Strengthening Liberal Totalitarianism

EUROPE, 23 Sep 2024

Sakai Tanaka – TRANSCEND Media Service

13 Sep 2024 – “Liberal totalitarianism” is becoming stronger in Western Europe. Liberals (leftists) and globalists have held power in many Western European countries and the upper echelons of the EU. For about 10 years, they have been actively promoting wrong policies in the name of liberalism, such as the forced reduction of oil and gas use based on the (baseless) theory of anthropogenic global warming, and the mass acceptance of immigrants and (fake) refugees from the Middle East, Africa, etc. When the new coronavirus spread in 2020, they forced the city closures (the city lock-downs) even though they knew in advance that they would be ineffective, causing the economy to self-destruct, and forced citizens to take the ineffective and harmful mRNA vaccine, sanctioning and punishing those who did not comply. Liberals have begun to show their true totalitarian nature, the exact opposite of their original definition (tolerance).

This is liberal totalitarianism 欧州エリート支配の崩壊

 (It’s unusually very hot this summer, but the only evidence that the cause is man-made, such as the use of oil and gas, is a simulation model in which British and American “experts” have rigged coefficients. The theory that global warming is man-made is a huge fraud. Isn’t the change in solar activity a major factor in climate change?)  (気候危機の捏造

When the Ukrainian War began in 2022, the liberals ignored the history of how the US, UK, and NATO made the Ukrainian government a puppet, oppressed and killed Russian residents (ethnically Russian) in Ukraine. By doing as such, they provoked Russia’s counterattack (invasion) in self-defense and the protection of these ethnic Russians. And they began to implement the foolish policy of strongly viewing Russia as an enemy at the behest of the US and to provide the military support to Ukraine.                                   (ロシアでなく欧州を潰してる

The US establishment and their media, including those in Western Europe, are spreading the opposite discourse that “the Russian army is suffering a crushing defeat” regardless of the fact that the Ukrainian army is losing while the Russian army is winning. The US ruling class and the Western media are pushing ahead with the blunder of not unraveling the war structure even though Ukraine’s defeat has been decisive since the fall of 2023. Recently, the US-originated misrepresentation of diversity and gender distortion, which is a part of the DEI policy, has also gotten worse, to the point where anyone who expresses the biological fact that “there are only men and women in the human race” or makes the correct assertion that “biological men should not participate in women’s sports” is punished and crushed by liberal authorities and authorities.

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In the areas, including the global warming, the immigration, COVID-19, the Ukraine War, and the gender issues, the liberal policies promoted by the liberal and globalist powers have failed one after another. However, they have not acknowledged the failure of their policies, and have continued to push through their policies. While ignoring failures and deadlocks, they have continued to push through the failed measures by attacking and punishing those who criticize or oppose them verbally and legally. Recently there have been many cases in the UK, Germany and Switzerland, where the local citizens who were enraged by the murders and the mass shootings committed by the immigrants. The citizens have posted their discourses attacking the immigrants on the Internet. Unfortunately, such acts have been considered to constitute the violation of the “Internet Safety Act” or the crimes against humanity, subject to criminal punishment.

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The liberals might argue that those who attack immigrants are evil and they are the right-wing extremists and that they deserve to be punished. However, the outraged citizens are angry at the severity of the crimes that have been committed. Actually, however, it is the liberal immigration policy that is evil. The liberal policies should have been retracted and changed as soon as they were found to be wrong. Those policies were all wrong such as the man-made theory, the mass immigration policy, the foolish COVID-19 policy, and the support for Ukraine. They were fraudulent from the beginning. Because of that, even I myself, an ordinary citizen, have written about them.

If they realized their mistake a halfway through, they should have changed at that point. However, the liberal politicians did not retract or change their policies, but instead introduced totalitarianism to oppress their opponents. These liberals have become the liberal totalitarians. (American right-wingers and Trump supporters say that the liberals have revealed their totalitarian nature).

