New Israeli Massacre in Central Gaza as Jets Flatten Residential Block


The Cradle - TRANSCEND Media Service

Gaza 17 Sep 2024.  (Photo credit: Hassan Asleih/AP)

Dozens are trapped under the rubble of homes bombed by Israeli warplanes in Al-Bureij refugee camp.

17 Sep 2024 – The Israeli army committed a new massacre against Palestinians in Gaza on 17 September, killing over a dozen and wounding scores in Al-Bureij refugee camp in the central strip.

Israel attacked a heavily populated residential area, targeting homes in Al-Bureij camp.

Gaza’s Civil Defense said there were more than 50 Palestinians inside the homes bombarded by Israel.

“The occupation used destructive American-made bombs in its bombing of the residential block,” the Civil Defense said, calling on the International Red Cross “to rescue dozens of people trapped under the rubble.”

“Dozens of distress calls have been received from inside the homes targeted by the occupation … entire families have been erased from the civil registry in the Al-Bureij massacre,” the Civil Defense added.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, at least 23 people were killed and over 50 others injured following the Israeli airstrike on Al-Bureij camp.

“The occupation bombed several homes belonging to the families of Al-Tarturi, Abu Shawqa, and Al-Batran, in Al-Bureij camp … dozens are still trapped under the rubble,” medical sources told WAFA news agency, adding that a child was among those killed.

Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions condemned the massacre.

“The international silence and Arab failure encourage the Zionist enemy to continue its heinous crimes against our Palestinian people, and whet the appetite for more killing and terrorism against the defenseless and innocent,” the Mujahideen Movement said in a statement.

Hamas said the massacre comes “amidst a reprehensible international silence and a state of complete paralysis of the international system from playing its role in activating the laws of protecting civilians in wars.”

Just last week, at least 40 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others injured in an attack on southern Gaza’s Al-Mawasi, targeting an area designated by Tel Aviv as a “safe zone.”

Ceasefire talks have stalemated due to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s position on several issues, including a refusal to withdraw troops from the Gaza–Egypt border. Hamas has not participated in recent rounds and has demanded a return to an earlier proposal, which it agreed to in early July.

Hamas’ armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, and several other factions continue to confront Israeli forces across Gaza.

“Hamas still controls the whole Strip, including its tunnel city and all of Gaza’s residents, in every walk of life,” Israeli general Yitzhak Brik wrote on 17 September, adding that Israel has “no way of ending its rule, even if the organization is weaker than it was in the past.”

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