Artificial Intelligence – Eureka!


Michael Brenner – TRANSCEND Media Service

27 Aug 2024 – Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises all sorts of wondrous things. We are told that it will add trillions to GDP; diagnosis, prescribe treatment and register cures for all manner of illnesses; relieve us of mind-numbing tasks at work and at home; and ensure that every one of us is better than average.

Now we are told that the United States – and the entire West – must gear up to ‘win’ an ‘historic’ ‘race’ with China to perfect and apply IA, lest we be marginalized in a Chinese dominated world. Before anguishing over so dire a prospect, we should ponder how exactly AI will resolve the following matters that are bedeviling us.

  • Half of the electorate favors a demonstratively psychotic neo-Fascist, convicted felon who boasts of sexually attacking women and whose hallmarks are vulgarity and insult.
  • Our depraved partnership with Israel in crimes against humanity in Gaza – building on our similar crimes against the Houthis in Yemen.
  • The raucous Congressional reception of Bibi Netanyahu the orchestrator of genocide whose very presence defiles the chamber.
  • Provoking of a ruinous, humiliating war against Russia in Ukraine.
  • Picking a fight with China over the status of a territory we acknowledged 50 years ago was an integral part of that country.
  • Fostering the historic Sino-Russian pact that creates a powerful rival to the U.S.-led West.
  • A supreme Court that has arrogated to itself the unbridled power to rewrite the Constitution to accord with its ideological dogma while superimposing its judgement on any action of Executive agencies, the Congress or lesser public bodies.
  • Financializing the economy in a way that guarantees periodic crises while continuing to redistribute trillions of national wealth into the pockets of the 1%.
  • Permitting a locust-like plague of hedge funds and private equity to scythe through the economy.
  • Declining national life expectancy.
  • Rampant drug addiction among the young.
  • The wave of censorship by the social media, by Internet billionaires, by the government, by the former at the instigation of the latter, by professional associations.
  • Warehousing and neglect of the elderly; mass homelessness.
  • The extremity of identity radicalism.
  • The sterility of the creative arts.
  • The absence of word class public transportation. [China has 28,000 miles of state-of-the-art high speed rail lines. The U.S. has zero. Plans are being floated to build, by 2035, an inaugural line from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. [the Bugsy Siegel Express]

What is the latent potential of AI to alleviate these conditions? Only one thing comes to mind: persons suffering acute anxiety/deep depression could open their hearts to One – cheaper than a therapist.


Michael Brenner is professor of international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh; a senior fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, SAIS-Johns Hopkins (Washington, D.C.), contributor to research and consulting projects on Euro-American security and economic issues. Publishes and teaches in the fields of US foreign policy, Euro-American relations, and the European Union. mbren@pitt.eduMore

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 2 Sep 2024.

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