War on Humanity: How Israel and the US Forged Deception of Collaborative Collision


Mahboob A. Khawaja – TRANSCEND Media Service

Wicked Leaders Pretend to Be Peacemakers

3 Oct 2024 – Evil is a force and righteousness is characteristic of living humanity. They claim democracy but act like monsters of history never open to reason and intellect. The US and Israel stockpiled plans to subdue holistic doctrine of peace, human rights, freedom and justice and to entrench mankind into unthinkable catastrophic wars of political and economic domination. Historically, people and nations claiming lust of power and economic prosperity,  emboldens them to unleash crimes against small and weakers nations without accountability. People’s demonstrations for peace and justice and cries of help remain hollow voices buried without a trace.

PM Netyanyahu demonstrates indifference to the US impulses for a ceasefire in Gaza and restraint to invade Lebanon but a reality check speaks otherwise of convergence of their understanding for broader strategic goals in the Middle East. There is no rational argument to converge peace in the Middle East. Western leaders utter dubious statements on principles of human equality, moral and institutional integrity, when Russia is accused of bombing the children hospitals in Kiyv and civilians hubs, it is a’ crime against humanity’ and ‘genocide.’ But when Israel bombs hospitals, places of worship and innocent civilians in Gaza, the US and the EU do not view it as a ‘crime against humanity’ and alleged ‘genocide.’

The UNO, the ICC and the ICJ blame Israel and the US direct complicity in these crimes against humanity. The US supplies all weapons to Israel to kill innocent people and destroy Palestine and move onward to attack Lebanon and beyond –  the Arab world. After almost one year of tragic war, millions displaced forcibly, schools, hospitals  and places of worship continued to be bombed, more than 41,000 innocent civilian women, children and elderly people of Gaza killed by design, more than 91,000 injured and some 16,000 or more children and women still buried under the rubble call urgent attention of global humanity to ‘save the succeeding generations from the scourge of war’, if there is any global conscience and morality still alive and intact.

Favorite perversion sets the disguised morality: “Netanyahu is not welcome to the White House”, said President Biden in July 2023, but in July 2024, Netanyahu was sitting with Biden at the White House. They play with time and history. US strategic interest is complicit in Israeli war machines to kill the top leadership of Hezbollah in Lebanon and mow the lawn across Gaza enabling new settlers to occupy Gaza. Time is critical for Arab-Muslim leaders to learn – what went wrong in Gaza and Lebanon. Le Parsiene – a French paper reports of a mole in Iran providing secret information to Israel about the location of late Hassan Nessarallah and his colleagues in Beirut. The Israeli intelligence worked hard to target the killing of Hezbollah leadership.  Arab leaders should think of a navigational change rather than rituals of dead-ended thinking and practices. From impregnable truth to the revelations of cyber attacks of pagers and cellphone explosions in Lebanon; the Saudis, Emirates, Qataris and other oil propelled phony prosper satellites should learn as for decades they are under the US-Israeli radar for more catastrophic surprises to come. They import and consume tampered foods, rigged cell phones and big US cars – all are ticking devices to undermine their mental and physical well being to THINK and live as normal human beings. The oil discovery dehumanized the Arab culture of thinking as if they are robots just to watch footballs, move around and die. Exhibiting the new maps  of Israeli plans at the UN General Assembly, PM Netanyahu envisioned the ‘Greater Israel’ inclusive of the occupied West Bank – as the unchallenging force of future-making. People and nations rejoice in truth and peace, not in evil and horrors of wars and pains of devastation and killing of fellow human beings. Netanyahu is an actor performing beyond his capacity and misleading the people of Israel to fake triumphs and glory – the end of human morality and integrity as military conquests could end Israeli’s own freedom – the Law of Nature.

