

Dr. Ravi P. Bhatia – TRANSCEND Media Service

2 Oct 2024 – India is a land of many religions— Hindu, Christianity, Islam and some smaller religions and faiths — Buddhism, Sikhism,   etc. All these religions and sects have distinguished leaders and believers. Some of these have leaders who are no longer alive but many followers still believe in these faiths and the leaders who have done good work earlier. These leaders who are no longer alive but have hundreds of followers who believe in these faiths and in their earlier as well as in the new  leaders leading these faiths, sects.

How is this done? This is achieved by arranging meetings of the various sects  where several leaders — older and newer participate in the meetings and give talks and deliberate on the programs that are planned. Hundreds of followers and more also participate here and talk about new programs that are arranged for the newer and earlier leaders and followers. In fact, the earlier leaders , some of whom may not be alive, are actively shown talking about the activities that are continuing on the websites of these leaders and the followers are also shown  supporting their programs and activities.

However, sometimes the earlier leaders— alive or deceased, get so much attention that this causes resentment among the male followers who feel that the deceased leaders are  getting  much more  attention that they don’t deserve. In fact, the husbands of some lady followers feel that their wives are giving more attention to the deceased leaders than to them. In fact they feel that they may have to divorce their wives for this behaviour of ignoring their husbands.

Fortunately, the situation is not so bad as to talk of divorce, but this situation needs to be properly appreciated and follow up action to be taken. New situations arise due to religious and social factors and we have to be very careful to avoid possible undesirable situations.


Dr Ravi P Bhatia is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment, an educationist, Gandhian scholar and peace researcher. Retired professor, Delhi University. His new book, A Garland of Ideas—Gandhian, Religious, Educational, Environmental was published recently in Delhi. ravipbhatia@gmail.com

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 7 Oct 2024.

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