Declaration of the Crime of Apartheid: Israel


Richard Falk | Global Justice in the 21st Century – TRANSCEND Media Service

9 Jul 2021 – The Declaration on Apartheid below is an initiative of the well known Tunisian mathematician Ahmed Abbes and endorsed by scholars and artists worldwide. If impressed, please distribute widely as there is a campaign underway to reach 1,000 signatures.


Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine

Over 700 scholars, artists and intellectuals from more than 45 countries have signed the following declaration calling for the dismantling of the apartheid regime set up on the territory of historic Palestine and the establishment of a democratic constitutional arrangement that grants all its inhabitants equal rights and duties. The signatories include many distinguished figures, including the Nobel Peace Prize laureates Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Mairead Maguire, academics with legal expertise Monique Chemillier-Gendreau and Richard Falk, scholars Étienne Balibar, Hagit Borer, Ivar Ekeland, Suad Joseph, Jacques Rancière, Roshdi Rashed and Gayatri Spivak, health researcher Sir Iain Chalmers, composer Brian Eno, musician Roger Waters, author Ahdaf Soueif, economist and former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN Sir Richard Jolly, South African politician and veteran anti-apartheid leader Ronnie Kasrils, and Canadian peace activist and former national leader of the Green Party of Canada Joan Russow.

Whereas :

  1. Israel has subjected the Palestinian people for 73 years to an ongoing catastrophe, known as the Nakba, a process that included massive displacement, ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and crimes against humanity ;
  2. Israel has established an apartheid regime on the entire territory of historic Palestine and directed toward the whole of the deliberately fragmented Palestinian people ; Israel itself no longer seeks to hide its apartheid character, claiming Jewish supremacy and exclusive Jewish rights of self-determination in all of historic Palestine through the adoption in 2018 by the Knesset of a new Basic Law ;
  3. The apartheid character of Israel has been confirmed and exhaustively documented by widely respected human rights organizations, Adalah, B’Tselem, Human Rights Watch, and in the UN ESCWA academic study that stresses the importance of defining Israeli apartheid as extending to people rather than limited to space, [“Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid,” UN ESCWA, 2017] ;
  4. Israel periodically unleashes massive violence with devastating impacts on Palestinian civilian society, particularly against the population of Gaza, which endures widespread devastation, collective trauma, and many deaths and casualties, aggravated by being kept under an inhuman and unlawful blockade for over 14 years, and throughout the humanitarian emergency brought about by the COVID pandemic ;
  5. Western powers have facilitated and even subsidized for more than seven decades this Israeli system of colonization, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid, and continue to do so diplomatically, economically, and even militarily.

Considering :

  • i- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which stipulates in its first article that ’all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.’ And taking account that the inalienable right of self-determination is common Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Political Rights, and as such, a legal and ethical entitlement of all peoples.
  • ii- The International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid which stipulates in Article I that ’apartheid is a crime against humanity and that inhuman acts resulting from the policies and practices of apartheid and similar policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination, as defined in article II of the Convention, are crimes violating the principles of international law, in particular the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and constituting a serious threat to international peace and security.’ The States Parties to this Convention undertake in accordance with Article IV :

_ “(a) To adopt any legislative or other measures necessary to suppress as well as to prevent any encouragement of the crime of apartheid and similar segregationist policies or their manifestations and to punish persons guilty of that crime ;
_ “(b) To adopt legislative, judicial and administrative measures to prosecute, bring to trial and punish in accordance with their jurisdiction persons responsible for, or accused of, the acts defined in article II of the present Convention, whether or not such persons reside in the territory of the State in which the acts are committed or are nationals of that State or of some other State or are stateless persons.”

The endorsers of this document :

  • A- Declare their categorical rejection of the apartheid regime set up on the territory of historic Palestine and imposed on the Palestinian people as a whole, including refugees and exiles wherever they might be in the world.
  • B- Call for the immediate dismantling of this apartheid regime and the establishment of a democratic constitutional arrangement that grants and implements on all the inhabitants of this land equal rights and duties, regardless of their racial, ethnic, and religious identities, or gender preferences, and which respects and enforces international law and human conventions, and in particular gives priority to the long deferred right of return of Palestinian refugees expelled from their towns and villages during the creation of the State of Israel, and subsequently.
  • C- Urge their governments to cease immediately their complicity with Israel’s apartheid regime, to join in the effort to call for the dismantling of apartheid structures and their replacement by an egalitarian democratic governance that treats everyone subject to its authority in accordance with their rights and with full respect for their humanity, and to make this transition in a manner sensitive to the right of self-determination enjoyed by both peoples presently inhabiting historic Palestine.
  • D- Call for the establishment of a National Commission of Peace, Reconciliation, and Accountability to accompany the transition from apartheid Israel to a governing process sensitive to human rights and democratic principles and practices. In the interim, until such a process is underway, issue a call for the International Criminal Court to launch a formal investigation of Israeli political leaders and security personnel guilty of perpetuating the crime of apartheid.


* List of the 773 signatories of the Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine (last update : 8 Jul 2021)

* Academics, artists and intellectuals can endorse the declaration by completing this form.

* Institutional affiliations are given only for identification purposes.