Pernicious consequences could help to boost Netanyahu’s numbers of popularity to stay in power but unsustainable warmongering could destroy the nation and its freedom. Crises unite people of diversity and Lebanon and Palestine are the geopolitics of Arab-Muslim leadership but there are no Arab-Muslim leaders to challenge the deception of PM Netanyahu as they maintain friendly relationships. The Arab-Muslim leaders live in the dark ages, just puppets of the US. Israeli leaders’ plans knew the psychological make-up of Arab-Muslim leaders making fiery speeches for their own survival and posing no challenge to the US-Israeli alliance to dominate and control the oil exporting Arab Middle East. Please see:“How Arab Leaders Betray Islam and Defy the Logice of Political Change, Peace and Security.” https://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/2023/10/07/how-did-arab-leaders-betrayed-islam-and-defied-the-logic-of-political-change-peace-and-security.php

USA and Israel Violate the Sanctity of Earth, Peace and its Consequences could make them Obsolete

 All humanity comes from dust and  goes back to dust. Life is a trial of deeds having a beginning and an end to all human lives.Those bombing the Earth and killing fellow human beings are abnormal criminals bombing their own ‘Mother Earth’. To avert the consequences of their wrong thinking and actions, the US and Israel would go beyond all the red lines and call  “ death to Arabs”, to annihilate the people of Palestine, Lebanon and other Arabian countries.The Earth is a Divine hub of human Life, Survival and a Trust, Those Bombing and Destroying it are mentally retarded and defy the  sanctity of Divine Truth. It looks as if the US and Israeli leaders do not believe in God, life and death and final accountability.  Earth is a “trust”to mankind for its existence, sustenance of life, survival, progress and future-making. Wherever there is a trust, there is accountability.The Divine warning (Chapter 7: 56: The Quran), warns: Do no mischief on the Earth after it hath been set in order, but call on God with fear and longing in hearts; For the Mercy of God is always near to those who do good. The Divine Message  (Quran:40:64),clarifies:

It is God Who made for you the Earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy; And has given you shape and made your shapes beautiful, And has provided for your Sustenance, of things pure and good; Such is God your Lord. So Glory to God, The Lord of the Worlds.

And killing of innocent people is prohibited in the Ten Commandments (Torah):

‘Thou shalt not kill’ (Exod. 20:13; also Deut. 5:17). Jewish law views the shedding of innocent blood very seriously, and lists murder as one of three sins (along with idolatry and sexual immorality), that fall under the category of yehareg ve’al ya’avor – meaning “One should let himself be killed rather than violate it.

Global Mankind and its Search for Peace and Conflict Management is Crushed by the Warmongers

To glance ahead it seems that the Western world failed to see a dreadful tragic history in the making of the end of time and loss of ingenuity to understand the consequences of naive egoism of Israeli leadership making war as an instrument of territorial expansion and conquest across Palestine, Lebanon and the larger Arab Middle EastRationally arguable conclusion to the war on Gaza was perceivable if there was a unified political-military challenge to the Israeli plans by the Arab-Muslim world. That landscape appears morally, intellectually and politically bankrupt as a scum floating on a torrent of naive puppets and discredited leaders. The US-Israeli collaborative war on Gaza and its immediate consequences made the Western world and all of its institutions shamefully redundant and void in the 21st century global norms of civility, human rights, freedom, justice and safety of civilians. Are the Israeli leaders driven by the lust of US weapons and economic power to conquer Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and other Arab nations? Those doing so are not conscious of their own end game. PM Netanyahu and his extremist regime would try to put an end to the freedom of Palestine. Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria and a lot more are the experimental lab for that end game. Perpetuated wickedness denies blind terror, religious awe and killings of people across Gaza. Are We, the People not witnessing a cataclysmic bloodbath being unleashed by continuous aerial bombardments and destruction of lives and habitats across Gaza and Lebanon? The US and West European leaders would confer with Israeli planned displacement of Palestinians to other parts of the world. We, the People reject the violent assumptions of militarization and egoistic triumphs by acts of war and genocidal plans in Gaza and invasion and occupation of Lebanon. Peter Koenig (“Israel’s Killing Fields. Albert Einstein‘s Foresight?” Global Research: 11/12/2023), elaborates how Albert Einstein viewed the emerging conflict in his foresight: Did Einstein foresee, or sense, Palestine becoming Israel’s killing fields, from 1948 forward, to explode in a worldwide tolerated, even supported, and encouraged democide / genocide, just three-quarters of a century after the birth of Israel? Does Netanyahu, his entourage – and the West – realize that the 75 years of Apartheid, of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and of wiping the Gaza Strip and eventually all the Palestinian land off the map is comparable to, or worse than the “Holocaust”?https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-killing-fields-albert-einstein-foresight/5839352


Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution,  Dec 2019.

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