“Global Warming” Is a Really Stupid Issue


Sakai Tanaka - TRANSCEND Media Service

2 Jan. 2025 – The “anthropogenic global warming theory” that carbon dioxide emitted by humans burning petroleum gas and other fuels is warming the Earth is considered to be an indisputable fact. However, in reality, the anthropogenic theory has no solid basis. Reducing the use of petroleum gas to prevent global warming is a wrong policy. Reducing (increasing) the use of petroleum gas will not affect the Earth’s climate.(歪曲が軽信され続ける地球温暖化人為説

  1. For nearly 30 years, important people and authorities around the world, as well as liberal and left-wing people, have made the huge mistake of believing that the unfounded anthropogenic theory and the “climate crisis” theory that anthropogenic emissions cause the environmental destruction are absolute truths, and the United Nations and others continue to lead the super-dumb policy of restricting human use of oil and gas. The global warming problem, with this structure, is the biggest super-dumb and super-foolish policy of humanity. (気候危機の捏造
  2. The true cause of the climate change remains uncertain. In my opinion, the biggest cause of the climate change is the changes in the activity of the Sun, such as the increase and decrease of sunspots. The Sun is active now. The burning of oil and gas has little to do with the climate change. Natural phenomena such as volcanic eruptions can have a greater impact on the climate change than the anthropogenic burning. Changes in the solar activity seem to have a big impact on the Earth, but this is not conclusive. There is also a theory that links the changes in the solar activity to an increase in earthquakes.(The Sun Is Doing Something That It Is Not Supposed To Do, And That Could Mean Big Trouble In The Months Ahead
  3. Most climate changes are cyclical. The warm periods are followed by cold periods. Looking at the very long history of the Earth, we are not in a very warm period right now, and will be in a cold period. The theories of the “climate crisis” and the “climate cliff,” which claim that the climate will warm rapidly and become dangerous, are also weakly supported. Even if humans reduce their use of oil and gas, they cannot change the degree of the climate change. Ignoring the climate change will not lead to the climate crisis. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions will not improve the global environment. Belief in the anthropogenic theory does not even protect the environment. The issue of global warming is one of the most foolish international political issues. (Strengthening Liberal Totalitarianism)
  4. The “basis” for the anthropogenic theory is a computer simulation model created by some American and British scholars. Models can be created in any way. In 2009, the scandal of “Climategate” emerged, where it was revealed that a plausible model had been created to “prove” the anthropogenic theory, but the Western and Japanese media barely reported on it and ignored it.(地球温暖化めぐる歪曲と暗闘)and [Climategate: Science Of A Scandal]
  5. Although the anthropogenic theory is unfounded, the global warming issue has been treated as an unquestionable, definitive fact since the start of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. From the beginning, the global warming countermeasures have focused on negotiations on how the countries around the world should reduce carbon dioxide emissions. At first, many scholars pointed out the unfoundedness of the anthropogenic theory. However, the authoritative organizations that study the causes of the climate change, including the UN’s IPCC, have treated the anthropogenic theory as the definitive theory, and the number of scholars who doubt the anthropogenic theory has gradually decreased (for example, when a denier retires, the successor is chosen from among those who support it). (コロナの次は温暖化ディストピア
  6. Almost all the authoritative scholars or scientists believe in the anthropogenic theory, which has been elevated to the “definite fact” that cannot be refuted, not only scientifically but also internationally, politically. After “Climategate” was ignored, the anthropogenic theory has gained the immovable authority, without any basis. It has become a de facto requirement for the “authorities” and “respectable people” in the parliaments, the governments, the media, the academia, listed companies, etc. to easily believe that the anthropogenic theory is the infallible truth. Anyone who attempt to deny the anthropogenic theory is labeled as an “evil person.” The world has long since become the so-called “global warming totalitarian.”(まだ続く地球温暖化の歪曲)and [Green Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex]
  7. Some people argue that even if burning oil, gas, and coal does not lead to the global warming, it is better to reduce it because it causes other problems such as air pollution. The air pollution has improved considerably in the past few decades. The use of oil, gas, and coal should not be restricted on the grounds of air pollution.
  8. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power are touted as “good,” but their “goodness” is the opposite of the “badness” of petroleum and gas, and their goodness and badness are based on the anthropogenic theory. Since the anthropogenic theory is untrue, using petroleum and gas will not cause the climate crisis. Petroleum and gas are not “bad.” If you ignore that point, the wind and solar power system often do not generate a necessary amount of electricity when people need it. Besides, the wind and solar systems contain many negative aspects that the media does not want to report, such as the environmental destruction around the site and the high maintenance costs. These systems are inconvenient, expensive, and economically inefficient energy sources.(Activists hurl soup at van Gogh paintings again
  9. Electric cars are also an inefficient system that burns petroleum fuels at the power plants rather than inside the car, and use that electricity to charge the battery. Even if we take the anthropogenic theory for granted, electric cars emit more carbon dioxide as a system as a whole than the internal combustion cars. (It would be different if the power generation was nuclear. But you all, the readers of this article, hate nuclear power plants the most, don’t you…?). (The Green New Scam Is Dying