  1. Ahmed Abbes, mathematician, Director of research in Paris, France
  2. Ines Abdeljaoued Tej, University of Carthage, Tunisia
  3. Nahla Abdo, Professor, Carleton University, Canada
  4. Joseph Abdou, Professor of Mathematics, University Paris 1, France
  5. Gamal Abina, Journalist, France
  6. Malek Abisaab, Associate Prof. Mcgill University, Canada
  7. Matthew Abraham, University of Arizona, United States
  8. Bashir Abu-Manneh, University of Kent, United Kingdom
  9. Mohammad Abusara, Associate Professor, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
  10. Martine Adrian-Scotto, Université Côte d’Azur, France
  11. Rimona Afana, Visiting Scholar, Emory University School of Law, United States
  12. Hamja Ahsan, Artist and writer, United Kingdom
  13. Mateo Alaluf, Professeur émérite, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  14. Liliana Albertazzi, Professor Maison des Sciences de l’homme, France
  15. Danielle Alcock, Regional Lead, Canada
  16. Mike Alewitz, Professor Emeritus, Mural Painting, Central CT State Univsersity, United States
  17. Jo Alexander, Managing Editor, Oregon State University Press (retired), United States
  18. Armando Aligia, Professor of Physics, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Bariloche), Argentina
  19. Diana Allan, McGill University, Canada
  20. Roger Allen, Physician – retired, United Kingdom
  21. Lori Allen, Reader in Anthropology, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom
  22. Paul Allies, Professeur émérite, Université de Montpellier, France
  23. Eric Alliez, Université Paris 8, France
  24. Bruno Alonso, Chemist, Director of research in Montpellier, France
  25. Osama Alsarraj, Architect, Syria
  26. Sama Alshaibi, Professor, University of Arizona, United States
  27. Kamal Altawil, M.D., United States
  28. Olivetti Anna, Historian, Italy
  29. Rachad Antonius, Professor (retired), Sociologie, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  30. Sinan Antoon, New York University, United States
  31. Jobb Arnold, Professor, University of Winnipeg, Canada
  32. Satoshi Ashikaga, Researcher of International Law and Peace Studies, Japan
  33. Philippe Audebaud, retired, Assistant Professor in Computer Sciences, France
  34. Elsa Auerbach, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States
  35. John Avery, Writer, Denmark
  36. Mark Ayyash, Mount Royal University, Canada
  37. Negar Azimi, Writer and editor, New York, United States
  38. Igor Babou, Professor, Paris University, France
  39. Saleem Badat, Research Professor, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  40. Bertrand Badie, Sciences Po Paris, France
  41. Elena Baena-González, Biologist, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
  42. Teresa Bailey, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, United Kingdom
  43. Mona Baker, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  44. Viviane Baladi, mathematician, Director of research in Paris, France
  45. Thomas Balenghien, Researcher, France
  46. Étienne Balibar, Anniversary Chair of Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University London, United Kingdom
  47. Dominique Ballereau, Observatoire de Paris (retraité), France
  48. Jihad Ballout, Media executive, United Kingdom
  49. Angelo Baracca, Professor of Physics (retired), University of Florence, Italy
  50. Marie-José Barbot, Professeur des universités Lille, France
  51. Jean Barge, Professeur honoraire, France
  52. David Barkin, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
  53. Anthony Barnett, Writer, United Kingdom
  54. Jinan Bastaki, Researcher, United Arab Emirates
  55. Asmahan Batraoui, Traductrice, France
  56. Edmond Baudoin, Auteur de bandes dessinées, France
  57. Yazid Ben Hounet, CNRS, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, France
  58. Ghassen Ben Khelifa, Journalist, Tunisia
  59. Fifi Benaboud, Politologue, ancienne fonctionnaire Internationale, France
  60. Alejandro Bendaña, Writer, Nicaragua
  61. Roberto Beneduce, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Turin, Italy
  62. Badia Benjelloun, Médecin, France
  63. Farida Benlyazid, Filmmaker, Morocco
  64. Meriem Bennani, Artist, Morocco/United States
  65. Belkacem Benzenine, Full researcher, CRASC, Algeria
  66. Jacob Berger, Filmmaker, Switzerland
  67. Anna Bernard, King’s College London, United Kingdom
  68. Thomas Berns, Professeur à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique
  69. Mohammed Berrada, Writer, Morocco
  70. Omar Berrada, Writer and curator, United States
  71. Jacques Berthelot, Former economist at ENSAT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse), France
  72. Lucile Bertrand, visual artist, Belgium
  73. Mireille Besson, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, France
  74. Francesca Biancani, University of Bologna, Italy
  75. Monique Biesemans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  76. Alain Bihr, Honorary professor of sociology, University of Bourgnogne-Franche-Comté, France
  77. Julie Billaud, Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland
  78. Amahl Bishara, Tufts University, United States
  79. George Bisharat, UC Hastings College of the Law/Professor, musician, United States
  80. Beatriz Bissio Staricco, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  81. Chris Blacktop, Registered Mental Health Nurse, United Kingdom
  82. Susan Blackwell, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
  83. Jacob Blakesley, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  84. Olga Blazevits, Researcher, Italy
  85. Elizabeth Block, Potter & singer, Canada
  86. Nicolas Boeglin, Professor of Public International Law, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  87. Jordi/Jorge Bonells Rodríguez, Écrivain – Professeur émérite, Université de Toulon, France
  88. Véronique Bontemps, anthropologue, CNRS, France
  89. Claire Borel, IRO Université de Montréal, retraitée, Canada
  90. Hagit Borer, Professor, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
  91. Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, Council of Elders of the ICCA Consortium, Switzerland
  92. Michiel Bot, Assistant Professor of Law and Humanities, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
  93. Steven Botticelli, NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, United States
  94. Jean-Pierre Bouché, Molecular Biologist, CNRS (retired), France
  95. Jean-Pierre Boudine, Mathématicien, agrégé, retraité, auteur, France
  96. Mohamed Bouguerra, Retired University professor, France
  97. Habiba Bouhamed Chaabouni, Physician, Emeritus Professor of medical genetics, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
  98. Jean-Claude Bourdin, Professeur émérite de philosophie, Université de Poitiers, France
  99. Youcef Boussaa, Psychiatre des hôpitaux retraité, France
  100. Bruno Boussagol, Metteur en scène, France
  101. Paul Bove, Editor, Writer, United States
  102. Roxane Bovet, Curator/publisher, Switzerland
  103. Daniel Boyarin, Taubman Professor of Talmudic Culture, UC Berkeley, United States
  104. Robert Boyce, Emeritus Reader, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
  105. Patrick Boylan, Associate Professor of English Language & Translation (retired), Roma Tre University, United States
  106. Corinne Brachet, biochemist, engineer, in Paris, France
  107. Michael Bradburn-Ruster, Professor/Poet, United States
  108. Anouar Brahem, Musician, Composer, Tunisia
  109. José A. Brandariz, University of A Coruna, Spain
  110. Rony Brauman, Physician, writer, former president of Médecins Sans Frontières, France
  111. Haim Bresheeth, SOAS, United Kingdom
  112. Jean Bricmont, Retired professor, UClouvain, Belgique
  113. Claude-Hélène Brissac-Féral, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France
  114. Birgit Brock-Utne, Professor, University of Oslo, Norway
  115. Bernadette Brooten, Professor Emerita, Brandeis University ; Director, Feminist Sexual Ethics Project, United States
