God Has Sent His Angel to Provide Ukraine with a “Good” Message


Satoshi Ashikaga – TRANSCEND Media Service

U.S.A. Has Sent His Angel (IMF) to Provide Ukraine with a Good Message

–    IMF Loaned $115B To Ukraine Without Any Proof Where It Went (orientalreview.su)


  1. Zelensky + IMF Chief + CIA Chief = You know the (possible) answer!  

–         (20 February 2023)  Zelenskyy meets with IMF Head in Kyiv | Ukrainska Pravda

–         (1 July 2023)    CIA director met with Zelenskyy on secret trip to Ukraine (nbcnews.com)


  1.   For Whom the Bell Tolls?  For Whom IMF Was Created?  For What Purpose IMF Was Created?

The U.S. initiated to create “IMF” to dominate the world currency system, called the “Breton Woods system“.  Therefore, it is no wonder that many executive posts of the IMF have been occupied by the U.S. officials.

–         “The Secretary of the Treasury serves as the U.S. Governor to the IMF, and the U.S. Executive Director of the IMF is one of 24 directors who exercise voting rights over the strategic direction of ….”    International Monetary Fund | U.S. Department of the Treasury

–         “IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation with the United States. June 15, 2023. Press Releases. United States: 2023 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff.…”  United States and the IMF

–         U.S. Participation in the International Monetary Fund (IMF): A Primer – AAF (americanactionforum.org)


3-1.    Meanwhile, Many African Countries Are Suffering From U.S. Dollar Debts!  

Many African countries are suffering from mounting the U.S. dollar debts. However, the U.S. Govrnment seems not care for these African countries facing the U.S. dollar crisies.

–    “Many countries’ debt is denominated in U.S. dollars — and about a third of it was loaned on variable interest rates.”  Why are so many countries facing a debt crisis? And is there a solution? : Goats and Soda : NPR

–    A strong US dollar hurts African economies | The Exchange

3-2.    The U.S. Strategy to Dominate Africa vs. Africa’s response:

It seems that the U.S. intends to keep dominating Africa more by revising the strategy.

–         The U.S.-Africa strategy under Biden | The Week

–         See African countries’ response → Why is Africa turning away from the United States? | The Bottom Line – YouTube


  1.   Commentary:

–         In the past, the Western countries were using whips to make Africans slaves.  Today, the Western countries, including the U.S., are using the U.S. dollar to make Africans slaves.

–         While the U.S. Government seems to want to make African countries “debt-slaves“, the Government seems to want to make Ukraine a “new subordinate“.

–         Judging from the differences of the attitude of the U.S. Government to Africa and to Ukraine, some African countries might interpret the silent message of the U.S. Government to Ukraine as follows: “We, the West, welcome you (Ukraine) to our Western country inner-circle!  We are white!  We are Christians!  We are the members of NATO!  And, by using the military power and the U.S. dollar, we will keep dominating the whole world! The West-centered world order!  Its core is, us, the U.S.  The world order of the West, by the West, and for the West, will never perish from the earth!  That is what the essence of the Western democracy is. You should learn democracy from us.”

–         Many African countries and other non-Western countries might respond to the U.S. or to the West overall by applying Jodie Evans’ remarks, “We, Africans and/or any other non-Western countries, deny your suggestion that we follow the direction of any political influence, our former-suzerain states or any other foreign government or their political, financial or economic, technology, military, food, water, energy sources, any other natural resources or any other kinds of pressures.  We have always followed our values.”

–         How about Afghanistan?  How about Iraq?  How about many other countries to which the United States militarily intervened and destroyed since the establishment of IMF in 1944?  See → List of US Wars and Interventions Since WW2 (substack.com)

– An old proverb: “If you want to control someone, some people or some country, you need at least two items: (1) whips = the military power/weapons, (2) sweets = the U.S. dollar, and (3) religion.

– Perhaps, if NATO is the Guardian angel sent by God (= the U.S.) to Ukraine, IMF may be the Archangel sent by Him to Ukraine.

– Among the above-mentioned three items, God is providing Ukraine with (1) the whips (= the military weapons) through the Guardian Angel and (2) the sweets (= the U.S. dollar) through the Archangel!

– Ukrainian President Zelensky might say, “GOD (the U.S.) IS GREAT!” ->>>  Ukrainian language: “Бог чудовий! [pronounced “Boh chudovyy!”]

– May peace be with you!  May peace be with all over the world!


Satoshi Ashikaga is a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. Having worked as researcher, development program/project officer, legal protection/humanitarian assistance officer, human rights monitor-negotiator, managing-editor, and more, he prefers a peaceful and prudent life, especially that in communion with nature.  His previous work experiences, including those in war zones and war-torn zones, remind him of the invaluableness of peace.  His interest and/or expertise includes international affairs, international law, jurisprudence, economic and business affairs, project/operations or organizational management, geography, history, the environmental/ecological issues, audio/visual documentation of nature and culture, and more.

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