Israel and USA Pursued Fraudulent Scenarios of Peace and Ceasefire in War on Gaza


Mahboob A. Khawaja – TRANSCEND Media Service

Warmongers Defy Truth, Peace and Human Values

20 Nov 2024 – At today’s UNSC meeting on Gaza, the US once again used the veto power to reject the majority supported resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza. Ironically, since May the US Secretary Blinken propagated a “ceasefire” plan orchestrated by Israel, not so. But it was simply to buy time and space to continuously bomb the already obliterated strip of Gaza and to put a finishing answer to the freedom of Palestine. The US-Israel war has broader strategic objectives to conquer the Arab world and make Israel a mini superpower of the Middle East. The oil exporting Arab leaders and people live in a fantasy of their own imagination – a fallacy of truth telling. The US appears to be a collaborator in the alleged crimes against humanity and genocide across Gaza. Nothing new comes up except the Arab-Muslim leaders (if there are any) were complicit in these crimes as they allowed it to happen – they watched as spectators the massacres, bombing of places of worship, hospitals, planned starvation of the civilians in Gaza, yet continued their relationships with Israel as a new normal against the interest of their masses.

The US and Israel are moving around all quagmires and forging it to ensure continued killing of the people of Gaza under false pretext of terrorism and allowing new settlements by settlers to strengthen Israeli command over the West Bank and to destroy Gza forever. All monsters of history claimed good intentions and righteous ambitions but inflicted horrors, deaths and destruction on fellow human beings to achieve individualistic ambitions of power and glory.

Israel and America’s Planned Conquest of the Arab World is Happening

Gaza and West Bank are obliterated by Israeli insanity over one year of continued war and bombardments of civilian infrastructures. The Arab-Muslim leaders had no mind, wisdom and courage to challenge Israel for its planned onslaught of Palestinian masses.They profess friendship with Netanyahu against Israeli animosity.The Arab leaders appear morally, intellectually and politically bankrupt as a scum floating on a torrent of naive puppets and discredited leaders. The American-Israeli collaborative war on Gaza and its immediate consequences made the Western world and all of its institutions shamefully redundant and void in the 21stcentury global norms of civility, human rights, freedom, justice and safety of civilians- whereas crimes against humanity are captured in obscure impulses and indecision and deliberate inaction by the UN Security Council. The war theater has moved to Lebanon, Syria and soon to other Arab states. The coming of President-elect Trump would unfold many more catastrophic and insidious crimes across the Middle East. Is the global community heading towards unthinkable man-made disasters as no international law, no humanitarian value or Geneva Conventions apply to Israel and the US for accountability?

Those Bombing the Earth are not Normal Humans but Enemies of Mankind and Peace

Israel so far, has dropped more than 90,000 ton of bombs on Gaza – three times more insane than what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2. Perhaps, the Israeli and American leaders do not believe in life and death and accountability to God for all of their actions. The Earth is not a property of the US or Israel but a Divine hub of human life, survival and a trust; those bombing and destroying it are mentally sick and defy the Divine Truth of Torah, Bible and Quran. Ironically, the US and Israeli leaders do not appear to believe in life and death and fullest accountability by God.

The earth is living and spins at 1670 km per hour and orbits the Sun at 107,000 km per hour. Imagine, if this spinning fails, what consequences could occur to the living beings on Earth. Think again, about the average distance of earth from moon is 93 million miles -the distance of Moon from Earth is currently 384,821 km equivalent to 0.002572 Astronomical Units. Earth is a “trust” to mankind for its existence, sustenance of life, survival, progress and future-making. The Earth exists and floats without any pillars in a capsule by the Will of God, so, “Fear God Who created life and death.” Is human intelligence still intact to understand this reality? Wherever there is trust, there is accountability. All human beings are accountable for their behavior and actions. ( The Quran: 22: 66):

It is God Who gave you life
Will cause you to die
And will again give you Life;
Truly man (human being) is a most ungrateful creature!

And killing of innocent people is prohibited in the Ten Commandments (Torah):

‘Thou shalt not kill’ (Exod. 20:13; also Deut. 5:17). Jewish law views the shedding of innocent blood very seriously, and lists murder as one of three sins (along with idolatry and sexual immorality), that fall under the category of yehareg ve’al ya’avor – meaning “One should let himself be killed rather than violate it.

Phase One of Israel’s genocidal campaign on Gaza has ended. Phase Two has begun. It will result in even higher levels of death and destruction” reports Chris Hedges.

Israel Reopens the Gaza Slaughterhouse.” Chris Hedges Report: 12/05/23: title&publication_id=778851&post_id=139349128&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=b7lbz&utm_medium=email

The Western news media ignored humanitarian coverage of Israeli ‘genocidal’ acts against the masses in Gaza and occupied West Bank. Everyday, several thousand Israeli citizens protest in Tel Aviv and demand an end to war on Gaza and safe return of hostages. If Israel is not stopped, soon the leading Arab states could fly Israeli-American flags for a change. The Israeli-American denial of crimes against humnaity,”genocide” in Gaza, forcible explusion of 2.4 millions clearly represent ferocious conception of rigth and worng and how irrtaional the leadership tends to be in real world affairs. Political cynicism is endemic and Western leaders appear mentally and morally lost without any sense of accountability to the informed global community seeking an end to the war and peace in the Middle East.What a shame, what a disgrace to the Arab-Muslim countries and so-called leaders having armies, resources and opportunities to defend the Gaza people’s freedom, rights, dignity, and sustainable future. Yet they all turned out to be inept puppets of the US and Israel. Please see: “Israel Lost the War and America Betrayed Humanity in Gaza.”


Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution,  Dec 2019.

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Join the BDS-BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT, SANCTIONS campaign to protest the Israeli barbaric siege of Gaza, illegal occupation of the Palestine nation’s territory, the apartheid wall, its inhuman and degrading treatment of the Palestinian people, and the more than 7,000 Palestinian men, women, elderly and children arbitrarily locked up in Israeli prisons.

DON’T BUY PRODUCTS WHOSE BARCODE STARTS WITH 729, which indicates that it is produced in Israel. DO YOUR PART! MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 25 Nov 2024.

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