The blueprint to end free speech on the internet)(欧州の難民危機を煽るNGO

The ruling class of Western Europe has forced through the foolish policies, and failed. When the criticism against them increased, they have suppressed the freedom of speech. It is the logical consequence that the those right-wing parties such as Germany’s AfD and France’s National Rally (Le Pen), which have opposed the liberal policies, have gained support with each election. The Liberal forces such as the media have demonized the AfD and Le Pen, calling them “far-right,” but that was a distorted report. The distortion as such was a part of the dishonest liberalism.

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Since last year, the new party “Saara-Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW)” created by Zara Wagenknecht, a former federal member of the Left Party, has been rapidly gaining popularity. The new party is based on the anti-liberal policies, including the opposition to the increase of the immigration, (which the Left Party has rejected despite the wishes of the voters), that to the curb of the use of oil and gas, that to the support for Ukraine, that to the globalization and that to the dependency on the United States. In the State Election held on 1st of September in the two former East German states of Thurlingen and Saxony, the AfD and BSW saw a sharp increase in the seats. In Thuringia, the AfD became the largest party.

AfD: How Germany’s far right won over young voters
Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht – Wikipedia

Two Germanies were annexed to become a unified Germany at the end of the Cold War. Since then, the people of the former East Germany have been in the lower position economically and employment-wise than those in the former West Germany. The people in the former East Germany suffered the most in any part of Germany due to the self-destruction of the economy caused by a number of extremely foolish liberal policies, such as the restrictions on the use of petroleum gas (the global warming countermeasures based on the unfounded anthropogenic theories), the tightening of the welfare and employment markets due to the influx of immigrants, the increase in the fiscal spending to support Ukraine, and the ineffective city closures to combat the coronavirus. That is why the AfD and BSW, which oppose those “liberal fools” and their forced “liberal allies,” are most supported in the former East Germany. It is a deceptive story, disseminated by the liberal media, that the people in West Germany received the “correct” liberal education after the Cold War, whereas the people in East Germany did not, and that therefore those former East Germans became far-right or the neo-Nazis.  As one can see, liberal totalitarianism is more virulent than the neo-Nazis. The young people in Germany tend to support the AfD and BSW.  That is also because of the fact that they are more likely to be excluded from the job market than the well-experienced middle age or senior workers and that therefore they are more likely to suffer from the self-destructive German economy, caused by the foolish policies of those liberal democrats.

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German state elections: what to make of AfD and BSW successes?

The world economy will continue to deteriorate. Germany cannot stop restricting the use of oil and gas. The sanctions against Russia will continue. The import prices of various natural resources will not fall. The German economy will continue to deteriorate. The popularity of those parties such as the SPD and CDU, which stick to the liberal totalitarianism, will decrease. Meanwhile, the AfD and BSW, which are opposed to the liberal totalitarians, will continue to increase their seats. The SPD-led German government, in dealing with the unpopularity of its immigration policy,  suddenly began to take some measures to block the illegal immigrants from entering the country. These measures include the deportation of the illegal immigrants to their home countries and the resumption of the border checks that had been ceased for a long time.  Regardless of that, the people’s discontent will not subside.

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Besides, the German ruling class has introduced the “underhanded methods” from the United States to suppress the rise of the AfD. One of them is “voting machine malfunctions” on the election day. For example, in Saxony the voting machines malfunctioned on the election day on 1st of September 2024, which resulted in the AfD and CDU losing one seat each and the SPD and the Green Party gaining one seat each. That acts prevented the AfD from forming the majority in the Saxony state parliament. The election fraud caused by the “voting machine malfunctions” has been a common occurrence in the United States for a long time.

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The AfD also asserts that the mail-in ballot system should be abolished because of the concerns that the election fraud has been committed, which might have put the AfD in disadvantaged. The Democratic Party, which is pushing ahead with their liberal totalitarianism in the United States, has committed the fraud by misusing the mail-in ballot system and the voting machines to fraudulently defeat Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election. By using the same technique, they prevented the Republican Party from gaining more seats in the 2022 Midterm Elections. Rigging elections to defeat their opponents is also one of the totalitarian acts of the American liberals. The German upper echelons, which are dependent on the United States, may be planning to follow the example of the United States and to commit the election fraud to suppress the rise of the AfD. (ずっと続く米国の選挙不正

If there are no major election frauds, those liberal parties such as the SPD and CDU will weaken in Germany, and the AfD and others will rise. Then, the liberal policies will be abolished. For example, in France the anti-liberation Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) won the Parliamentary Election in last July. At that time, Macron, who supports liberalism, managed to prevent the RN from becoming the ruling party by teaming up with the left. However, after that, a serious conflict began between Macron and the left over the appointment of the Prime Minister. It is reported that Macron might resign next spring before his term expires in 2027. If Macron resigns, the RN will be able to enter the government.

