A Photo Is Worth a Million Words


Posted by Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service

 –> What Is Right in This Pic?

Lost & Alone, the Jester at the NATO Summit in Vilnius

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 21 Aug 2023.

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2 Responses to “A Photo Is Worth a Million Words”

  1. It is tempting for readers of TSM to make a judgement about this picture, but it is not really possible!
    It is such a short moment!

    • The photo is quite revealing and confirms what most enlightened and progressive viewers already know–that Zelensky is just a puppet–a mindless puppet–of the power elite in the NATO establishment. His job is to do what the US-NATO masters want him to do (i.e., prolong the Ukraine war to the last Ukrainian and refuse any peace initiative or diplomatic negotiations from any sector, least of all Russia and China). He will, of course, be disposed of when he is no longer needed (but, of course, he can retire comfortably to his grand mansion by the beach somewhere ouside of Ukraine–that much is assured).

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