Homage to Women

POETRY FORMAT, 14 Mar 2022

Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service

For Women’s Day – 8 Mar 2022

A feminine force so mighty and monumental
Yet so delicate, almost ornamental!
She is not perfect, yet she can be potent.
She can be a mystery and sing a melody.
From power to shakti
Believes in devotion – called Bhakti
Like a goddess, powerful!
Women are peace makers- that’s their fate
Teaching love and not to hate
God created her to be great.
She has an innate ability to recreate,
Even her children understand,
She pours out love and never hesitates.


Dr Usha Roopnarain – Former parliamentarian in the National Assembly of South Africa, social activist and passionate about human rights and gender equality.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 14 Mar 2022.

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One Response to “Homage to Women”

  1. Rajendran says:

    The poem is very nicely written on the powers and compassion of women.
    They can prove to be a force worth to reckon.
    Well written Dr.Usha 0

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