The Success of Shameless Israel
Sakai Tanaka - TRANSCEND Media Service

Gaza after 7 October 2023. Source of the image above: Also see → [LAST FOOTAGE FROM GAZA BEFORE WAR! (A day in life in Gaza Palestine before 2023 war)].
2 Nov. 2024 – Israel is in the final stages of both the massacre in Gaza and the crushing of Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel believes that all the common Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza have already evacuated to the south, and has begun the indiscriminate killing of the remaining citizens in the north. That is because Israel regards these citizens as the personnel of Hamas. Israel has already begun to implement their plans to slaughter all the people in northern Gaza, to turn the buildings into rubble, and then to convert the area into a new Jewish settlement district. The Northern Gaza region in Palestine is being erased. In addition, Israel considers UNRWA, the UN’s Palestinian aid agency, as a pro-Hamas organization and has officially banned its activities in Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank). Israel considers UNRWA unnecessary in the implementation of the plan to erase Palestine.

↑ The northern Gaza area is being erased. Source of the image above: Also see → [Israeli Settlers Are Coming For Gaza.] and [Gaza 2035: Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan for post-war Gaza].
-(Entire northern Gaza population at risk of dying)
-(For 75 years, UNRWA has sought to undermine Israel, perpetuate conflict)
– [Companies Profiting from the Gaza Genocide]
– [Israel bans UN aid agency UNRWA from operating in Israel]
– [Israel officially informs UN of end to relations with Palestinian relief agency]
– [Israeli laws blocking UNRWA – devastating humanitarian impact for Palestinians?]
– [UN investigators probe 14 Gaza aid staffers Israel had tied to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack]
– [UNRWA: What we know about Israel’s allegations against UN staffers in Gaza]
– [What are Israeli settlements and why are they illegal under international law?]
– [How Israeli settlements are taking over the West Bank as Gaza war rages | Occupied West Bank]
– [The Israeli settlers campaigning to occupy Gaza]
– [The hardline Israeli settlers planning their future homes in Gaza]
- Gaza is closed off from the outside world. The Gazan citizens cannot survive without the supplies from UNRWA and other aid agencies. Since the beginning of this year, Israel has hardly allowed the aid agencies to operate in Gaza. Therefore, the majority of Gaza’s 2.2 million citizens have had almost no food. Nonetheless, there have been no reports of them starving or being killed. Given the fact that Israel has wanted to drive out the Gaza citizens to Egypt, I have speculated, since last year, that Israel unofficially created a loophole for the Gaza citizens to leave the border (Philadelphi Corridor) and allowed most of the these citizens to flow into Egypt (Sinai Peninsula). In fact, the Philadelphi Corridor has been under control of Israel since this Jewish state took the border-control power from Egypt. My speculation as such is consistent with the fact that no reports of mass starvation have been reported despite Israel’s ban of UNRWA. Southern Gaza is also being erased. Both Hamas leaders, Haniyeh and Sinwar, were killed. There is not much information on the West Bank. So, the changes in the situation are unclear, but Israel, which will eliminate Gaza, will also proceed with the elimination of the West Bank (the expulsion of Palestinians to Jordan). Israel is violently destroying the constraint and obstruction measures of the division of Palestine, set by the British and American Hegemony.
– [How Are Palestinians in Gaza Fleeing to Egypt?]
– [Egypt setting up area at Gaza border which could be used to shelter Palestinians, sources say]
– [Egypt ‘prepares to receive Palestinian refugees’ along Gaza border]
– [How a Zionist armed group helped create the state of Israel]
– [The Real Origins of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Began Long Before 1948]
- Israel is crushing Hezbollah in Jordan. During the Syrian Civil War for the past decade, Hezbollah played an important role in protecting the Assad Regime in Syria, and Iran injected weapons into Syria via Iraq, which Hezbollah used. As Hezbollah grew stronger, it began to target its old enemy, Israel, as the Syrian Civil War died down. Israel has been cooperating strategically with the United States. The United States mobilized the fostered IS al-Qaeda to provoke the Syrian Civil War, but largely tolerated Iran’s military support for the Syrian government forces and Hezbollah via Iraq. The United States, which controlled Iraq, could have prevented that movement of the support and the weapons supply, but has neglected to do so.
– (シリア内戦の再燃?)and(ヒズボラやイランの負け)
– [Who is supplying weapons to the warring sides in Syria?]
– [Hillary Clinton: ‘We Created al-Qaeda’]
– [Did Hillary Clinton Say ‘We Created Al-Qaeda’ in 2011?]