  116. Maurice Bruynooghe, KULeuven/Emeritus Professor, Belgium
  117. Michel Bühler, Chanteur, écrivain, Suisse
  118. Erica Burman, Professor of Education, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  119. Julia Calver, Artist, United Kingdom
  120. Joseph Camilleri, Emeritus Professor, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
  121. Julie Campiche, Musician, composer, Switzerland
  122. Lucas Cantori, Publisher, Suisse
  123. Michel Capron, Professeur émérite de sciences de gestion, Université Paris 8 – Saint-Denis, France
  124. João Caraça, Senior Adviser, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal
  125. Sophie Carapetian, Artist, United Kingdom
  126. Jorge Carneiro, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
  127. Fred Carter, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
  128. Rinella Cere, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
  129. John Chalcraft, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), United Kingdom
  130. Tannous Chalhoub, Assistant professor, Lebanese University, Canada
  131. Iain Chalmers, Editor, James Lind Library, United Kingdom
  132. Pamela Chamberlain , Activist, United States
  133. Indu Chandrasekhar, Publisher, Tulika Books, New Delhi, India
  134. Claudine Chaouiya, Aix-Marseille University, France
  135. Max Charvolen, Artist, France
  136. Julie Chateauvert, Associate Professor, Innovation, Elisabeth-Bruyere School of Social Innovation, Saint-Paul University, Canada
  137. Kunal Chattopadhyay, Professor of Comparative literature, Jadavpur University, India
  138. Claudia Chaufan, Associate Professor, York University, Canada
  139. Hafidha Chekir, Emeritus Professor of Public Law, Al Manar University, Tunis ; Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights, Tunisia
  140. Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, Professeure émérite de droit public et de sciences politiques, Université Paris-Diderot, France
  141. Anuradha Chenoy, retired Professor, India
  142. Lounes Chikhi, Research Director at CNRS, University Toulouse 3, France
  143. Usuf Chikte, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  144. Yves Chilliard, Research Director (retired), INRAE, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  145. Robert Chimambo, Environmental and Climate Justice Activist, Zambia
  146. Larbi Chouikha, Professor, Manouba University, Tunisia
  147. Abd Raouf Chouikha, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
  148. Alberto Clarizia, Professor (retired) Università Federico II Napoli, Italy
  149. Pierre Clément, Retraité, Aix-Marseille Université ; honoraire Université Lyon1, France
  150. Françoise Clément, Economist, France
  151. Ted Clement-Evans, formerly a Fellow of the RICS, United Kingdom
  152. Darlene Coffman, Retired educator , United States
  153. Laurent Cohen, Translator and activist, Spain
  154. Jack A Cole, Retired New Jersey state police, United States
  155. Elliott Colla, Georgetown University, United States
  156. David Comedi, National University of Tucumán and National Research Council, Argentina
  157. Annie Conter, Professeur Émérite de Génétique, Université Paul Sabatier, France
  158. John Cooper, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
  159. Emma Courtine, Honorary Member of the ICCA Consortium and circus artist, France
  160. Phyllis Creighton, Writer, Toronto, Canada
  161. Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Curator, Brazil
  162. Nicki Croghan, Medical interpreter, United States
  163. Robin Huw Crompton, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
  164. Dominique Crozat, Professor, Paul Valéry Montpellier University, France
  165. Jean-Paul Cruse, Écrivain indépendant, France
  166. Elyse Crystall, Assoc Prof, UNC-Chapel Hill, United States
  167. Laurent Cugny, Professeur, Sorbonne Université, France
  168. Paolo Cuttitta, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
  169. Philippe Cyroulnik, Art critic and curator, France
  170. Frans Daems, Emeritus professor of linguistics, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  171. Laurent Dauré, Journalist, France
  172. Eric David, Emeritus Professor of International Law at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  173. Marc David, Departement Wiskunde, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium
  174. Lawrence Davidson, West Chester University, United States
  175. Chandler Davis, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Canada
  176. Dayan-Herzbrun Dayan-Herzbrun , Professeure émérite à l’Université de Paris, France
  177. Daniel de Beer, Emeritus Professor, Saint Louis University, Belgium
  178. Lieven de Cauter, Philosopher, KU Leuven, Belgium
  179. Cécile de La Monneraye, Sculptor, France
  180. Herman De Ley, Emeritus Professor, Ghent University, Belgium
  181. Jan De Maeseneer, Emeritus Professor, Ghent University, Belgium
  182. Hugo De Man, Emeritus Professor, Kuleuven, Belgium
  183. Salomé de Unamuno, Retraitée du CNRS, France
  184. Frederiek de Vlaming, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  185. Raymond Deane, Composer, author, Ireland
  186. Pascal Debruyne, Political science, Odisee University College, Belgium
  187. Sharae Deckard, Associate Professor in World Literature, University College Dublin, Ireland
  188. Tom Decorte, Professor, Belgium
  189. Lara Deeb, Professor, Scripps College, United States
  190. Hendrik Deelstra, Emeritus, professor University Antwerp, Belgium
  191. Martine Defais, Molecular biologist CNRS retired, France
  192. Dominique Dehais, ENSA Normandie, France
  193. Jan Dekeyser, Architect & lecturer KU Leuven, Belgium
  194. Antonio Esau Del Rio Castillo, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia/ Nanomaterials Researcher, Italy
  195. Sheila Delany, Simon Fraser University/writer, scholar, professor, Canada
  196. Paul Delmotte, Prof. retraité de l’IHECS, Bruxelles, Belgium
  197. Jan Delrue, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, architecture, Belgium
  198. Pina Delvaux, Art in boxes, Luxembourg
  199. Tj Demos, Professor, UC Santa Cruz, United States
  200. Christian Depardieu, Galeriste, rédacteur en chef de, France
  201. Linval DePass, Drug Development Scientist, United States
  202. Johan Depoortere, Journalist (retired), Belgium
  203. Charles Derber, Professor and author, Boston College, United States
  204. Radhika Desai, Professor, University of Manitonba, Canada
  205. Jack Desbiolles, University of South Australia, Australia
  206. Sudhanva Deshpande, Managing Editor, LeftWord Books, India
  207. Manthia Diawara, Professor, New York University, United States
  208. James Dickins, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  209. Natalya Dinat, Medical Doctor, South Africa
  210. Rabia Djellouli, Professor, CSUN, United States
  211. Elizabeth Dore, Writer, United Kingdom
  212. Laymert dos Santos, State University of Campinas (Retired), Brazil
  213. Antonino Drago, Università Federico II Napoli, Italy
  214. Michael Jacob Drexler, Bucknell University, United States
  215. Françoise Dreyfus, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
  216. Bruno Drweski, INALCO- Sorbonne Paris Cité, France
  217. Vincent Dubois, University of Strasbourg, France
  218. Marie Ducaté, Artiste plasticienne, Marseille, France
  219. Michael Dunford, Emeritus Professor, University of Sussex, China
  220. Marie-José Durand-Richard, (retired) associate professor, Université Paris 8 Vincennes-St Denis, France
  221. Paul Eid, Université du Québec à Montréal (sociology), Canada
  222. Ivar Ekeland, Professor emeritus of mathematics and former President, University of Paris-Dauphine, France
  223. Najat El-Khairy, Palestinian Artist preserving Palestinian culture, Canada
  224. Rabab El-Mahdi, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
  225. Hoda Elsadda, Professor, Cairo University, Egypt
  226. Julia Elyachar, Assoc. Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University, United States