  10. The anthropogenic theory is an unfounded mistake. The restrictions on oil and gas use based on it are a “super stupid policy” that only causes harm. Unfortunately, however, the anthropogenic theory and the oil and gas use restrictions as such have dominated the world for decades without being corrected. Why has it come to this? The early systems of the global warming countermeasures, such as the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, enshrined the anthropogenic theory as the infallible truth. Then, the developed countries were the first to restrict the use of oil and gas, and once that was over, those emerging countries such as China and India were requested to restrict their use of oil and gas, and if they could not, they were required to pay with the money (i.e. the purchase of emission rights). The developed countries (G7) have the advanced energy-saving technologies so it was easy or less difficult to achieve the goal, but China and India were not. In short, that was an exploitative strategy by the developed countries to skim money from those developing countries that would develop later. (That’s why the United States made Japan, which had the most advanced energy-saving technology in the world, chair the Kyoto Protocol)(まだ続く地球温暖化の歪曲)[Global Warming, Totalitarianism and the Political Left] and  [The Totalitarianism of the Environmentalists]
  11. The 1990s was a time when the Cold War structure collapsed and developing countries, whose economic development had been hindered during the Cold War because they were left-wing governments in the “Eastern Bloc,” began to develop their economy. The Cold War was perpetuated by the hegemonic powers of the United States and Britain (i.e. the British branch of the US Intelligence Community DS), who pushed those developing countries under the Soviet Union’s umbrella and made them left-wing, preventing their economic development and political rise, and in order to protect the hegemony of the United States and Britain. (The US and UK acted as if they wanted to prevent those developing countries from going left and win the Cold War, but in reality they were doing the opposite)(多極化の目的は世界の安定化と経済成長
  12. From the 1970s, the economic growth of the US and UK began to slow down. Since it was necessary for them to develop some part of the world economy, it became necessary to liberate the developing countries from the Cold War structure and to allow them to grow their economy. This produced the trend of ending the Cold War. Nixon’s visit to China was considered as a part of that trend. However, if the developing countries grow economy, they could also rise in the international politics, and the hegemony of the US and UK could collapse. In order to prevent such a shift in the US and UK hegemony, the issue of the global warming was invented and fabricated, in which the US and UK (i.e. the developed countries) would skim part of the fruits of the growth from the developing countries through the emissions trading. The similar structure created around the same time was the bond financing of the US and UK from 1985. The financial economy of the US and UK continued to expand (bubble) far beyond the growth of the real economy of the developing countries for more than 20 years until Lehman’s bankruptcy.(欧米の自滅と多極化を招く温暖化対策
  13. The issue of the global warming did not proceed as planned after that. Developing countries such as China and India united in opposition to this structure, and argued, “The developed countries should not only reduce emissions first, but also provide financial assistance to the developing countries so that they can improve their energy-saving technologies.” Then, not only became those developed countries to be unable to exploit developing countries, they ended up having their money taken by developing countries. In the US political world, the Democratic Party (i.e. the Bill Clinton administration, 1993-2000) actively promoted the global warming issues such as the Kyoto Protocol, but the Republican Bush administration from 2001 withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol in opposition to regulating oil and gas development. Japan, which was dependent on the US, also withdrew from the protocol, and the global warming countermeasures were thwarted worldwide. (地球温暖化の国際政治学)and [Understanding the Politics and Governance of Climate Change Loss and Damage]
  14. Republicans, both Bush and Trump, dislike the global warming countermeasures. The reason is not simply because they are close to the oil and gas industry. The essence of this is a political struggle within the US Intelligence Community (i.e. the body that governs the US Hegemony). The Democratic Party is under the umbrella of the British faction of the Intelligence Community that has been promoting the issue of the global warming. On the other hand, the Republican Party is under the umbrella of the multipolar faction (Rockefeller, etc.) that has been in the secret political battle with the British faction. The Israeli Likud faction has also been under the umbrella of the multipolar faction. The Military-Industrial Complex (MIC), which was the center of the US-UK Hegemony during the Cold War but was weakened at the end of the Cold War. Then, MIC came under the umbrella of the multipolar faction, and in collusion with the Likud faction, caused “9/11”, shifting the center of hegemony from the economic field such as the finance and the global warming countermeasures back to the military field. After the 9/11 incident in 2001, the world returned to a military-centered system of the War on Terror. At that time, the United States abandoned its system of skimming off the world with the issue of global warming. Al-Qaeda, which was nurtured by the US Intelligence Community, carried out terrorist attacks all over the world, and the system shifted to one in which the United States dominates the world under the pretext of the eliminating terrorism.(Trump’s Energy Policy Will Mean ‘Fundamental’ Break With European Globalists’ Agenda 2030
  15. (The British Intelligence Community, which was originally hegemonic, entered the United States during the war, claiming that they would create an intelligence community there. Then, the UK has continued to dominate the world under the guise of the US. That has been the British system. However, Rockefeller and others who controlled the US before WWII wanted a multipolar system like UNP5 (UNSC) or the institutionalized or UN-ized hegemony as the post WWII hegemonic system. However, the post WWII hegemonic management was taken over by the British system. It took 40 years for Rockefeller and others to recapture it. Note that Rockefeller and others have been multipolar.)(世界のデザインをめぐる200年の暗闘
  16. The US government returned to the Democratic Party under the Obama administration in 2009. From then on, the issue of global warming had been back at the center of the world. Meanwhile, however, the US’s hegemony came to decline after the collapse of the Lehman Shock in 2008. Then, the emerging countries such as China, Russia, and India created the non-American BRICS, which weakened the US. BRICS began to cause the rise of non-American sides. At COP15 in Copenhagen in 2009, China led the developing countries (G77) in negotiations with the United States led by the Obama administration. Around that time the leadership of the global warming countermeasures shifted from the United States to China.(新興諸国に乗っ取られた地球温暖化問題
