Fighting for Our Humanity, Fighting for Our Future


Robert J. Burrowes, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service

15 Sep 2024 – It is easy to peruse the state of human affairs and fail to perceive the catastrophic state in which we find ourselves.

After all, it is the responsibility of various Elite agents and agencies to ensure that the bulk of humanity remains unaware of the state of our world and that even those relatively few with some level of awareness in one or two domains are not aware in others. See ‘The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind is Climaxing. Can We Defeat it? (Parts 1 & 2)’.

Beyond the problem of limited awareness, however, the Elite also has a substantial array of tools to ensure that the few who do become aware, whether of one problem or even something approaching the whole, remain powerless to respond effectively.

And so our future and even our very humanity are now threatened in ways that have eluded virtually everyone.

And the effective resistance to this multitude of threats is zero.

The Primary Threats

In culmination of a program that has been unfolding, sporadically, over the past 5,000 years and in accordance with its long-planned, detailed and comprehensive blueprint labeled ‘The Great Reset’, the Global Elite is currently implementing its program to reshape world order, kill off a substantial proportion of the human population, enclose the Commons ‘forever’, transfer all remaining wealth to the Elite and enslave those left alive in one of their technocratic ‘smart city’ prisons.

To achieve these outcomes, a wide range of weapons is being used. These weapons are psychological, political, economic, military, biological, pharmaceutical, electromagnetic and technological in nature and constitute a profound threat to our humanity and our future.

I have listed below just fourteen threats – starting with those more obviously recognized in some quarters and proceeding to those virtually unknown – none of which I will elaborate (beyond the briefest of explanations of those threats that are less familiar) but for all of which I will offer further reading/viewing:

  1. The threat posed by the US-provoked war in Ukraine which now has Russia and NATO on the brink of nuclear war. See Russian President Putin’s ‘Answer to a media question [regarding Ukrainian use of NATO long-range weapons to strike deeply into Russia]’ and ‘Did Putin just issue the most serious warning to date?’ which follow a long sequence of commentary on the extraordinary dangers of nuclear war posed by the NATO-driven escalation. See, for example, ‘Watching Washington Foment Nuclear War’.

For background explaining how the war advances the Elite program and a nonviolent strategy to resist this war, see ‘The War in Ukraine: Understanding and Resisting the Global Elite’s Deeper Agenda’.

  1. The threat of the genocide currently being inflicted on the people of Palestine igniting a wider war in the Middle East that could then become a ‘second front’ in a war between the US and Russia which could also go nuclear. See ‘The insane recklessness of Collective Biden’.

Again, for context explaining the genocide’s role in the overall Elite program and a nonviolent strategy to end this genocide, see ‘Nonviolent Strategy to Halt the Genocide in Gaza, Liberate Palestine and Defeat the Global Technocracy’.

  1. The threat posed by rapidly increasing methane emissions, compounded by several feedback loops, causing major disruption to Earth’s climate and hence life on Earth, with some prominent climate scientists deeply concerned. See ‘Will humans be extinct by 2026?’

But even if your own analysis of this evidence leaves you unconvinced that these methane emissions pose the threat claimed, consider the geoengineering threats to the climate too, as touched on below.

  1. The vast range of threats to ecological systems precipitating the ongoing collapse of biodiversity. See the six-part ‘Our Vanishing World’ series of articles, which include strategies for halting the threats, all accessible from ‘Our Vanishing World (Part 6): Oceans’.
  2. The threats posed by the endlessly-rising prescription and use of pharmaceutical drugs, notably including ‘psychiatric’ drugs. See Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, ‘The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds, and Willpower’ and ‘Defeating the Violence of Psychiatry’.
  3. The threats posed by the ongoing program to inject the human population with a range of toxic agents designed to kill, incapacitate or transhumanize those injected. See, for example, ‘Covid-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere’ which carefully estimated 17,000,000 deaths from Covid-19 injection to September 2023 and watch, for example, Jonathan Otto’s interview of Dr David Martin ‘MonkeyPox is a coverup for the fatalities of the Covid injected’ which includes these words: ‘What we have to realize is that this entire thing is programming the public to accept a genocide of global proportions.’
  4. The threats posed by electromagnetic radiation as 5G, and now 6G, are being rolled out around the world. See ‘Deadly Rainbow: Will 5G Precipitate the Extinction of All Life on Earth?’
  5. The threats posed by the many forms of geoengineering weapons. In her extensive work on the subject, geoengineering researcher Elana Freeland has classified seven categories of geoengineering (involving macro and micro dimensions): weather engineering, chemical/electromagnetic engineering, planetary/geophysical engineering, directed energy weapons, artificial intelligence (AI) surveillance/neural engineering, biological/transhumanist engineering (including nanotechnology and synthetic biology), and detecting and hiding exotic propulsion technologies. See Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology.
  6. The threats posed by the introduction of ‘the building blocks of self-assembling nanotechnology’ into the human body through the Covid-19 injections. Despite the history of scientific research and use of nanotechnology being long, schools in the United States, for example, ‘do not teach about nanobiotechnology, even though it is ubiquitous. It is in our food supply. It is in our water supply. You know there’s nanoparticle plastics in our water supply. It is in our clothing, it is in our injections and they spray it [through geoengineering]. It is absolutely everywhere, probably one of the most prevalent products on the planet, yet no-one’s ever taught about it…. When you read their documents and you read their patents, they’re telling you this… nanoparticle technology [is] going to edit the human genome. It is trackable and controllable devices that are inside the body that can be controlled from an external source.’ Watch Dr Ana Maria Milhacea ‘The Health Impacts of Nanotechnology’ and, for background, see ‘A brief history of nanotechnology’.
  7. The threats posed by synthetic biology. In an interview, long-time researcher Karen Kingston observed (from the 27 minute mark) that ‘mRNA is the AI software code’ and ‘is to usher in synthetic biology into human and all biological life forms…. The thing about this gene-editing technology and the mRNA: one of the first things that we used in the food supply… I remember as a child we always had tons of seeds in the watermelon and in our oranges and we complained about it as we were spitting out the seeds. Now with GMO and gene-editing technology we have seedless fruit. The fruit is sterile; it’s infertile fruit. That’s what they’re doing to humans.’ Watch ‘AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology’.
  8. The threats posed by Artificial Intelligence. Watch, for example, ‘The Scary Different Stages between AI + AGI [artificial general intelligence] + ASI [artificial super intelligence] + Singularity’ which includes the words that the AI Singularity represents a ‘Hypothetical future point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible…. a point where an ASI is not only smarter than humans but also capable of continually improving itself at a rate far beyond human comprehension. The singularity is often associated with dramatic predictions such as the end of humanity.’ And ‘50% of A.I. researchers believe there is a 10% or greater chance that humans go extinct from our inability to control AI.’
  9. The threats posed by the ongoing destruction of healthy farming practices and food while ongoing effort is being made to ‘familiarize’ us with the plan to force us to eat a combination of lab-processed and genetically mutilated food-like substances as well as insects. See Food, Dispossession and Dependency: Resisting the New World Order.
  10. The threats posed by the ongoing destruction and ransacking of the world economy. See ‘Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until “You’ll Own Nothing.”’
  11. The threats posed by the multifaceted array of technologies – including 5G, the Internet of Things, Digital Identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), surveillance and facial recognition cameras, geofencing, transhuman and technocratic policing – being introduced to enslave us in the Elite’s technocratic ‘smart city’ prisons. See ‘The Brave New World of 1984 2030: “You’ll Own Nothing. And You’ll Be Happy.”’