  227. Philippe Enclos, Maître de conférences en droit privé (retraité), Université de Lille, France
  228. Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Researcher, Professor, United States
  229. Brian Eno, Artist/Composer, United Kingdom
  230. Didier Epsztajn, Animateur du blog « entre les lignes entre les mots », France
  231. Ola Erstad, University of Oslo, Dep. of Education / Professor, Norway
  232. Farid Esack, Professor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  233. Adolfo Esquivel, Premio Nobel de la Paz 1980 (Nobel Peace Prize 1980), Argentina
  234. Chokri Essifi, Writer, Tunisia
  235. Marc Estrin, Novelist ; editor, Fomite Press, United States
  236. Susan Etscovitz, Social worker, United States
  237. Phyllis Ewen, Artist, United States
  238. Mohammad Fadel, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, Canada
  239. Kamil Fadel, Head of Physics department, Palais de la découverte, Paris, France
  240. Carmelo Faleh-Pérez, Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público en la ULPGC y Asesor jurídico de la Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (AEDIDH), Spain
  241. Richard Falk, Professor of International Law, Emeritus, Princeton University, United States
  242. Mirelle Fanon Mendes France, Chair Frantz Fanon Foundation, France/Martinique
  243. Randa Farah, Associate Professor, Western University, Canada
  244. Emmanuel Farjoun, Emeritus Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  245. Judith Favish, Research associate, South Africa
  246. Gordon Fellman, Brandeis University, United States
  247. Eileen Ferguson, Visual artist, Ireland
  248. Jan Fermon, Avocat. Secrétaire général Association Internationale des Juristes Démocrates, Belgium
  249. Sujatha Fernandes, University of Sydney, Australia
  250. Anita Fernandez, Monteuse cinéma, écrivain, France
  251. Enzo Ferrara, Centro Studi Sereno Regis – CSSR Torino, Italy
  252. Benjamin Ferron, Université Paris-Est, France
  253. Brigitte Fichet, Retraitée, Université de Strasbourg, France
  254. Gary Fields, Professor, University of California, San Diego, United States
  255. Peter Karl Fleissner, Professor, retired, Austria
  256. Angela Flynn, University College Cork, Ireland
  257. Manzar Foroohar, Professor Emerita, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, United States
  258. Reb Fountain , Songwriter, Aotearoa, New Zealand
  259. Enrique Fraga, Maître de conférences, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
  260. Marilyn Frankenstein, University of Massachusetts/Boston, (retired) Professor, Quantitative Reasoning in Arguments, United States
  261. Estelle Fredet, Réalisatrice, France
  262. Alan Freeman, Writer, Canada
  263. Steven Friedman, Research Professor University of Johannesburg , South Africa
  264. Samuel Friedman, Research Professor, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, United States
  265. Michele Frigerio, Physicist, CNRS, France
  266. Ruth Fruchtman, Writer and Journalist, Berlin, Germany
  267. Will Furtado, Artist, writer, editor, Germany
  268. Arunima G., Director, Kerala Council for Historical Studies, India
  269. Pierre Galand, Ancien professeur des Universités à l’U.L.B., Belgique
  270. Nancy Gallagher, Professor Emeritus, UC Santa Barbara, United States
  271. Eric Gallais, Université Paris-Diderot (Paris-VII), France
  272. Claire Gallien, Montpellier 3 University / Senior Lecturer, France
  273. Domenico Gallo, Chamber President in Supreme Court of Cassazione, Italy
  274. Militza Ganeva, Art restorer, Bulgaria
  275. Marie-Dominique Garnier, Etudes de genre, Université de Paris 8, France
  276. Jean-Luc Gautero, maître de conférences, Université Côte d’Azur, France
  277. Didier Gazagnadou, Professeur d’anthropologie, Université Paris 8, France
  278. Jean Pierre Gazeau, Professeur émérite à l’Université de Paris, France
  279. Mathilde Gelin, Researcher, France
  280. Irene Gendzier, Prof Emeritus in the Dept Political Science, Boston University, United States
  281. Gumpel Georges, Retraité, Partie civile au procès de Klaus Barbie, France
  282. Dina Georgis, Professor at University of Toronto, Canada
  283. Julie Gervais, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
  284. Michel Gevers, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  285. Abbas Ghaddar, University of Virginia, United States
  286. Hassan Ghorbani, LEREPS – Université Toulouse I Capitole, France
  287. David Gibbs, Professor of History, University of Arizona, United States
  288. Yulia Gilich, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States
  289. Pierre Gillis, Emeritus Professor, University of Mons, Belgium
  290. Terri Ginsberg, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
  291. Victor Ginsburgh, Emeritus professor, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  292. Mireille Gleizes, Pianist, Belgium
  293. Jean-Christophe Goddard, Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France
  294. Catherine Goldstein, Director of Research, Paris, France
  295. Sue Goldstein, Artist, Canada
  296. Neve Gordon, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
  297. Michel Goulard, researcher in statistics, Auzeville, France
  298. Kevin Gould, Concordia University, Canada
  299. Stathis Gourgouris, Columbia University, United States
  300. Pierre-Henri Gouyon, Professeur au Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris, France
  301. Penny Green, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
  302. Jean-Guy Greilsamer, Jewish activist against israeli apartheid, France
  303. Julien Grivaux, Sorbonne Université, France
  304. Michel Gros, mathematician, Researcher in Rennes, France
  305. Salah Guemriche, Écrivain, France
  306. Nacira Guénif, Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint-Denis, France
  307. Daniel Guerrier, Editor, France
  308. Jeanne Guien, Researcher in social sciences, France
  309. Rico Gutstein, Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States
  310. Freda Guttman, Visual artist, Canada
  311. Magnus Haavelsrud, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  312. Yassine Hachaichi, Université de Carthage, Tunisia
  313. Pascal Hachet, Psychologist and writer, France
  314. Elaine Hagopian, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Simmons University, United States
  315. Sondra Hale, Professor Emerita, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
  316. Wael Hallaq, Columbia University, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities/Painter, United States
  317. Olivier Hamerlynck, Scientist, Belgium
  318. Dalia Hammoudeh, Scientist, United States
  319. Amel Hamza-Chaffai, University of Sfax, Tunisia
  320. Dyala Hamzah, Professor, University of Montreal, Canada
  321. Jeff Handmaker, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  322. Lara Harb, Princeton University, United States
  323. Githa Hariharan, Writer, India
  324. Egbert Harmsen, Analyst, researcher and human rights activist, The Netherlands
  325. Fatima Harrak, Research Professor, Morocco
  326. John Harries, Senior Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom
  327. Michael Harris, Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University, United States
  328. Howard Harris, Retired university lecturer, United Kingdom
  329. Sean Harris-Macintosh, Architect, United Kingdom
  330. Michelle Hartman, Professor, McGill University, Quebec, Canada
  331. Zoya Hasan, Professor Emerita, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
  332. Mary Lynn Hassan, U.N. Retired, France
  333. Alastair Hay, Professor (Emeritus), University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  334. Abe Hayeem, RIBA, Chair of Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine, United Kingdom
  335. Danny Hayward, Writer, United Kingdom
  336. David Heap, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  337. Pierre Hébrard, Université Paul Valéry, France
  338. Raoul Hébréard, Artiste contemporain, France
  339. Marc Hedrich, Cour d’appel de Caen, France