  17. The history of the global warming issue is divided into three periods as follows: The first period was from the Kyoto Protocol to around COP15, when the developed countries tried to take the bait from the developing countries. After that, the second period was when the leadership shifted to developing countries and non-American countries led by China, until the Great Reset around 2022 and the start of the rise of non-American countries after the outbreak of the Ukraine War. From then until the present and into the future, the third period is when the United States, especially Europe, is destroying itself with its global warming countermeasures. The global warming issue is one of the factors in the change of hegemony, which is the collapse of US Hegemony and the shift to the multipolarity and the non-Americanization side.(Climate Summits “No Longer Fit For Purpose”, Experts Say
  18. In the deceptive structure of the global warming issue, China was initially the representative of the “side that is being taken off” that has to buy “emissions rights” from developed countries for the carbon dioxide that will be emitted from future economic growth. Normally, when China takes over the global leadership role in global warming countermeasures from the United States, it would be best to expose and destroy the deceptive structure of the global warming issue, such as the baselessness of the anthropogenic theory, and show that developing countries do not need to buy emission rights from developed countries. But China did not do that.
  19. Instead, China shifted the focus of the global warming issue from the sale and purchase of emission rights to the provision of aid funds for developing countries to improve their emission reduction technologies. The issue of emission rights trading (the taking of the developed countries’ share) was removed from the agenda of the annual COP. Instead, the main topic each year has been “developing countries’ begging for money,” such as the amount of financial aid from developed countries to developing countries being too small, or the amount promised not being paid. China-led developing countries, such as China + G77, have a large number of countries. In terms of majority votes, they are much stronger than developed countries.(The Failure Of COP29: Does The “Green Agenda” Have A Future?
  20. The basis of the measures for the developing countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is the theory that global warming is “anthropogenic”. If the cause of the global warming is not anthropogenic but something else, such as the solar activity, or if the climate change that would cause the environmental destruction is unlikely to occur (i.e. the climate crisis is an absurd exaggeration), then the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions itself is unnecessary. Then, there is no need for the developed countries to spend money to improve the emission reduction technology. The developed countries should admit that the anthropogenic theory that they have been saying up until now was a lie. Then, there is no need for the developed countries to provide the developing countries with the financial assistance to improve the emission reduction technology. However, it is difficult or nearly impossible for the developed countries to admit a big lie now. If they admit a big lie, the credibility of the governments and authorities of those developed countries as a whole will collapse.(Global South’s Energy Rebellion At COP29 Signals A New Future
  21. Considering the flow of the major struggle already described, we can say that it is believed that the mastermind behind the trend of the leadership of the global warming countermeasures shifting from the United States and the United Kingdom to China was the multipolar faction in the US Intelligence Community. They did not force the US and European media and authorities under the umbrella of the Intelligence Community to admit the lies, but instead they accelerated and made the lies worse. The prediction of the “climate crisis” that if humanity does not drastically reduce the carbon dioxide emissions, the environmental destruction will occur and the Earth will become uninhabitable was touted as the definitive story without any solid evidence. In the developed countries, the liberal and left-wing citizens brilliantly trusted this touting.(World Coal Demand And Exports Set For New Record High In 2024
  22. In Western Europe, including Germany, the bold policies were implemented to drastically reduce the use of oil, gas, and coal in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Instead these countries have increased wind and solar power generation. For example, Germany, which is super stupid, also decided to phase out the nuclear power at the same time. It should have been clear from the beginning that the wind and solar power have an unstable power supply and cannot replace oil, gas, and coal-fired nuclear power plants. However, in Germany, such rationalism was ignored and banned, and irrational and unfounded arguments such as the anthropogenic theory and the climate crisis dominated as the “truth”. Then, the shift in the energy sources was promoted in that country. As expected, the failure of this policy has recently been revealed.(Germany’s Gas Use And Power Prices Jump Amid Weak Wind Generation
  23. The “Great Reset” promoted by the WEF (World Economic Forum), which is composed of some liberal elites from Europe and the United States, forced the world, especially Europe and the United States, to take the radical measures against the global warming based on the irrational anthropogenic theory and the climate crisis. The WEF-related forces’ proposal for the great reset includes the idea that livestock farming should be restricted to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions such as methane, that ordinary citizens should not eat meat, and that the economic activity of humanity needs to be curbed to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. To achieve that, they have also proposed a “climate lockdown,” which calls for the global warming countermeasure similar to the city lockdowns implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic (which is a foolish measure that was already known to be ineffective). (ひどくなる大リセット系の嫌がらせ)(IMF Calls For Economy-Crushing Carbon Restrictions That Dwarf COVID Lockdowns
