The Public Sector Cannot Solve Our Problems–Their Hands Are Tied


Tshepiso Moahloli via Howard Richards - TRANSCEND Media Service

I work for the government and not a single day goes by when I do not hear the same cries of alarm. You are going to scare away investors! Every day we are warned that anything we do for the good of the 99% is going to scare off investors.

Many workers receive miserable wages, and some receive nothing in money but only alcohol (this is called the Dop system). They warn that any introduction of legislation to raise wages will cause the leakage of investment to other parties. This on top of executives and shareholders making supernormal profits.

Any transformative effort that shares the earth’s resources (mining, industry, land) will result in the flight of investors. Taxing large corporations drives away investment; that is why individuals have to bear the burden of taxation.

Obviously, something is wrong. And now what is going to happen? The capitalist system is so all-powerful that it threatens the sovereignty of nations.


Tshepiso Moahloli is an executive in the South African public sector. She was a student last year in the course I taught with Gavin Andersson at the University of Cape Town EMBA.

– Prof. Howard Richards, member of  the TRANSCEND Network who submitted this text.

This text was translated to Spanish and then retranslated back to English, so it might not always be her exact words.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 26 Oct 2020.

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