saved Jews from Holocaust commemorated in I Am Your Protector campaign | The Independent | The Independent
- Yad Vashem to showcase Muslims who saved Jews from Nazis – The Jerusalem Post (
- Meet the Muslim and Jew who saved each others lives in conflicts decades apart – The Jewish Chronicle (
- Meet the Muslim family who saved Jewish lives in WWII | by Babar Raja | Medium
- Meet the Muslims who sacrificed themselves to save Jews and fight Nazis in World War II – The Washington Post
- Holocaust Remembrance Day: Stories of Muslims Who Saved Jews | TIME
[4] Some Other People:
- Rescue of Jews during the Holocaust – Wikipedia
- Stories of Women Who Rescued Jews During the Holocaust | Yad Vashem
- Poland honors citizens who helped Jews during Holocaust | AP News
- “Carl Lutz managed to save half of Budapest’s Jewish population by exploiting the Nazi’s respect for paperwork.”
- Chiune Sugihara, the Japanese Schindler, saved thousands of Jews from the Holocaust during WWII – The Washington Post
- How A Czech Janitor Hid 13 Jews In Budapest’s Gestapo Headquarters (
- Rescue of the Danish Jews – Wikipedia
- The Unsung Hero Who Saved Thousands of Children During the Holocaust | History| Smithsonian Magazine
- 10 People Who Saved Jews During World War Two – Listverse
- Seattleite, 92, finally tells story of German who saved more Jews during the Holocaust than Schindler | The Seattle Times
- “The US government never made the rescue of Jews a national priority, even though the American people knew about the Nazi persecution and later murder of Jews. The United States alone could not have prevented the Holocaust.”
- Berlin tribute to the Germans who saved Jews | Germany | The Guardian
- Why 90 Percent of Danish Jews Survived the Holocaust | HISTORY
- Spy mystery of British sisters who helped Jewish refugees flee the Nazis | Holocaust | The Guardian
- “It must be noted that much of this Christian helpwas actually rendered to fellow Christians (converted Jews), who were classified as Jews due to their descent under Nazi racial laws.”
[5] In the Contemporary Age:

The Anwars, background, a Muslim family, were guests of the Firestones, who are Jewish, at a Sabbath meal in Brooklyn. Hilary Swift for The New York Times
- Muslim & Jewish – side by side (
- Israel and the Holocaust: Debunking the Myth (
- An Arab Kosher restaurant 🥙 in a Jewish town…could it be possible? (
- Muslim man saves kosher cafe and bakery (
- Orthodox Jews REACT to Messianic Jews Sharing ISAIAH 53 (
- Israeli Defends His Faith in Jesus | Soldier Interview (
- What Religious Jews Say About Israel | Let’s Review Ep.3 (
- The story of the orthodox Jews that oppose Israel | Rabbi Elhanan Beck | UNAPOLOGETIC (
- Why do these Jews HATE Israel? (
- Muslim American activist tells DC pro-Israel rally: ‘I stand before you as a friend of the Jewish people’ | The Times of Israel
- Existence of Zionist Israel is antithetical to Judaism: Rabbi Weiss – YouTube
- Muslim supporters of Israel – Wikipedia
- OVER THE WALL | Omeleto (
- Fostering Compassion in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Psychology Today
- Jewish-Muslim friendship in Middle East helps us stand together – opinion – The Jerusalem Post (
- Jewish-Muslim best friends make peace by stressing fault lines | The Times of Israel
- France: Jewish-Muslim group fights rising antisemitism – DW – 11/14/2023
- Who are Mizrahi Jews? The untold story of Arab Jews and their solidarity with Palestinians – Vox
- What Your Jewish And Palestinian Friends And Co-Workers Want You To Know (
- I’m Jewish and He’s Muslim (
- 5 Things I Love About Muslim Culture (I’m Jewish) (
- From Qom to Medina: Israeli Jew visits holy sites across Muslim world | The Times of Israel
- Intergroup marriage and friendship
- “I’m Jewish, and I’ve Covered Wars. I Know War Crimes When I See Them”: Reporter Peter Maass on Gaza (
- Israeli Jews and Palestinians Standing Together (
[6] A Poem That Could Bring About Peace, Love and Friendship:
If Jewish people and Muslims (and anybody else) practice together the essence of the message in the following poem from the bottom of their hearts, it could bring about peace, love and friendship to them (and to anybody else) ever more. Today, however, that is probably the most challenging act for Jewish people and Muslims (and anybody else). Will they successfully pass this test?
[i carry your heart with me (i carry it in] by E.E. Cummings
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
[i]However, Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, argued differently. On 30 October 2015, according to the following article, he discussed that the Nazis had decided on the Final Solution by themselves.
In a Facebook post Friday [30 October 2015], Netanyahu made the latest in a serious of clarifications to remarks he had made in which he gave an account of a meeting between Hitler and Jerusalem’s then-grand mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini.
“Contrary to the impression that was created, I did not mean to claim that in his conversation with Hitler in November 1941 the Mufti convinced him to adopt the Final Solution. The Nazis decided on that by themselves,” the post on Netanyahu’s Facebook page reads.
Source: Netanyahu: Nazis, not Mufti, decided on Holocaust | CNN (Saturday, 31 October 2015)
[ii]Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 is stipulated as follows: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations
Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. Having worked as researcher, development program/project officer, legal protection/humanitarian assistance officer, human rights monitor-negotiator, managing-editor, and more, he prefers a peaceful and prudent life. His previous work experiences, including those in war zones and war-torn zones, constantly remind him of the invaluableness of peace.
Tags: Jews, Muslims, Nazism, Race, WWII
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 29 Apr 2024.
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