  340. Iris Hefets, Psychoanalyst, International Psychoanalytic Society, Germany
  341. Eric Heilmann, Professeur à l’université de Bourgogne, France
  342. Yacine Helali, Documentary filmmaker, France
  343. Odile Hélier, Anthropologue, France
  344. Charles Heller, Research Associate, Graduate Institute Geneva, Switzerland
  345. Sami Hermez, Associate Professor, Northwestern University in Qatar, Qatar
  346. Carlos Herrera, Professor, CY Cergy Paris University, France
  347. Judith Herrin, King’s College London, United Kingdom
  348. Christiane Hessel-Chabry, Présidente d’honneur de l’association EJE (Gaza), France
  349. Shir Hever, Political Economist, Germany
  350. Hilde Heynen, KU Leuven, Belgium
  351. Tom Hickey, University of Brighton, United Kingdom
  352. Freya Higgins-Desbiolles, University of South Australia, Australia
  353. Joan Hinde, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
  354. Wieland Hoban, composer and translator, Germany
  355. Ivan Huber, Prof Emeritus, Fairrleigh Dickinson Univ., Madison, NJ, United States
  356. Leila Hudson, University of Arizona, United States
  357. Richard Hudson, University College London, United Kingdom
  358. David Hughes, University College Dublin, Ireland
  359. Anna Kristina Hultgren, Professor of Sociolinguistics, The Open University, United Kingdom
  360. Perrine Humblet, Honorary Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  361. Nicholas Humphrey, Emeritus Professor, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  362. Farrell Hunter, Country Director : Community Adult Education, South Africa
  363. Mary Hurrell, Artist, United Kingdom
  364. Mahmood Ibrahim, Cal Poly Pomona, United States
  365. Patrick Italiano, Chercheur – Université de Liège, Belgium
  366. Abdeen Jabara, Attorney, past president, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, United States
  367. Jean Jackson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
  368. Na’eem Jeenah, Executive Director, Afro-Middle East Centre, South Africa
  369. Hassan Jijakli, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  370. Abry Jocelyne , Professeur en retraite , France
  371. Jörgen Johansen, Journal of Resistance Studies, Scandinavia
  372. Diana Johnstone, Writer, France
  373. Richard Jolly, Emeritus Fellow, IDS, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
  374. Bernt Jonsson, Former Director, Life & Peace Institute, Uppsala, Sweden
  375. Suad Joseph, Distinguished Research Professor, University of California, Davis, United States
  376. Jeanette Jouili, Syracuse University, United States
  377. Aurélie Journée-Duez, Anthropologist, EHESS / LAS, France
  378. R.A. Judy, Professor of Critical Studies, University of Pittsburgh, United States
  379. Baudouin Jurdant, Université Paris Diderot, Portugal
  380. Rula Jurdi, Professor, Canada
  381. Jon Jureidini, University of Adelaide, Australia
  382. Janeen Kabbara, Conflict Resolution Specialist, United States
  383. Mary Kaldor, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
  384. Katy Kalemkerian, Champlain College, Canada
  385. Labib Kamhawi, Writer and former Prof. of political science at Jordan University, Jordan
  386. Raphael Kaplinky, Univrsity of Sussex, Emeritus Professor, United Kingdom
  387. Geeta Kapur Kapur, Art Writer, India
  388. Ronnie Kasrils, Former government minister, South Africa
  389. Otared Kavian, Professeur, Université de Versailles, France
  390. Habib Kazdaghli, Historien, Université de Manouba, Tunisie
  391. Habib Kazdaghli, Historien, Université de Manouba, Tunisie
  392. Brigid Keenan, Writer, United Kingdom
  393. Robin Kelley, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
  394. Susan Kelly, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom
  395. Martin Kemp, Psychoanalyst, UK-Palestine Mental Health Network, United Kingdom
  396. Mercedes Kemp, Writer, United Kingdom
  397. Marie Kennedy, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States
  398. George Kent, Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii, United States
  399. Assaf Kfoury, Computer Science Department, Boston University, United States
  400. Rima Khalaf, Former Executive Secretary of UN ESCWA, Jordan
  401. Laleh Khalili, Professor of International Politics, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
  402. Gholam Khiabany, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom
  403. Makram Khoury-Machool, Academic – Cambridge , United Kingdom
  404. Darwis Khudori, Université Le Havre Normandie, France
  405. Rina King, Science Educator, South Africa
  406. John King, Composer, United States
  407. Laurie King, Anthropologist, Georgetown University, United States
  408. Joost Kircz, em. Research professor Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
  409. David Klein, Professor of Mathematics, California State University Northridge, United States
  410. Avishek Konar, Economist, O.P. Jindal Global University, India
  411. Demir Köse, Teaching assistant at Ghent University, Belgium
  412. Ashish Kothari, Pune, India
  413. Natalie Kouri-Towe, Assistant Professor, Concordia University, Canada
  414. Wayne Kraft, Professor Emeritus, Eastern Washington University, United States
  415. Robert Kriger, Retired, National Research Foundation, South Africa
  416. Hubert Krivine, Physicien, France
  417. Isabelle Krzywkowski, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
  418. Urszula Kucharczyk, Playwright, United Kingdom/Poland
  419. Rose Marie Kuhn, Professor Emerita, California State University Fresno, United States
  420. Radha Kumar, Writer, India
  421. Daniel Kupferstein, Film director, France
  422. Emily LaBarge, Writer, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom
  423. Thierry Madjid Labica, Université Paris Nanterre, France
  424. Poka (Hayden) Laenui (Burgess), Attorney, Hawaii
  425. Premesh Lalu, Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
  426. Bernard Lamizet, Ancien professeur d’université, institut d’Études politiques, Lyon, France
  427. Olfa Lamloum, Chercheuse, Tunisia
  428. Jacob K. Langford, Artist & researcher, Germany
  429. Marilyn Langlois, Community Organizer, Richmond California, United States
  430. Michelangelo Lanza, SR Study Center (MIR/MN-Turin) member & translator, Italy
  431. Jacques Larrieu, Professor emeritus, Université Toulouse Capitole, France
  432. Dimiti Lascaris, Lawyer, journalist and activist, Canada
  433. Martin Lascoux, Uppsala University, Sweden
  434. Patrick Le Hyaric, Président du groupe L’Humanité. Député européen 2004 -2014, France
  435. Pierre Le Pillouër, Poète, France
  436. Pierre LeBlanc, Writer, Canada
  437. Elisabeth Lebovici, Art critic, France
  438. Jean-Louis Leleu, Université Côte d’Azur, France
  439. Gwen Lemey, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  440. Ronit Lentin, Trinity College Dublin Ireland (retired associate professor), Ireland
  441. Patricio Lepe-Carrión, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile
  442. Les Levidow, Senior Research Fellow, Open University, United Kingdom
  443. Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, Emeritus professor, University of Nice, France
  444. Philippe Lewandowski, Retired librarian, University of Strasbourg, France
  445. Cédric Lhoussaine, Professor of Computer Sciences, University of Lille, France
  446. Pauline Lipman, University of Illinois at Chicago, United States
  447. Yoav Litvin, Writer, United States
  448. David Lloyd, University of California Riverside, United States
  449. Peter Lock, Retired, peace and conflict research & urban environment for our grandchildren, Germany
  450. Arab Loutfi, Adjunct Film maker, and adjunct Faculty at Film department AUC (American university of Cairo), Egypt
  451. Miriam Lowi, Professor, the College of New Jersey, United States
  452. Thomas Luce, Lay leader-Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, Licensed theologian, United States
  453. Robin Luckham, Emeritus Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