– [How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden]
– [ISIS Was Created by U.S. Invasion of Iraq]
– [America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group]
- The United States (pretending as pro-Israel but actually being anti-Israel) tolerated the strengthening of Hezbollah and tacitly threatened Israel. As long as Israel follows the US strategy, it will be forced to confront the growing Hezbollah while the US Hegemony is declining. This could cause the self-destruction of Israel. Therefore, this time, Israel has (effectively) shook off the strategic cooperation with the US, and has only taken the weapons, the funds, and the intelligence from the US, thoroughly attacking Hezbollah in line with its own security strategy and largely neutralizing it. After Hezbollah was neutralized, the Lebanese government, supported by the US, Europe, and others, is trying to negotiate a ceasefire with Israel. The Lebanese government argues that the ceasefire may be possible within the next few days. The ceasefire would mark a milestone in Israel’s efforts to neutralize Hezbollah.
-(Israel-Hezbollah Ceasefire Possible Within ‘Days’: Lebanese PM)
– [Can the Brics end US hegemony in the Middle East?]
– [The War for Greater Israel and Reassertion of US Hegemony Is About to Begin]
– [U.S. will fund Israeli unit accused of gross human rights abuses]
– [Why Does the U.S. Support and Fund Israel So Much?]
– [History & Overview of U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel]
– [Companies Profiting from the Gaza Genocide]
- In addition to neutralizing Hezbollah, Israel is also trying to stop Iran’s military support for Hezbollah via Syria. Israel thoroughly investigated (obtained the US intelligence) the locations of the weapons depots and other facilities held by Iran and Hezbollah in Syria, and destroyed them with the air strikes. Israel also threatened Syria (Assad’s regime) that if Iran continues to help Hezbollah with weapons, it will attack Syria as fiercely as it has attacked Hezbollah, turning it into a pile of rubble. Assad appears to have prioritized avoiding the destruction of his own country and has followed Israel’s threats. Israel has not attacked Syria much beyond the destruction of Hezbollah or the Iranian bases.
–(Israel Threatens Syria’s Bashar al-Assad: You Might Be Next)
-(GEOINT Data Shows Israel Hit Iran’s Former Nuke Weapons Test Building, Missile Production Facility)
– [IDF hits Hezbollah weapons depots in Syria after rockets kill 7 in Israel]
– [Israel threatened to topple Assad regime if Syria gets involved in Gaza war – report]
– [The Hezbollah Terrorists Neutralized in Israeli Strikes]
- Israel has also threatened Iran that if it makes serious efforts to rebuild Hezbollah, Israel will launch a full-scale attack on Iran in retaliation. Israel and Iran engaged in repeated exchanges of the retaliatory attacks on each other in April and October of this year. At these times, it is speculated that Israel offered Iran, in an informal relationship, a choice between continuing the full-scale hostility (in which case Israel would attack Iran fiercely) or tacitly accepting Israel’s existence and entering into a cold peace relationship. Iran wanted to enter into a cold peace relationship with Israel. As the result, the exchange of the retaliatory attacks died down after about two rounds on both occasions.
-(Is the ‘axis of resistance’ to Israel cracking?)
-(No Foreign Warplanes Have Entered The Skies Over Tehran)
– [How Iran and Israel became enemies]
– [The Shadow War Between Iran and Israel: A Timeline]
- Israel has been eradicating Palestine, neutralizing Hezbollah, and forming the unofficial cold peace relations with Syria and Iran. In the future, these relations might fluctuate, such as the possible revival or regroup of Hezbollah, but in the long term, it can be predicted that all of them will be achieved and maintained.
-(Israel seeking peace deals with Arab countries – Netanyahu)
– [What will Iran, Hezbollah and Israel do next after Lebanon strikes?]
– [A Wounded Hezbollah Regroups With an Aim of Ending Israel’s Winning Streak]
– [Why does Israel keep launching attacks in Syria?]
– [Israel’s role in the Syrian civil war]
– [Iran and Israel: From allies to archenemies, how did they get here?]
- Since the Gaza War began in the autumn of 2023, the threat to Israel has decreased significantly. Israel has openly continued to commit humanitarian crimes such as the urban destruction and the massacres, ignored the criticism from the international community, and shamelessly treated the United Nations as the enemy of Israel, but it has reduced the threat by the Arabs to its own country and succeeded in terms of the security. Israel maintains the official and unofficial peace relations with the Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt. The Arab countries maintain peace with Israel, even though the Palestinians, who are part of the Arab people, have been massacred and the Palestinian state, which had been supported by the world, is now on the verge of being erased. These Arabs criticize Israel only in words. Turkey does the same.
