Rest in Power, Kevin Zeese

OBITUARIES, 14 Sep 2020

Margaret Flowers | Popular Resistance - TRANSCEND Media Service

Kevin Zeese speaks at a rally for Chelsea Manning. By Ellen Davidson

7 Sep 2020 – It is with a sad heart that I report the sudden and unexpected death of Kevin Zeese early Sunday [6 Sep] morning. Kevin was working up until the end and died in his sleep of a possible heart attack.

There will be an online tribute to Kevin on Saturday, September 19 at 3:00 pm Eastern/12:00 pm Pacific on Zoom. Click here to register. This event will also be livestreamed at and

Kevin was going to write a newsletter this weekend about the extradition trial of Julian Assange, which begins today. Kevin understood the great importance of the prosecution of Julian Assange as a battle that will define journalism in the 21st century and our right to know.

He was helping to organize an online event featuring Daniel Ellsberg, James Goodale and Chris Hedges, moderated by Sue Udry. That event will still take place. You can register for it here. The Facebook page for it is here.

You can read the June 28th newsletter we wrote about Julian Assange, “Government Attacks Media as Peoples Media Reveals the Truth.”

Please follow the trial, spread the word about it and do what you can to support Assange. I know that Consortium News will be following it closely. His partner and the mother of his two sons launched a crowdfunding campaign for legal support.

Tributes to Kevin are already being posted. Here are a few:>

Kevin fought to bring truth every day. We must not lose this struggle.

I will do my best to keep Popular Resistance going and strive to maintain the high quality that Kevin brought to it. See above for the details of the online tribute his sons and I are planning.  We are working on a fund to honor him and keep his legacy growing, as he deserves.

Rest in power, Kevin Zeese.

Margaret Flowers


Kevin Zeese was an attorney who had been a political activist since graduating from George Washington Law School in 1980. He worked on peace, economic justice, criminal law reform and reviving American democracy. He was co-director of Popular Resistance.


Margaret Flowers is co-director of Popular Resistance, which provides daily movement news and resources.



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