The Floods


Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service

9 May 2022 – Last month’s floods that devastated KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa demonstrated how a troublesome and toxic stew of bad politics and governance, endless official deceit connected with human-made and natural catastrophes, has cost billions of damage and hundreds of human lives.


The rains – the rains came without any warning.
Breaking through the trees, the valleys,
We were driven to mourning.
Taking off roots, buildings and human lives
Eyes cannot look at the devastation’s
Pity us, is this a natural manifestation?
Just tokens of darkness.
Almost like a raging madness!
The floods have swept over us,
No more green meadows …
Only fearful shadows!
The raging floods have destroyed
The beautiful land we once enjoyed!!


Dr Usha Roopnarain – Former parliamentarian in the National Assembly of South Africa, social activist and passionate about human rights and gender equality.

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 May 2022.

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