  454. Ruth Luschnat, none/ writer sometimes…( HP) against classism, Germany
  455. Madeline Lutjeharms, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  456. Brinton Lykes, Professor & Co-Director, Boston College Center for Human Rights & International Justice, United States
  457. Kathleen Lynch, University College Dublin, Ireland
  458. Madhava Prasad M, EFL University Hyderabad, India
  459. Fearghal Mac Bhloscaidh, Coláiste Ollscoil Naomh Muire, Béal Feirste, Ireland
  460. Moshé Machover, Mathematician, KCL, United Kingdom
  461. Kate Macintosh, Architect, United Kingdom
  462. Rania Madi, Geneva University, Switzerland
  463. César Madureira, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal
  464. Sara Magalhães, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  465. Mairead Maguire, Nobel peace laureate, Ireland
  466. Rasigan Maharajh, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
  467. Paul Maillet, Accredited Peace Professional CPSC, Canada
  468. Bernard Maitte, Professeur émérite Université de Lille, France
  469. Ziad Majed, Associate Professor, American University of Paris, France
  470. Esther Makhetha, Academic, South Africa
  471. Rita Manchanda, Author, Human Rights & Peace Advocate, India
  472. Paola Manduca, Retired professor of Genetics, Italy
  473. Marc Mangenot, Économiste, France
  474. Firoze Manji, Adjunct Professor, Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
  475. Pierre Marage, Emeritus Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  476. Maurice Margenstern, Professor emeritus, University of Lorraine, France
  477. Michael Martin, Professor, Media School, Indiana University, United States
  478. Mario Martone, Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, United States
  479. Dick Marty, Dr. Jur. Dr. H.c., former Chair of the Committee of Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Switzerland
  480. Sarah Marusek, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  481. Jan Masschelein, Professor KU Leuven, Belgium
  482. Gustave Massiah, Ancien enseignant à l’école d’architecture de paris la villette, France
  483. Mira Mattar, Writer, United Kingdom
  484. Karim Mattar, University of Colorado at Boulder, United States
  485. Nyla Matuk, Poet, writer, Canada
  486. Jean-Pierre Mazat, Emeritus professor, University of Bordeaux, France
  487. Olivier Mazet, Institut Mathématique de Toulouse, France
  488. Emilia McKenzie, Arist, United Kingdom
  489. Cahal McLaughlin, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom
  490. Cahal McLaughlin, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom
  491. Georg Meggle, Philosopher, Prof. em. at University of Leipzig, Germany
  492. Miomirka Melank, Graphic designer, Bosnia & Herzegovina
  493. Natalie Melas, Associate Professor, Cornell University, United States
  494. Catherine Melin, visual artist, France
  495. Jeffrey Melnick, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States
  496. Georges Menahem, Director of research in Economics and Sociology, CNRS, MSH Paris-Nord, France
  497. Constanza Mendoza, Artist and researcher, Chile
  498. Eduardo Meneses, Artist and Member of « Comité de Solidaridad EcuadorXPalestina », Ecuador
  499. Nivedita Menon, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
  500. AG Menon, Architect, Urban Planner, Conservation Consultant, India
  501. Ritu Menon, Publisher, writer, India
  502. Piet Mertens, Emeritus professor in Linguistics, KU Leuven, Belgium
  503. Alan Meyers, Boston University School of Medicine, United States
  504. Michel Mietton, Professeur émérite, Université de Lyon, France
  505. Gian Giacomo Migone, Former professor of history, University of Torino, Italy
  506. Ali Mili, Académie tunisienne des sciences, des lettres et des arts, Beit al-Hikma, Tunisia
  507. Alain Mille, Université Lyon 1, France
  508. Haynes Miller, Professor of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
  509. Thomas Miller, University of Arizona, United States
  510. Jamal Mimouni, Head of the astrophysics program, Department of Physics, University of Constantine 1 ; President of the African Astronomical Society (AfAS), Algeria
  511. Paul-Antoine Miquel, Université de Toulouse 2, France
  512. Alexis Mitchell, New York University, Artist, Canada/United Kingdom
  513. El-Khansa Mkada, Université de La Manouba, Tunisia
  514. Amina Mkada, Translator, Tunisie
  515. Maël Montévil, Université Paris 1, France
  516. Thomas Moore, Anthropologist, Peru
  517. José-Luis Moragues, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III (Retraite), France
  518. Julie Morisset, Professeure de philosophie, France
  519. Chantal Mouffe, Professor emeritus University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
  520. Aamir Mufti, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  521. Nora Lester Murad, Fordham University, United States
  522. Claude Murcia, Professeure émérite, Université Paris Diderot, France
  523. Pushpamala N, Artist, India
  524. Karma Nabulsi, Professor, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
  525. Véronique Nahoum-Grappe, Anthropologue, France
  526. Joëlle Naïm, Artist, author, translator, France
  527. Nadia Naser-Najjab, Lecturer in Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
  528. Jamal Nassar, Emeritus Professor, California State University San Bernardino, United States
  529. Rehab Nazzal, Visual Artist, Canada
  530. Mary Jane Nealon, Writer, United States
  531. Daniel Neofetou, writer, United Kingdom
  532. Suresh Nesaratnam, The Open University, United Kingdom
  533. Jan Nespor, The Ohio State University, United States
  534. Joe Newman, Lecturer in Popular Music, Music department, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom
  535. Ides Nicaise, Emeritus Professor, KU Leuven, Belgium
  536. Ghyslaine Noel, Artiste, France
  537. Elisabeth Nyffenegger, ICRC (Retired), Switzerland
  538. Daithí Ó Madáin, Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh, Éire
  539. Eyleen O’Rourke, University of Virginia, United States
  540. John Oakes, The Evergreen Review, United States
  541. Jan Oberg, DrHc, peace and future researcher, Transnational Foundation, Sweden
  542. Joseph Oesterlé, Emeritus professor, Sorbonne University, France
  543. Josiane Olff-Nathan, Université de Strasbourg, France
  544. Perrine Olff-Rastegar , Porte-parole du CJACP (Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine), France
  545. Pamela Olson, Author of Fast Times in Palestine, United States
  546. Adi Ophir, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University ; Visiting Professor, The Cogut Institute for the Humanities and the center for Middle East Studies, Brown Universities, United States
  547. Goldie Osuri, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  548. Norman Paech, Professor emeritus University of Hamburg, Germany
  549. Christine Pagnoulle, Université de Liège, Belgium
  550. Salvatore Palidda, University of Genoa, Italy
  551. Francesco Pallante, Università di Torino, Italy
  552. David Palumbo-Liu, Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor, Stanford University, United States
  553. Sylvie Paquerot, Professeure agrégée, Canada
  554. Rose Parfitt, Kent Law School, United Kingdom
  555. Ian Parker, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
  556. Karine Parrot, Professeure de droit à l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
  557. Anand Patwardhan, Filmmaker, India
  558. Michel Paty, Directeur de recherche honoraire au CNRS, Lab SPHERE, Université Paris, France
  559. Leslie Pauls, Accounting Supervisor Oakton Community College, United States
  560. Marie-Anne Paveau, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
  561. Peter Pelbart, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brasil
  562. Lorraine Pellegrini, Artiste plasticienne, France
  563. Livio Pepino, Former magistrate, Italy
  564. Amalia Perfetti, Insegnante, activiste, Italy
  565. Jacques Perreux, Fondateur du Festival des Passeurs d’Humanité, France
