A Bouquet of Many Blooms

POETRY FORMAT, 27 Jun 2022

Dr Usha Roopnarain – TRANSCEND Media Service

A deserved praise I give.
There are no binaries
…only bouquets
Many blooms make up a bouquet.
Like a mosaic of broken tiles…
Or a patchwork of soft smiles…
Or a Thali of many flavours…
A rainbow of many colours.
No binaries but  ALWAYS
Including others.
Like a tapestry of many threads.
That’s the way unity is spread.
Like a bubbling pot of cuisines
Why does sorrows still stream?
Torment, tears and terrorism have become our only themes.
Perhaps more unity will stop the angry screams!!!!


Dr Usha Roopnarain – Former parliamentarian in the National Assembly of South Africa, social activist and passionate about human rights and gender equality.


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 27 Jun 2022.

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One Response to “A Bouquet of Many Blooms”

  1. Hoosen Vawda says:

    Dear Dr Usha Roopnarain
    Thank you for the excellent poetry and contemporary reflection. Well done.

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