Why is Humanity So Powerless to Resist these Threats?

Even if your consideration of the evidence in relation to the severity of one or more of the threats nominated above leaves you unconvinced in relation to one or some of them, there is a solid basis for claiming that humanity faces an extraordinary series of threats (and, probably, others not nominated) that are designed to interfere with our humanity and terminate our future in the near term (while replacing us with a much smaller population of transhuman slaves).

In these circumstances, it is unfortunate that so few individuals have been able to devote effort to alerting the world to the underlying drivers of these conflicts and how they might be meaningfully addressed.

Of course, this only highlights, once again, the central problem in human affairs.

The role of (unconscious) fear in shaping perception of, and response to, the world around us.

You cannot consider a subject when a primary function of your fear is to direct your attention away from what is frightening.

And because this fear incapacitates virtually all humans, including the insane members of the Global Elite – see ‘The Global Elite is Insane Revisited’ – humanity continues on its path to oblivion, by one means or another, without the widespread benefit of common sense, intelligence, insight, awareness and courage that are the birthright of all humans.

How has humanity ended up in this fearful state?

In essence, because virtually all human adults (unconsciously) believe that terrorizing children into submissive obedience – to make them ‘fit into’ their existing society – is the correct way to raise a child. Of course, the far more palatable term ‘socialize’ is preferred to the word ‘terrorize’ because it enables what is really taking place to be obscured.

The idea of parenting a child to nurture a powerfully Self-aware individual simply never occurs to most parents who can do little more than consider the best educational options and ‘career choice’ for their child. And, of course, the capacity to parent powerfully is beyond them.

The briefest explanation of why this has occurred is in the article ‘Time to End the Adult War on Children’ but you can read a longer version in ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’ with plenty of other relevant reading, including about how to parent powerfully, on the ‘Feelings First’ website.


The human genome is under siege on various fronts. Beyond that, a human future worth living hangs in the balance.

If the briefest evidence on any one point cited above does not convince you, I can only encourage you to research that particular subject for yourself. There is plenty more evidence to consider, in each field.

Of course, I am well aware that this is a problem in itself.

The threats faced by humanity are now so multifaceted and complex that it takes considerable time and effort, not to mention a level of fearless intelligence, to remain abreast of them.

Beyond that, however, is the need to resist each threat.

This is challenging, especially taking into account that each of these threats is fundamentally driven by the Global Elite, not international organizations (such as the United Nations and World Health Organization) and national governments which simply act as Elite agents. This means that popular avenues of ‘appeal’ – lobbying/petitions, legal challenges and even public protests – cannot succeed. See ‘The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us: Why Can’t Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them?’

If you wish to help defeat the advancing technocracy, the ‘We Are Human We Are Free’ campaign identifies the foundational components of the Elite’s technocratic program that must be strategically resisted. At an absolute minimum, the One-page Flyer in 23 languages identifies the critical basics for action.

Homo sapiens is now living in its twilight. Whether or not we can fight back to experience another glorious new dawn is in serious doubt.


Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment and has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of Why Violence? Websites: (We Are Human, We Are Free) (Charter)  (Flame Tree Project)  (Songs of Nonviolence) (Nonviolent Campaign Strategy) (Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy) (Robert J. Burrowes) (Feelings First) Email:

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 16 Sep 2024.

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