  566. Guy Perrier, Professeur émérite Université de Lorraine, France
  567. Nicola Perugini, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  568. Jean-François Pétillot, Université Paul-Valéry – Montpellier 3, France
  569. Laurence Petit-Jouvet, Film-maker/Cinéaste, France
  570. Vahe Petrosian, Chair Astronomy Program Stanford University, United States
  571. Roland Pfefferkorn, Professeur émérite de sociologie, Université de Strasbourg, France
  572. Ruth Phelps, Save The Children & Médecins Sans Frontières (retired), United Kingdom
  573. Pamela Philipose, Independent Journalist, India
  574. Ronald Preston Phipps, International Center for Process Science Philosophy and Education, United States
  575. Elizabeth Picard, Emerita Directrice de Recherche CNRS, Lab IREMAM, France
  576. Sol Picciotto, Emeritus Professor, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  577. Michael Pierse, Queen’s University Belfast, Senior Lecturer, Ireland
  578. Ghislain Poissonnier, Magistrate, France
  579. Christopher Pollmann, Professeur agrégé de droit public, Université de Lorraine, Metz, France
  580. Ismail Poonawala, University of California, Los Angeles, United States
  581. Vesselin Popovski, Vice Dean Jindal Global Law School, India
  582. Raphaël Porteilla, Université de Bourgogne, France
  583. Leila Pourtavaf, York University, Canada
  584. Susan Power, Head of Legal Research and Advocacy, Al-Haq, Palestine
  585. Nicola Pratt, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  586. Veerle Provoost, Professor of ethics, Ghent University, Belgium
  587. Prabir Purkayastha, Editor,, India
  588. Anne Querrien, co-directrice revue Multitudes, France
  589. Yakov Rabkin, University of Montreal, Canada
  590. Ali Raiss-Tousi, Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom
  591. Anandi Ramamurthy , Professor of Media and Culture, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
  592. Leda Ramos, Professor, LatinxFaculty4BLM, United States
  593. Jacques Rancière, Professeur émérite, Université Paris 8, France
  594. Norma Rantisi, Professor, Concordia University, Canada
  595. Mohan Rao, Former professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
  596. Syksy Räsänen, University of Helsinki, Finland
  597. Roshdi Rashed, CNRS/Université de Paris, France
  598. Kamran Rastegar, Tufts University, United States
  599. Bernard Ravenel, Historian, France
  600. Carina Ray, Brandeis University, United States
  601. Fanny-Michaela Reisin, Professor Emeritus Dr., Computer Sci. Dept. at BHT Berlin ; Former president of the International League f. Human Rights e. V. – FIDH Germany, Germany
  602. Dave Rendle, Poet, United Kingdom
  603. Alessandra Renzi, Associate Professor, Concordia University Montreal, Canada
  604. John Reynolds, Maynooth University, Ireland
  605. Bernard Richard, Documentary filmmaker, Paris, France
  606. Nick Riemer, University of Sydney, Australia
  607. Vincent Rivasseau, Professor, University of Paris-Saclay, France
  608. Bruce Robbins, Columbia University, United States
  609. William Clare Roberts, McGill University, Canada
  610. Chris Roberts, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  611. Lisa Rofel, Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz, United States
  612. Eleanor Roffman, retired professor emerita, United States
  613. Marguerite Rollinde, Chercheuse retraitée, Université Paris 8, France
  614. Vincent Romani, Université du Québec à Montréal UQAM, Canada
  615. Pieter Rombouts, Ghent University, Belgium
  616. Valerio Romitelli, University of Bologna , Italia
  617. Maggie Ronayne, National University of Ireland, Galway/ Lecturer in Archaeology, Ireland
  618. Antonio C.S. Rosa, TRANSCEND Media Service – Editor, Portugal/Spain/Germany
  619. Frances Rosamond, University of Bergen, Norway
  620. Steven Rose, Emeritus Professor of Biology and Neurobiology at the Open University and Gresham College, London, United Kingdom
  621. Hilary Rose, Professor Emerita Sociology University of Bradfor, United Kingdom
  622. Jerry Rosen, California State University, Northridge, United States
  623. Jonathan Rosenhead, Emeritus Professor of Operational Research at the London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  624. Andrew Ross, Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University, United States
  625. Alice Rothchild, MD, retired, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Harvard Medical School, United States
  626. Joan Russow, Researcher, Global Compliance Research Project, Canada
  627. John Ryan, Retired Professor of Geography, University of Winnipeg, Canada
  628. Gabriela Saldanha, Independent academic, United Kingdom
  629. Walid Salem , Assistant Professor, Al-Quds University, Palestine
  630. Didier Samain, Sorbonne University, France
  631. Catherine Samary, Économiste, altermondialiste, membre de l’UJFP, France
  632. Vida Samiian, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, CSU Fresno, United States
  633. Rodolfo Sánchez, Professor, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Bariloche), Argentina
  634. Odile Sanson – Friedmann – Yelles, Traductrice, France
  635. Joanna Santa Barbara, Retired physician, New Zealand
  636. Michal Sapir, writer and musician, United Kingdom
  637. Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, New York City, United States
  638. Samir Saul, Professor of History, Université de Montréal, Canada
  639. Rosemary Sayigh, Scholar, Retired lecturer at the American University of Beirut, Lebanon
  640. S. Sayyid, Professor, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  641. Andrew Schaap, Associate Professor of Politics, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
  642. Rita Schepers, Emeritus Professor, KU Leuven, Belgium
  643. Skip Schiel, Independent photographer, United States
  644. Heike Schotten, Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States
  645. Malini Schueller, University of Florida, United States
  646. Manuel Schwab, American University in Cairo, Egypt
  647. Lionel Schwartz, Professeur émérite, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
  648. Richard Seaford, Emeritus Professor, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
  649. Lynne Segal, Professor, Burkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom
  650. Michaël Séguin, Saint-Paul University, Canada
  651. Geneviève Sellier, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
  652. Irna Senekal, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
  653. Martin Serge, Université Sorbonne nouvelle, France
  654. Patrick Séron, Artiste peintre, France
  655. Stefano Severi, University of Bologna, Italy
  656. Benedict Seymour, University of London Goldsmiths, United Kingdom
  657. Leila Shahid, Former Ambassador of Palestine, Palestine
  658. Stephen Sheehi, Sultan Qaboos Professor of Middle East Studies, The College of William & Mary, United States
  659. Lara Sheehi, The George Washington University, United States
  660. Stephen Sheehi, College of William & Mary, United States
  661. Simon Sheikh, Programme Director, MFA Curating, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom / Germany
  662. Nilima Sheikh, Artist, India
  663. Shela Sheikh, Lecturer, Postcolonial Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London , United Kingdom
  664. Ria Shibata, Toda Peace Institute, New Zealand
  665. Philip Short, Writer, France
  666. Daniel Sidobre, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France
  667. Nasser Sitta, MD, United States
  668. Massa Sitta, Associate, United States
  669. Eyal Sivan, Filmmaker – Essayist, France
  670. James Skelly , Institute of Advanced Study Koszeg/Sociologist, Ireland
  671. David Slavin, Emory Univ, Clayton State Univ, United States
  672. Susan Slyomovics, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, University of California Los Angeles, United States
  673. John Smith, Filmmaker, Emeritus Professor of Fine Art, University of East London, United Kingdom
