Archive for 2011 – Week 28

(Portuguese) Cronica – Guia Para se Livrar de Um Zumbi
Ivan Lessa - Colunista da BBC Brasil
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Cronica – Guia Para se Livrar de Um Zumbi)
Transforming the War on Terror (VIDEO OF THE WEEK)
Tatsushi Arai – TED Talks
July 11th, 2011 (Music Video of the Week | Comments Off on Transforming the War on Terror (VIDEO OF THE WEEK))
Anti-Zionism Growing Among Jews
As'ad Abdul Rahman - Gulf News
July 11th, 2011 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | 1 Comment »)
War without Humans: Modern Blood Rites Revisited
Barbara Ehrenreich - TomDispatch
July 11th, 2011 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on War without Humans: Modern Blood Rites Revisited)
As Wall St. Polices Itself, Prosecutors Use Softer Approach
Gretchen Morgenson and Louise Story - The New York Times
July 11th, 2011 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on As Wall St. Polices Itself, Prosecutors Use Softer Approach)
Defaulting Rescued Argentina. It Could Work for Athens Too
Heather Stewart – The Guardian
July 11th, 2011 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Defaulting Rescued Argentina. It Could Work for Athens Too)
“BRICS Can Ensure Affordable Drugs”
Ranjit Devraj – TerraViva Europe
July 11th, 2011 (BRICS | Comments Off on “BRICS Can Ensure Affordable Drugs”)
Sins of the Flesh: Church Shaken by Sexual Abuse Allegations in Africa
Horand Knaup in Nairobi – Der Spiegel
July 11th, 2011 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Sins of the Flesh: Church Shaken by Sexual Abuse Allegations in Africa)
WikiLeaks, Wimbledon and War
Amy Goodman – Truthdig
July 11th, 2011 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on WikiLeaks, Wimbledon and War)
East Jerusalem Suffers Heroin Plague
Kieron Monks – Al Jazeera
July 11th, 2011 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on East Jerusalem Suffers Heroin Plague)
Generations of Pork: How Greece’s Political Elite Ruined the Country
Der Spiegel – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Generations of Pork: How Greece’s Political Elite Ruined the Country)
Will the UN Be a Fairy Godmother for the Birth of South Sudan?
René Wadlow – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Will the UN Be a Fairy Godmother for the Birth of South Sudan?)
Honduras’ Very Own War on Terror
Belen Fernandez – Al Jazeera
July 11th, 2011 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Honduras’ Very Own War on Terror)
Bradley Manning, American Hero
Chase Madar – TomDispatch
July 11th, 2011 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on Bradley Manning, American Hero)
Watch: Full Video of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange & Philosopher Slavoj Žižek with Amy Goodman
Democracy NOW! – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE, IN-DEPTH VIDEOS | Comments Off on Watch: Full Video of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange & Philosopher Slavoj Žižek with Amy Goodman)
(Portuguese) Israel: O Tsunami Que Está a Chegar
Immanuel Wallerstein, – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Israel: O Tsunami Que Está a Chegar)
In Israel, a Tsunami Warning
Noam Chomsky – The New York Times
July 11th, 2011 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on In Israel, a Tsunami Warning)
Europe Declares War on Rating Agencies
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor – The Telegraph
July 11th, 2011 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Europe Declares War on Rating Agencies)
Risk-Free and Above the Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare
Rick Rozoff – Global Research
July 11th, 2011 (MILITARISM | Comments Off on Risk-Free and Above the Law: U.S. Globalizes Drone Warfare)
After the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Toward a Regional Approach
Tatsushi Arai – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS, ANGLO AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA, MILITARISM | Comments Off on After the US Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Toward a Regional Approach)
Lessons of Argentina Crisis Ignored In Handling of Greece
Jeremy Warner – The Telegraph
July 11th, 2011 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Lessons of Argentina Crisis Ignored In Handling of Greece)
A Boy and His Dog
TMS Editor
July 11th, 2011 (JOKE OF THE WEEK | Comments Off on A Boy and His Dog)
Popular Painkillers That Can Cause Killer Pain
Jeff Forester - The Fix
July 11th, 2011 (HEALTH | 1 Comment »)
(Italian) La Possibile Scelta di Nonviolenza dei Palestinesi e Israele
Maria Grazia Enardu – Centro Studi Sereno Regis
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) La Possibile Scelta di Nonviolenza dei Palestinesi e Israele)
Flotilla Passengers Are Today’s Freedom Riders
Truthout, Staff Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (PALESTINE - ISRAEL | Comments Off on Flotilla Passengers Are Today’s Freedom Riders)
World Population to Hit Seven Billion by October
Thalif Deen – Inter Press Service-IPS
July 11th, 2011 (UNITED NATIONS | 1 Comment »)
Portugal Drug Law Show Results Ten Years On, Experts Say
Agence France Press-AFP – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (EUROPE | Comments Off on Portugal Drug Law Show Results Ten Years On, Experts Say)
On Flotillas and the Law
Lawrence Davidson - Reader Supported News
July 11th, 2011 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on On Flotillas and the Law)
