Does the Israel/US War on Palestine Have another Name Than Insanity?


Mahboob A. Khawaja – TRANSCEND Media Service

How to Distinguish between Moral Beings and Beasts of War?

17 Sep 2024 – Human beings as a specie were created by God on the best “possible structure of creation”, as most intelligent moral beings on this earth given a choice of being righteous versus evil mongering and therefore, recognized by our character and actions. Do the Israeli and American war planners know the consequences of their evil-mongering? Are they waging the war of insanity against the innocent people of Gaza and West Bank-Palestine as a revulsion against the phenomenon of change to avert their own end of history and inundation? If Israel and the US leaders ever claimed any moral and intellectual values, surely they are misinformed and delusional?

“Hell on Earth” – warns the conscientious global community from all spectrum of reason with more than 41,000 civilian massacred, more than 91, 355 injured, more than 16,000 children and women still buried under rubble and unaccounted for, and the rest of humanity under continuous bombardment by the Israeli warmachines supported and aided by the US supplied weapons of mass destruction. Even the hospitals, places of worship, schools, graveyards and safe zones are not spared by the Israeli war agenda. Israeli leaders reportedly have dropped more than four equal to Hiroshima nuclear bombs on Gaza. International observers spell out the tragic events: words cannot describe the humanitarian calamities and sufferings of the besieged people of Gaza and the West Bank.

Are the global institutions of peace, security and conflict management fast becoming obsolete in a real crisis situation? And global humanity is captive of the US-Israel’s intransigence and plans never experienced in recent times. History is repeating the cruel insanity – the cursed evil of egoistic power – the unstoppable insanity of the war continues unabated. The professed animosity is against Islam and Israel spearheads the killings of Muslims throughout Palestine to end the freedom movement for an independent State of Palestine.

Evil is inseparable from political agenda. When sinisterism and unacknowledged motives conduct the affairs of life, the people, societies and policy makers become abnormal, disfigured and lose sense of rational direction. President Biden and Secretary Blinken continued to deceive the humanity of a ceasefire deal since May, 24 except it was a delaying tactic to complete the crimes against humanity and open Gaza to new Israeli settlers. It was PM Netanyahu and Israel not sure of a ceasefire and peace in the region. Thousands of concerned Israeli citizens march daily and hold continuous night vigils in Tel Aviv to demand peace, the resignation of Netanyahu and an immediate ceasefire for the safe return of 100 or so hostages.

Netanyahu’s political goal was to flatten Gaza and he has done it without any challenge. The cycle of dreadful humanitarian crises unfolding in Gaza and across Palestine is baffling as if global humanity and institutions do not exist for other than Americans and Israel allied Europeans.The war scenario emboldens Netanyahu‘s political absolutism – an egoistic leader with a controversial profile will do his utmost to pursue his unbridled ambition whether by manipulation, violence, or new conflicts. The current paradigm links directly to PM Netanyahu’s affiliation with extreme Jewish Ultra Nationalists to deny the Palestinian people their right to exist as an independent State and to dismantle the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Please see: “Al-Aqsa Mosque Waiting for the Arab Leaders”.

Israel-USA Collaborative War against Earth, Muslims and Humanity

The UK government is one of the staunch supporters of the Israeli war against Gaza. British Prime Minister Starmer claims Islam and Mohammad are at the epic center of challenges and animosity towards democracy and liberal values.“UK politicians are whipping up an anti-Muslim panic. Where’s the evidence?” headline appear in the Middle East Eye magazine (UK), and The Sun:

*Our real problem is with Islam itself and will remain so because we have no choice but to confront the Islamic flow and Islamic thought in all ways……*Our differences are not really with the Islamic peoples or the ruling regimes, because the regimes revolve around us and derive their survival from us, and implement our policies that serve Western national security first, regardless of their national security….*Our real problem lies with Islam and Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam because it is a civilized religion that has detailed answers to all existential and civilizational questions, and it is a stubborn competitor to Western civilization, which has begun to lose its brilliance, while Islam and Muhammad are becoming increasingly brilliant even within our European societies, which liberal values have allowed freedom of thought and weakened the authority of the Church, and this free and abstract thinking has led many elites and youth to embrace Islam, because they found in it all the answers to their psychological, spiritual, existential and social needs that our contradictory civilization has drowned them in.

