Syria Looks to Freedom and Stability


Mahboob A. Khawaja – TRANSCEND Media Service

Towards the Future of a New Syria

16 Dec 2024 – Syria becomes a new nation free of bloody authoritarian dictatorship lasting over 54 years. The Arab-Muslim world lacks capacity to imagine this unthinkable change spearheaded by a people’s movement to challenge the atrocities of the former sadistic leader Assad family denying basic human rights, freedom and justice to the masses. While socio-political changes are taking shape on the ground, Israel is set on a course of incursion and unwarranted and unjustifiable attacks and bombardment of several Syrian towns to undo the emerging peaceful developments for the people of Syria. Mohamed Al Bashir, the new Prime Minister, speaking from the pulpit of historic Ummayd Masjid clarified his vision and quest for an inclusive and people-oriented democratic Syria. The US Biden administration is just a spectator and so are the West European allies of Israel to simply watch and do nothing to stop the aggressive behavior of Israeli attacks on Syria. Across the globe, voices of reason are loud and clear that on peacemaking and the issues of post Assad Bashar – New Syria America and Israel both have lost the opportunities for a peaceful accord with the new rulers of Syria and to balance the disequilibrium in which State of Israel currently exists., the year long war on Gaza and forcible expulsion of people from their homeland in the West Bank and other parts of Palestine. Without any allusion, the people of Syria deserve the rights and opportunities to reconstruct their lost freedom, security and sustainable future. If the international community claims to be informed, law-abiding and civilized, it should extend all possible assistance to the people of Syria for a promising future.

Discard cynicism and wickedness but be conscious that some contemporary politicians and monsters of history are often the two sides of the same picture enriched with perversion and treacherous escape from the facts of the 21st century knowledge-based global affairs. At today’s hurriedly arranged Aqaba Conference in Jordan to discuss the issues of New Syria, America and its regional Arab allies appear on different pages and conflicting time zones. Is it meant to acquire USAID or a co-existence with Israel?

The outgoing US administration has vested interest in keeping occupation of some eastern parts of Syria and free oil flow and its 900 stationed army personnel to make its illegal presence in the region. It will collaborate with Israel in strategic interests and some groups of Kurds as paid fighters to disrupt the peaceful change of Syria as a united nation free of discord.

Apparently, American political intransigence has lost the strategic direction and rational sense of justice and humanity in honoring its peacemaking commitments to the people of Palestine. Ironically, Antony Blinken held his separate press conference while claiming to be a supporter of the rights to freedom, security and democracy of the people of Syria. There is no concrete or a formal plan except intentions and broad-based overtures to help New Syria move towards peaceful transformation and be able to reconstruct its public institution, systems of democratic governance and acquire a stable and honorable position in the global arena of states.

President Biden apparently defies his own declared stance of supporting a peace process and two states solution between the Israelis and Palestinians. America has not changed its stance and policies to support the aggressive behavior of Israel in occupying the buffer zone in Golan Heights and continuous bombing of Damascus and other towns in Syria. The irrational statement on Syria and bombardment of its cities has engulfed the world with a new face of hostility and distortion in the shape of President Biden and his administration – an insidious crisis in the making to divert attention away from the core problem of peacemaking between Israel and Palestine. There is no place for individualistic complacency and political expediency when it comes to issues of human rights, peace and justice for all. If the US Biden administration was rational and honest, it could have warned Israel not to occupy the buffer zone in Golan Heights and attacks on Syria. Do some American leaders practice favorite perversion to proclaim political aims simply to satisfy egoism?

In Search of a People-Oriented Syria

Do the Arab leaders have any sense of rational thinking and accountability to cope with the issue of Syria and its peaceful transformation into a systematic democratic norm without any external threat to its people and security? The future of Syria as an immense importance to the Muslim world and the global community? What if the Arab world had legitimate, educated, intelligent and proactive leaders equipped in persuasive communication, moral and intellectual capacity to visit various global centers of politics and contribute logical viewpoints on Syria and freedom of Palestine and peacemaking between Israel and Palestine?

The contemporary global affairs warrant intelligent and competent leadership not crown princes, kings or military dictators. Leaders manage the crisis when facts of life warrant change and adaptability to futuremaking. Often crises unite people of reason but not the Arab rulers. Notwithstanding the requisites of reason and honesty, many Arab rulers are collaborating with the US warmongering across the Middle East and kept silent on blatant massacres in Gaza. There are no Arab public institutions of thinking, no armies and no leaders to lead. Is the Arab world coming to its own end because of the authoritarian rulers? Syria and its masses are a case in point for rethinking of all the obsolete thoughts and practices of the Arab political leadership.

While Islam professed and emphasized “shura” -public consultation and consensus on major public discourse and national interest, the Arab leaders flouted moral and intellectual advice from the learned scholars and educated people. Most authoritarian Arab leaders are afraid of a people-oriented system of political governance, and it is uncertain if they would really come out to support their words into actions for the good of the people of Syria.

If there were any Arab moral, spiritual and intellectual powerhouses as were the traditional “Deewan– community centers for interactive societal communication, listening to voices of reason and honesty and problem-solving, they should have taken initiatives to find peaceful ways and means to have peace between Israel and Palestine. The history speaks loud and clear that few powerful rulers with individualistic absolutism have always driven mankind to large scale slaughters, victimization, deprivation and long term scars of why and how it happened, it never goes away from the human memory and written pages of human history. “In our civilized world wrote Paul Buchheit (“War or Revolution Every 75 Years. It’s Time Again.” Common Dreams):

people aren’t being run down by noblemen or forced to eat grass. The aristocracy has learned a lot about suppressing crowds in 225 years. But they need to fear the growing revolution. They need to fear, as Dickens put it, “the remorseless sea of turbulently swaying shapes, voices of vengeance, and faces hardened in the furnaces of suffering until the touch of pity could make no mark on them.”


Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution and has spent several academic years across the Russian-Ukrainian and Central Asian regions knowing the people, diverse cultures of thinking and political governance and a keen interest in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution,  Dec 2019.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Dec 2024.

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