  24. Both the anthropogenic theory and the climate crisis are baseless stories (which are lies and delusions), so the livestock restrictions and the city closures are the unnecessary and irrational measures that could only cause people to suffer pointlessly. In Germany and France, the elite forces that have promoted those irrational global warming countermeasures and destroyed the economy have lost the support of the people. They are losing the elections to grassroots right-wing forces and losing power. That is nothing but the logical consequence that they lost support, as they continued to force and propose the irrational things to the people. The multipolar faction in the US Intelligence Community behind the liberal elites, such as the WEF, made the elites take the extremely foolish measures against the global warming (as well as accepting immigrants, taking the measures against the Cocvid 19 virus, and maintaining the hostility towards Russia), infuriating the voters in the West, causing the elites and liberals to lose the election, leading to the right-wingers Trump, AfD, Le Pen, and Orban winning. That has been leading to the abandonment of the US and UK Hegemony, leading to the multipolarization of the hegemony worldwide.(大リセットで欧米人の怒りを扇動しポピュリズムを勃興、覇権を壊す
  25. The Western countries (in which the US is under a Democratic administration) have restrained the development of oil and gas fields as a measure against the global warming, and abandoned the energy interests worldwide. Many of the interests abandoned by the US and Europe were bought cheaply by the Chinese forces. Most of the major oil and gas producing countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Iran, have become estranged from the US and Europe in the last quarter century (as the result of the US’s harsh treatment of them) and have become friendly with China. The power that controls the world’s energy is no longer the US and UK, but the non-US side led by China. China is not only leading energy interests, but also the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP), which decides on the global warming countermeasures for humanity. As the result of the irrational and erroneous global warming countermeasures, the West, especially Europe, has lost its economic power self-destructively. Their future energy interests and hegemony are also being taken by the non-US side. (The non-US side did not take away the interests or hegemony, but simply picked up what the West had discarded.)(トランプが捨てた国連を拾って乗っ取る中国
  26. The big mistakes and big lies surrounding the issues of the global warming could probably never be corrected. If it was the multipolar faction in the US Intelligence Community that created the big lie, then the global warming lie of making the West self-destruct and transferring hegemony to the non-US side to make the world multipolar is perfectly in line with the goals of the multipolar faction. The Intelligence Community could continue to encourage the US media authorities and liberal/leftists (who are the careless puppets) under its umbrella to continue to promote the ridiculous global warming issue. Let me emphasize this: The mistake could never be corrected. The longer the fake global warming issue is left unattended, the more the oil, gas, and coal energy interests and the hegemony will roll over from the US side to the non-US side. So, the non-US side will continue to welcome the fake being left unattended.(Liberal Elite At UN Climate Conference Calls For Meat Tax
  27. Even during the Covid 19 outbreak, it was known in advance or early on that the city closures and the vaccine mandates were ineffective and extremely foolish policies that only caused harm. Unfortunately, these were not corrected and were enforced worldwide. These mistakes were not officially acknowledged after the fact was revealed. The UN, the governments, the medical experts, and the media authorities who promoted the huge foolish policy, which could be considered as a huge crime, have not admitted their mistake. Rather, the UN and other relevant organizations are preparing a pandemic treaty to fabricate the next pandemic and force the humanity to implement the foolish policy again and quicker. (Although it is becoming more likely that this will not come to fruition) China, the birthplace of the new Covid 19 virus, has continued to implement the strong city closures, which has brilliantly strengthened Xi Jinping’s dictatorial regime. He would be very happy to see a fake pandemic repeat itself.(世界の国権を剥奪するコロナ新条約
  28. The global warming issue, like the Covid 19 issue, will not be officially corrected for a big mistake. However, in Europe and the United States, the media authorities and the liberal elites are steadily losing the credibility and their political power, declining. The source of political power for the US-UK Hegemony has been their impartial media authority. Based on which, the liberal elite made the right decisions, developed the right policies, and had the correctness of the liberal and left-wing citizen movements. However, all these have irreversibly collapsed in recent years. They will collapse even more in the future. The West can never return to the hegemonic position. It is probably the strategy of the multipolar faction in the Intelligence Community to prevent the media authority elite and the left from admitting their mistakes.(英米覇権の一部である科学の権威をコロナや温暖化で自滅させる
  29. It took me about 10 days to write this far. Almost everyone in the world is wrong about the global warming issue (in addition to COVID-19, the Ukraine War, the economic indicators, the financial issues and more). That is why, on the contrary, people who point out that these mistakes are treated as fools. Even if you take the time to carefully analyze, you will never receive the recognition from the society that is commensurate with your efforts. However, it is very important to think deeply about why these fields have the fraudulent structure. Since the society itself has become a fraudulent existence, the evaluations and reactions are also fraudulent. It is foolish to care. It can be said that the better the analysis, the more slandered you are.
  30. People in authority must have a credulity of irrationality. They cannot analyze the situation of the global warming, the Covid 19 issue, the Ukraine War, or the financial issues or the like (if they did, they would lose their authority). Fortunately, I have no authority or title, so I can analyze (even if my capability is limited). There is the essence, the divinity, and the bliss in the act of considering and writing itself, like this. The so-called greatest entertainment of journalism is in my mind. It is good for me to spend some days and to consider those issues during the period of the silly events of the Year-end and New Year holidays. I will continue “this kind of entertainment” in the future.