  674. Ania Soliman, Artist, France/United States
  675. Nirit Sommerfeld, Singer, actress, writer, Germany
  676. Phoebe Sorgen, Berkeley Adult School, United States
  677. Sylvain Sorin, Professeur émérite, Sorbonne Université, France
  678. Ahdaf Soueif, Writer, Egypt
  679. Ghislaine Soulet, Urbaniste, France
  680. Roger Southall, Emeritus Professor in Sociology, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  681. Jean Paul Souvraz, Artiste Peintre, France
  682. Gayatri Spivak, Columbia University, United States
  683. Annabelle Sreberny, Emeritus Professor, SOAS University of London, United Kingdom
  684. Pierre Stambul, Professeur retraité (Mathématiques), France
  685. Jonathan Steele, Author and journalist, United Kingdom
  686. Angelo Stefanini, University of Bologna, Italy
  687. Irène Steinert, University of Amsterdam, social psychology, The Netherlands
  688. Chris Stone, Hunter College (CUNY), United States
  689. Darko Štrajn, Philosopher, Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  690. Lucienne Strivay, Honorary Professor, University of Liège, Belgium
  691. Paolo Emilio Strolin, Emeritus Professor, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
  692. Élio Sucena, Professor, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  693. Annick Suzor-Weiner, Professor emeritus, Université Paris-Saclay, France
  694. Ted Swedenburg, Professor of Anthropology, University of Arkansas, United States
  695. Alexis Tadié, Sorbonne Université, France
  696. Arturo Tagliacozzo, Department of Physics, Universita’ di Napoli « Federico II », Italy
  697. Nozomi Takahashi, VIB-Ghent University, Belgium
  698. Fatiha Talahite, Economist, Senior Researcher, Paris, France
  699. Salim Tamari, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Birzeit University, Palestine
  700. Charling Tao, Director of Research, France
  701. Leyya Tawil, Artist, United States
  702. Clyde Taylor, Emeritus Professor, New York University, United States
  703. Trisha Terwilliger, Artist, United States
  704. Jacques Thibiéroz, Sorbonne Université, Paris (retraité), France
  705. Philip Thomas, Retired Psychiatrist and Former Professor, United Kingdom
  706. Laurent Tichit, Université d’Aix-Marseille, France
  707. Virginia Tilley, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, United States
  708. Chris Tilly, University of California Los Angeles, United States
  709. Gianni Tognoni, Secretara General, Permanente Peoples Tribunal, Italy
  710. Barry Trachtenberg, Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History, Wake Forest University, United States
  711. Sâ Benjamin Traore, Postdoctoral research Fellow, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  712. Deepak Tripathi, Writer, United Kingdom
  713. Ipek Tureli, McGill University, Canada
  714. Oscar Ugarteche, Instituto de investigaciones economicas UNAM, Mexico
  715. Gabriele Usberti, Retired Professor of Philosophy of Language, University of Siena, Italy
  716. Montse Vallmitjana, Societat Catalana de Biologia, Spain
  717. Salim Vally, Professor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  718. Erik Van der Straeten, UA Antweren retired, Belgium
  719. Raf Van Laere, Former president of the Académie royale d’Archéologie de Belgique, Belgium
  720. Pauline van Mourik Broekman, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom
  721. Thomas Van Riet, Professor of Physics, Leuven University, Belgium
  722. Roger van Zwanenberg, Managing Director of Pluto Journals, United Kingdom
  723. Achin Vanaik, Retd. Professor of International Relations and Global Politics, University of Delhi, India
  724. Guido Vanden Wyngaerd, KU Leuven, Belgium
  725. Marc Vandepitte, Author, Belgium
  726. Eric Vanhaute, Ghent University, Belgium
  727. Michel Vanhoorne, Honorary Professor, Ghent University, Belgium
  728. Biljana Vankovska , Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  729. Henry Veltmeyer, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico
  730. Dominique Ventre, Institut Polytechnique Paris (retired), France
  731. Aviel Verbruggen, Emeritus Professor in economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  732. Claude Verges, Professor of Medical Ethics and Bioethics, University of Panama, Panama
  733. Françoise Vergès, Writer, Antiracist Decolonial Feminist, France
  734. Thomas Vescovi, Chercheur indépendant en histoire contemporaine, France
  735. Anna Viacava, M.D. Psychiatrist, Italy
  736. Pedro Vianna, Poète, homme de théâtre, enseignant universitaire (Valencia), Français
  737. Dominique Vidal, Journaliste et historien, France
  738. Carlos Villán Durán, President, Spanish Society for International Human Rights Law, Spain
  739. Marina Vishmidt, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom
  740. Vincenzo Vita, President of (AAMOD) Audiovisual Archive of The Democratic and Labour Movement, Italy
  741. Giuseppe Vitiello, Honorary Professor of Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Salerno, Italy
  742. Jan Vromman, High school teacher, doctor in arts, documentary maker, Belgium
  743. Dan Walsh, Palestine Poster Project Archives, United States
  744. Gretchen Walters, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
  745. Anusheh Warda, Oakland Unified School District, United States
  746. Dror Warschawski, Sorbonne Université, France
  747. Roger Waters, Musician, United Kingdom
  748. Melissa Weiner, College of the Holy Cross, United States
  749. Joan Whitaker, Community Health Worker, United States
  750. John Whitbeck, International Lawyer and Writer, France
  751. John Wilkins, University of Exeter, United Kingdom
  752. Julian Williams, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  753. Françoise Willmann, Université de Lorraine, France
  754. Siobhan Wills, Ulster University, Ireland
  755. Patricia Willson, Université de Liège, Belgium
  756. Jessica Winegar, Professor, Northwestern University, United States
  757. Robert Wintemute, Professor of Human Rights Law, King’s College London, United Kingdom
  758. Yves Winter, Associate Professor of Political Science, McGill University, Canada
  759. Nicole Wolf, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom
  760. Theresa Wolfwood, Poet, Canada
  761. John Womack jr, Harvard University, United States
  762. Michael Wongsam, Writer, United Kingdom
  763. Pam Wortley , Retired GP, United Kingdom
  764. Jan Wyns, Teacher, Belgium
  765. Stephen Yeo, Writer, history and poetry (retired academic), United Kingdom
  766. Nathalie Younès, Associate professor Université Clermont-Auvergne, France
  767. Lissorgues Yvan, Professeur émérite de littérature espagnole, Université Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France
  768. Hatem Zaag, mathematician, Director of research in Paris, France
  769. Patrick Zahnd, Sciences Po Paris / PSIA, Mexico
  770. Rehana Zaman, Artist, United Kingdom
  771. Maung Zarni, Co-founder and head, Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia, United Kingdom
  772. Markus Zimmer, Justice Systems Advisor, United States
  773. Said Zulficar, Retired UNESCO official, Egypt


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Richard Falk is a member of the TRANSCEND Network, an international relations scholar, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, Distinguished Research Fellow, Orfalea Center of Global Studies, UCSB, author, co-author or editor of 60 books, and a speaker and activist on world affairs. In 2008, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) appointed Falk to two three-year terms as a United Nations Special Rapporteur on “the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.” Since 2002 he has lived in Santa Barbara, California, and associated with the local campus of the University of California, and for several years chaired the Board of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. His most recent book is On Nuclear Weapons, Denuclearization, Demilitarization, and Disarmament (2019).

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