Those bombing and destroying the Earth and its life cycle are not normal human beings. Were the ancient people of stone-age more intelligent and responsible for not having destroyed the earth and environment in wars and kept mankind in safety and unity? The Earth is a Divine living entity and a trust to mankind. American supplied weaponry massacred more than 41,000 innocent people of Gaza, 16,000 children and women and several thousand buried under the rubble; and Israel bombed and destroyed the habitats and its citizens for no other reason except intransigence and animosity against Arabs and Muslims. If the original population of Gaza and West Bank-Palestine were happened to be Jews or Christians, the bombing and destruction was unthinkable. “ It is only wrong doers stand as Protectors- one to another; But God is the Protector of Righteous”clarifies the Divine message. (Quran: 45;19). Another clarification spells out the truth: “We have not created the Heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in sport: We have not created them but for a serious end. But the greater part of them understand it not.” (Quran: Chapter 44: 38)

The Earth belongs to all humanity and is a living entity and rotates itself at a speed of 1000 miles per hour at equator and orbits Sun at average speed of 67062 MPH.The Divine warning (Chapter 7: 56: The Qur’an), tells: Do no mischief on the Earth after it hath been set in order, but call on God with fear and longing in hearts; For the Mercy of God is always near to those who do good. Earth is a trust to humanity and trust includes accountability.The Earth sustains all forms of living things(known and unknown), the essential foundation of our very existence. Pathologically wicked leaders and nations claiming to be most powerful start acting like God to challenge the sanctity and limits of the Laws of God; historically, they become an object of unthinkable natural calamities- earthquakes, wildfires, floods, deaths and destruction.

“Say! Travel through the earth; And see what was the end of those who rejected Truth.” spell out the annals of human history. Those bombing and causing catastrophic events to destroy the planet Earth and mankind and all of its treasures and enrichments are not normal human beings. And killing of innocent people is prohibited in the Ten Commandments (Torah): ‘Thou shalt not kill’ (Exod. 20:13; also Deut. 5:17). Jewish law views the shedding of innocent blood very seriously, and lists murder as one of three sins (along with idolatry and sexual immorality), that fall under the category of yehareg ve’al ya’avor – meaning “One should let himself be killed rather than violate it.

Arab-Muslim Leaders Waiting for the End-Game

Sigmund Freud (Civilization and its Discontent, 1930) noted that “the inclination to aggression is an original self-subsisting instinctual disposition in man, and that it constitutes the greatest impediment to civilization.” The Arab Middle East is no exception.

The game is the same “do nothing” and talk loudly. In a global age of knowledge and information, Arab -Muslim leaders cannot pretend to be ignorant and unaware of the catastrophic humanitarian crisis unfolding daily on the television screen. Most are corrupt egoistic puppets of the West enjoying life within the palaces guarded by foreign mercernaries. The alleged war crimes and genocide in Gaza warranted swift action to safeguard human lives entrapped in the war zones – why did the UNO not organize a force to protect the civilians in war zones across Gaza and West Bank?

Caitlin Johnstone (“Opposing The Gaza Genocide While Supporting Biden Is A Dishonest” 04/29/24), offers rational insight to many concerns:

You really couldn’t put together a more incoherent position if you tried. You can’t acknowledge that Israel is committing genocide without also acknowledging that the Biden administration has been actively participating in that genocide. If you acknowledge that Biden is guilty of genocide, then you are acknowledging that he is guilty of the most horrific crime a state leader can possibly commit short of initiating a nuclear exchange…..Those who are supporting Biden while opposing the destruction of Gaza do not have any kind of integrity. They’re just wearing whatever mask is politically convenient based on the way the winds are blowing on a given moment, while continuing to support the US-centralized empire which cannot be sustained without nonstop tyranny and bloodshed.

Animals live and do not reflect on the imperatives of life whereas, we, human beings, cannot act like animals as we are supposed to be intelligent and responsible species on this Earth. At the edge of reason, the notion of evil leads to the realization that evil and the tyranny of war must be stopped by all means, and those responsible for the genocide and crimes against humanity must be held accountable to restore the manifestation of a sustainable human future.


Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution,  Dec 2019.

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DON’T BUY PRODUCTS WHOSE BARCODE STARTS WITH 729, which indicates that it is produced in Israel. DO YOUR PART! MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Sep 2024.

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