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The existing elite ruling class in the two main European countries, Germany and France, has not retracted their extremely foolish policies and has practiced liberal totalitarianism. They are now losing the support of the people. Then, a non-elite government may be formed by the right-wing parties that reject extremely foolish policies and liberalism. If that happens, that could be considered as one of the major events in Europe since the end of the Cold War, or even since the World War II. In Europe, some countries, including Italy, Hungary, and the Netherlands, have already the right-wing governments. If Germany and France lean toward the non-elite (i.e. the right-leaning), the existing elites in the upper echelons of the EU could lose their power. That might lead the EU and the rest of Europe to the termination of the dependency on the United States. Then, Europe could turn to the non-American side. That may also terminate the global warming measures and end the Ukraine War.

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However, is that possible to happen? I seriously doubt it. That can hardly go flawlessly. The existing ruling class, then, will surely use every means to hinder the rise of the right wing and try to maintain their ruling power with all their might. In the United States, the Democratic Party is those of the liberal totalitarians, while Trump is right-wing and anti-liberal. When Trump was the US President, he promoted the extremely foolish COVID-19 policy, such as the promotion of the mRNA vaccine. However, he is anti-liberal when it comes to the global warming, the immigration policy, and the Ukraine War.

This Election Is A Referendum On Free Speech

If Trump wins the US Presidential Election in November this year, he will work with the right-wing countries in Europe to crush the Western elite. Orban of Hungary has already applied for the solidarity with Trump. Harris and the Democratic Party will do everything in its power to rig the Election. The media are touting “the advantage of Harris,” but that claim is not true. Harris is actually incompetent and unpopular. If Harris wins, it will only be the success of the election rigging. If Harris becomes the US President, she will team up with the existing European ruling class to crush the right-wing forces in Europe and the US, from Trump to the AfD and Orban. The oppression methods of the liberal totalitarians will be fully utilized.

Tucker warning: Desperate deep state will throw entire world into chaos to stop President Trump…)(トランプと今後の世界

The US Presidential Election in November is, therefore, critically important. If Harris wins, liberal totalitarianism will be strengthened throughout the US and Europe. Meanwhile, the dissatisfaction and opposition to the failed liberal policies will be cracked down with all their might. Freedom of speech will be lost, and the world will become a world of positive and negative reversal like Orwell’s 1984. In contrast, if Trump wins, the anti-liberal right-wing forces will be strengthened throughout the US and Europe, and the existing liberal elite ruling class will lose the support of the people and they will step down from the political power. The whole thing will be turned upside down like the end of Othello.

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This topic is huge. It is necessary for me to think about it a bit more. In fact, there are a lot of materials left that I haven’t written about yet. I need to give them some meaning. I will write about it again.


After graduating from university, Sakai Tanaka started working at the Kyodo News Agency in 1986. From 1997 he joined Microsoft Network (MSN) and in 1999, due to change of policy at Microsoft, he became an independent journalist. Tanaka has published more than twenty books on international affairs, some translated and published in China, South Korea and Taiwan. He studied at Harvard University from 2000 to 2001 and in 2005 was invited to serve as a senior researcher at the Royal Faisal Institute in Saudi Arabia. Website:

Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. Having worked as researcher, development program/project officer, legal protection/humanitarian assistance officer, human rights monitor-negotiator, managing-editor, and more, he prefers a peaceful and prudent life.  His previous work experiences, including those in war zones and war-torn zones, constantly remind him of the invaluab leness of peace.

Translation: Satoshi Ashikaga – Google Translate

Original in Japanese:リベラル全体主義・リベ全の強まり (


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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Sep 2024.

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