Sabotaging Flotilla II: Waging War against Civil Society
Richard Falk – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Sabotaging Flotilla II: Waging War against Civil Society)
Brazil: The ‘Happiest’ Emerging Nation
Fabiana Frayssinet – TerraViva Europe
July 11th, 2011 (BRICS | Comments Off on Brazil: The ‘Happiest’ Emerging Nation)
At 98, Gay Holocaust Survivor Shares Story
Frank Hornig – Der Spiegel
July 11th, 2011 (SEXUALITIES | Comments Off on At 98, Gay Holocaust Survivor Shares Story)
European Leaders Rail against ‘Oligopoly’ of Rating Agencies
Stephen Foley in New York – The Independent
July 11th, 2011 (EUROPE | Comments Off on European Leaders Rail against ‘Oligopoly’ of Rating Agencies)
Straddling Kashmir’s Infamous Line of Control
Ben Piven – Al Jazeera
July 11th, 2011 (CENTRAL ASIA | Comments Off on Straddling Kashmir’s Infamous Line of Control)
(Castellano) La No-violencia: Negativa vs. Positiva
Johan Galtung, 27 de Junio de 2011 - TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) La No-violencia: Negativa vs. Positiva)
New Guidance Allows Nations to Label Genetically Engineered Foods
Mike Ludwig - Truthout
July 11th, 2011 (ORGANIC, GMO, GENETIC ENGINEERING | Comments Off on New Guidance Allows Nations to Label Genetically Engineered Foods)
Credit Rating Comic Theater: You Want a Triple AAA, Just Give Me Some More Money
Prgrsvs4RspnsblPltcs – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (SHORT VIDEO CLIPS | Comments Off on Credit Rating Comic Theater: You Want a Triple AAA, Just Give Me Some More Money)
Herbicide Tolerance and GM Crops
Greenpeace – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (ORGANIC, GMO, GENETIC ENGINEERING | Comments Off on Herbicide Tolerance and GM Crops)
A Newspaper’s Closure Does Not End the Hacking Scandal
The Independent, Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (MEDIA, WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | Comments Off on A Newspaper’s Closure Does Not End the Hacking Scandal)
The 3 Reasons To Give Up Meat (And 1 Not To)
Ben Ralston, Elephant Journal – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (ANIMAL RIGHTS - VEGETARIANISM | Comments Off on The 3 Reasons To Give Up Meat (And 1 Not To))
(Castellano) Misión Milagro: Siete Años Devolviendo la Vista a Más de Un Millón 357 Mil Latinoamericanos
TeleSur – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Castellano) Misión Milagro: Siete Años Devolviendo la Vista a Más de Un Millón 357 Mil Latinoamericanos)
Humanitarian Disaster or Act of God — Dangerous Implication in Practice?
Anthony Judge – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (TRANSCEND MEMBERS | Comments Off on Humanitarian Disaster or Act of God — Dangerous Implication in Practice?)
Indigenous Resistance Is the New ‘Terrorism’
Manuela Picq – Al Jazeera
July 11th, 2011 (LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN | Comments Off on Indigenous Resistance Is the New ‘Terrorism’)
(Italian) Caro Gandhi NO TAV, e Adesso Cosa Dobbiamo Fare?
Prof. Nanni Salio – Centro Studi Sereno Regis
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Italian) Caro Gandhi NO TAV, e Adesso Cosa Dobbiamo Fare?)
Righting Wrongs the Maori Way
Allan MacRae & Howard Zehr – Yes! Magazine
July 11th, 2011 (JUSTICE | Comments Off on Righting Wrongs the Maori Way)
South Africa: Scientists Find Green Method to Purify Toxic Water
Kristin Palitza – Inter Press Service-IPS
July 11th, 2011 (BRICS | Comments Off on South Africa: Scientists Find Green Method to Purify Toxic Water)
(Portuguese) Depósitos de Terras Raras São Descobertos no Pacífico
Fabiano Ávila, CarbonoBrasil – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Depósitos de Terras Raras São Descobertos no Pacífico)
The Ideological Crisis of Western Capitalism
Joseph E. Stiglitz – Project Syndicate
July 11th, 2011 (CAPITALISM | Comments Off on The Ideological Crisis of Western Capitalism)
Bradley Manning’s Army of One
Steve Fishman – New York Magazine
July 11th, 2011 (WHISTLEBLOWING - SURVEILLANCE | 1 Comment »)
Fragile Peace Greets Independent South Sudan
Jerome Mwanda - InDepth News
July 11th, 2011 (AFRICA | Comments Off on Fragile Peace Greets Independent South Sudan)
Victim Blinded In a Post-9/11 Hate Crime Now Fights For His Attacker’s Life
Daily Mail Reporter – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on Victim Blinded In a Post-9/11 Hate Crime Now Fights For His Attacker’s Life)
(Portuguese) Mercados Começam as Apostas Sobre Qual Será o Próximo País a Cair
Marco Antonio Moreno, – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (ORIGINAL LANGUAGES | Comments Off on (Portuguese) Mercados Começam as Apostas Sobre Qual Será o Próximo País a Cair)
US Caught Off-Guard by Iran Sanctions
Kourosh Ziabari - PressTV
July 11th, 2011 (IN FOCUS | Comments Off on US Caught Off-Guard by Iran Sanctions)
Russia, Iceland & Afghanistan Stand Alone as the Only Nations with International Arrest Warrants out for Bankers Who Committed Fraud
stacyherbert, – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (JUSTICE, BRICS, CENTRAL ASIA, EUROPE, CAPITALISM, ECONOMICS | Comments Off on Russia, Iceland & Afghanistan Stand Alone as the Only Nations with International Arrest Warrants out for Bankers Who Committed Fraud)
DRC: Children Still in Prison despite Law
IRIN News – TRANSCEND Media Service
July 11th, 2011 (AFRICA | Comments Off on DRC: Children Still in Prison despite Law)