How Wars and Political Wickedness Destroy Humanity? The Case of Palestine

IN FOCUS, 9 Sep 2024

Mahboob A. Khawaja – TRANSCEND Media Service

Politics of Wickedness Overshadows the Meaning of Peace, Humanity and Conflict Management

7 Sep 2024 – Political wickedness is not the cherished value of normal human character but embodies the characteristics of abnormal minds boasting clichés of power and affluence over others. Leaders and nations lacking rational thinking imply it to disguise cynicism and treachery for socio-economic and political domination. For the past 11 months, the US-Israel war on Gaza and Palestine goes unabated without an end in sight against the global humanity of consciousness of rights and wrongs in global affairs. The May 2024 Ceasefire proposal advanced by President Biden claimed to be the “Israeli Proposal” exposed a treacherous cons work to undo much expected halt to the insanity of war, destruction of habitats, issues of humanitarian aid and return to normalcy across Gaza and West Bank of Palestine.

If it was an Israeli proposal, Secretary Blinken and President Biden both were wrong and misleading the global conscience of peace and conflict management. Rational choices speak the language of truth for an urgent ceasefire to restore trust in global undertaking but not the leaders of Israel and the US making any sense out of this quagmire of lies and deception to allow Israel a free hand to continue bombing a helpless 2.9 million entrenched population of Gaza. To date, 40, 939 people massacred, more than 90, 339 injured and still 16,000 or more children and women buried under the rubble. What a tragic landscape deformed by men of evil and political deception?

It was PM Netanyahu and Israel not sure of a ceasefire and peace in the region. Thousands of concerned Israeli citizens march daily and hold continuous night vigils in Tel Aviv to demand peace, the resignation of Netanyahu and an immediate ceasefire for the safe return of 100 or so hostages. People-oriented and effective leaders are always open to listening and learning but not PM Netanyahu and his extremist cabinet plans to put a finished answer on the freedom of Palestine as a State and occupy Gaza for new Israeli settlements. If righteousness and wickedness cannot be combined in one human character, Biden and Netanyahu are affluent and powerful enough to dehumanize the culture of rational thinking and responsible democratic governance in world affairs.

Imagine! What intrinsic human values do these political monsters gearing to control and manage conflict resolution, peace and global humanitarian consciousness? Do they think the rest of mankind is just numbers, dignits to be played with or just sheeps and goats to be butchered without any accountability? They are the wrong people, imbued with wrong thinking and doing the wrong things as did Pharoah, Hitler, Massoulin, Geroge W. Bush and Tony Blair and so many others aligned with these mentally sick egoistic characters. Have they not seen the mummy of Pharoah in Cairo’s museum? All monsters of history claimed good intentions and righteous ambitions but inflicted horrors, deaths and destruction on fellow human beings to achieve individualistic ambitions of power, triumph and glory.

The US and Israel Defy the Sanctity of Earth, Human Values and Sustainable Future

It is a presidential election year in America. Often oil exporting Arab leaders (Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar and others) have contributed millions of dollars to the US leadership campaigns without any favor. Western leaders view them as subservient puppets, ‘camal jockeys’ and nothing else.The Arab-Muslim leaders live in colonial ages, just puppets of the US. The Israeli military occupied the Rafah Crossing belonging to Egypt but General Sissi did nothing to free it from forcible adventure. This opens the path for greater Israel across the Arab world. The Egyptian, Saudi, Emirates and others maintain friendly ties with Israel and have invested in Israeli technological manufacturing industries to keep Netanyahu happy and safe.

The US and Israel appear isolated and more a portrait of vices, deception and injustice to degrade humanity within the universe. They are afraid of the unknown future. The Earth is a Divine hub of human Life, Survival and a Trust, Those Bombing and Destroying it are mentally sick and defy the Divine Truth. It looks as if the US and Israeli leaders do not believe in life and death and final accountability. Nobody lived for ever on this Earth. Israeli ‘democracy’ has no Constitution of equal rights and obligations to swear in the name of God, but a US President taking oath in the Constitution makes reference to God in faith. One wonders, what kind of accountability of deeds after death would be waiting for the crimes of Israeli and American leaders once they face God? The earth is living and spins at 1670 km per hour and orbits the Sun at 107,000 km per hour.

Imagine, if this spinning fails, what consequences could occur to the living beings on Earth. Think again, about the average distance of earth from moon is 93 million miles -the distance of Moon from Earth is currently 384,821 km equivalent to 0.002572 Astronomical Units. Earth is a“trust”to mankind for its existence, sustenance of life, survival, progress and future-making. Wherever there is a trust, there is accountability.

The Divine warning (Chapter 7: 56: The Quran), warns: Do no mischief on the Earth after it hath been set in order, but call on God with fear and longing in hearts; For the Mercy of God is always near to those who do good.(44:38-39), the reminder is explicit: We created not the Heavens and the Earth; And all between them merely in idle sport. We created them not, Except for just ends. But most of them do not understand.

The same Divine message in repeated in Torah, Bible and Quran: (Quran: 40:64), clarifies:

It is God Who made for you the Earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy; And has given you shape and made your shapes beautiful, And has provided for your Sustenance, of things pure and good; Such is God your Lord. So Glory to God, The Lord of the Worlds.

And killing of innocent people is prohibited in the Ten Commandments (Torah):

‘Thou shalt not kill’ (Exod. 20:13; also Deut. 5:17). Jewish law views the shedding of innocent blood very seriously, and lists murder as one of three sins (along with idolatry and sexual immorality), that fall under the category of yehareg ve’al ya’avor – meaning “One should let himself be killed rather than violate it.

Global Community is the net Victim of War of Economy and Sustainable Future Appears Disdained and Lost

To glance ahead it seems that the Western world failed to see a dreadful tragic history in the making of the end of time and loss of ingenuity to understand the consequences of naive egoism of Israeli leadership making war as an instrument of territorial expansion in the Arab Middle East. Rationally arguable conclusion to the war on Gaza was perceivable if there was a unified political-military challenge to the Israeli plans by the Arab-Muslim world. That landscape appears morally, intellectually and politically bankrupt as a scum floating on a torrent of naive puppets and dead-conscious leaders. They all live in palaces, not with people. For too long,the PLO leadership has followed foreign interest and has no responsible leader.

The American-Israeli collaborative war on Gaza and its immediate consequences made the Western world and all of its institutions shamefully redundant and void in the 21st century global norms of civility, human rights, freedom, justice and safety of civilians- whereas crimes against humanity are captured in obscure impulses and indecision and deliberate inaction by the UN Security Council. The Western news media ignored coverage of Israeli ‘genocidal’ acts against the masses in Gaza and occupied West Bank. Some of the Western leaders remind Israel of “restraint” of its contiuning bloodbath across Gaza and West Bank – what a joke to human intellect – the global community wanted to stop the Israeli-American insanity of war and hold them accountbale for their crimes against humanity and alleged “genocide.”

If Israel is not stopped, soon the leading Arab states will fly Israeli-American flags for a change. The Israeli-American denial of crimes against humnaity,”genocide” in Gaza, forcible explusion of millions clearly represent ferocious conception of rigth and worng and how irrtaional the leadership tends to be in real world affairs. Political cynicism is endemic, the UNO, the EU and Western leaders appear mentally and morally lost without any accountability to the informed global community seeking an end to the war in the Middle East.What a shame, what a disgrace that Arab-Muslim countries have armies, resources but no responsible leadership and would not act to defend people’s freedom, rights, dignity, and sustainable future. Please see: “Israel Lost the War and America Betrayed Humanity in Gaza.


Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution, Dec 2019.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Sep 2024.

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