-(Israeli War Crimes Documented by the Israeli Defense Forces)
– [Israeli ambassador objects to UN resolution granting more rights to Palestine]
- The BRICS Kazan Summit 2024, which was held recently under the chairmanship of Russia, included the condemnation on Israel in the Joint Statement. However, BRICS has provided only the lip service and its condemnation was superficial. Among the BRICS member-countries, Iran is the most anti-Israel, whereas India, which is anti-Islam and Hindu, is the most pro-Israel. Even Iran stays in the cold peace relationship with Israel, other member-countries of BRICS are much less anti-Israel. For instance, Russia is pro-Israel, while China has declared the neutrality in its relation with Israel.
-(Why Do False Perceptions About Russian Policy Towards Israel Continue To Proliferate?)
– [Swift results for BRICS – Opinion]
– [BRICS Summit adopts final declaration with long-term goals – Putin]
– [China’s Neutral Stance on Israel-Palestine War]
– [Why China Is Siding With the Palestinians in the Israel-Hamas War]
- Many non-US countries, mainly the Arabic and Islamic countries, support the creation of a Palestinian state and the two-state coexistence system. They argue that they will not reconcile with Israel unless the Palestinian state is completed stably. Meanwhile, however, Israel has been erasing Palestine over the decades. It is now seemingly no longer possible to complete the Palestinian state. Some Arabic countries, which already have the official diplomatic relations with Israel, including Egypt, Jordan, and the UAE, will maintain the diplomatic relations with Israel even if Palestine will be completely erased. On the other hand, other Arabic countries, such as Iran and Turkey, cannot enter into the diplomatic relations with Israel.
-(Netanyahu rows with Macron over creation of Israel)
– [Why there can never be a two-state solution]
– [History of the Question of Palestine – Question of Palestine]
– [The impossibility of Palestine: history, geography and the road ahead]
– [The geopolitics of future normalization of Arab-Israeli relations]
– [Arab–Israeli normalization]
– [Understanding Turkey’s response to the Israel-Gaza crisis]
– [Turkey-Israel Relations After October 7: Layers of Complexity and Posturing]
– [Cut all ties with Israeli regime, Iran urges Muslim countries]
- Israel cannot convert its “informal and cold peace” with the Middle Eastern countries into the “official peace”. Even if the “military security” of Israel in the region improves, it cannot improve the “political security”. That seems to be no good. But wait. Is that really so? Doesn’t Israel think that the cold or unofficial peace is fine even if it doesn’t become an official peace? The power of the Jews has always been based on the clandestine networks, the secret intelligence, and the covert relationships. The Jewish power stays unofficially. The state of Israel is the official entity, but Israel’s relations with other countries and the world overall can be mainly unofficial. If the cold or unofficial peace is fine for Israel, then, Israel’s international relations with other countries are already sufficient. The originator of the Palestinian state (the Partition Plan) was not the Arabs but the British and Americans. However, the Arabs are realistic. So, after the collapse of the British and American Hegemony and the elimination of the Palestinian state, they might put those things about their conventional stance aside, in which the Palestinian issues have been used as the shield for the refusal of the reconciliation with Israel.
– (ずっと続くガザ戦争)
– [The Partition of Palestine]
– [Britain in Palestine 1917-1948]
– [History of the Question of Palestine – Question of Palestine]
– [The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Official Website | IDF – את”צ]
– [Mossad]
– [U.S. Security Cooperation with Israel]
– [ISRAEL/MALAYSIA : How the Mossad outsources covert operations to its Malaysian agents – 25/10/2022]
– [Clandestine/Hidden Organizations – Stohl – Major Reference Works]
– [A System Shock Approach to Modelling Clandestine Network Disruption]
– [Brihah] and [Aliyah Bet]
– [Axis of Abraham: How Arab-Israeli Normalization Could Remake the Middle East]
– [Israel’s Arab Neighbors: Toward the Normalization of Relations]
– [Yom Ha’atzmaut: How Jewish Gangsters Helped Israel Gain its Independence]
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After graduating from university, Sakai Tanaka started working at the Kyodo News Agency in 1986. From 1997 he joined Microsoft Network (MSN) and in 1999, due to change of policy at Microsoft, he became an independent journalist. Tanaka has published more than twenty books on international affairs, some translated and published in China, South Korea and Taiwan. He studied at Harvard University from 2000 to 2001 and in 2005 was invited to serve as a senior researcher at the Royal Faisal Institute in Saudi Arabia. Website:
Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. Having worked as researcher, development program/project officer, legal protection/humanitarian assistance officer, human rights monitor-negotiator, managing-editor, and more, he prefers a peaceful and prudent life. His previous work experiences, including those in war zones and war-torn zones, constantly remind him of the invaluableness of peace.
Translation: Satoshi Ashikaga – Google Translate
Original in Japanese: 厚顔無恥なイスラエルの成功
Tags: Gaza, Genocide, Israel, Palestine
This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 11 Nov 2024.
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