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  4. The views and/or opinions expressed in the above-mentioned article are those of Sakai Tanaka, who is the original author. His views and/or opinions do not necessarily reflect those of TMS or those of the translator. Therefore, the reader is kindly requested to understand, interpret or judge those views and/or opinions at his or her own responsibility.


After graduating from university, Sakai Tanaka started working at the Kyodo News  Agency in 1986. From 1997 he joined Microsoft Network (MSN) and in 1999, due to change of policy at Microsoft, he became an independent journalist. Tanaka has published more than twenty books on international affairs, some translated and published in China, South Korea and Taiwan. He studied at Harvard University from 2000 to 2001 and in 2005 was invited to serve as a senior researcher at the Royal Faisal Institute in Saudi Arabia. Website: tanakanews.com

Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. Having worked as researcher, development program/project officer, legal protection/humanitarian assistance officer, human rights monitor-negotiator, managing-editor, and more, he prefers a peaceful and prudent life.  His previous work experiences, including those in war zones and war-torn zones, constantly remind him of the invaluableness of peace.

Translation: Satoshi Ashikaga – Google Translate

Original in Japanese: 地球温暖化問題は超間抜け

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 6 Jan 2025.

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One Response to ““Global Warming” Is a Really Stupid Issue”

  1. Andrew Hoffman says:

    Climate denialism at it’s worst. Conspiracy theories rule the day!!

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