Operation False Flag to Set the Middle East on Fire


Manlio Dinucci | Il Manifesto – TRANSCEND Media Service

Global Research

28 Oct 2023 – Facts, not opinion, are increasingly showing that the attack carried out by Hamas on Oct. 7 in Israel was the detonator for an Operation False Flag, similar to the Sept. 11, 2001 attack in the United States.

Remarkable are the similarities, which we summarize in this fact-sheet accompanying the Grand Angle episode.

Factual Comparisons 

In 2001, Islamic militants from Al Qaeda manage to bring down the Twin Towers and strike the Pentagon without the CIA having any inkling that an attack of such magnitude was being prepared.

In 2023, Islamic Hamas militants managed to penetrate Israel en masse, occupying over 20 population centers, without the Mossad having had any inkling of the preparation of an attack of such magnitude.

In 2001, the Twin Towers collapse as in a controlled demolition due to the heat developed by the impact of the planes, which is also technically impossible because the fuel burns mostly outside, and Tower 7 collapses as in a controlled demolition without being hit by a plane, while the plane hitting the Pentagon penetrates entirely inside by opening a circular hole, which is also technically impossible because the wings should have broken off leaving wreckage outside.

In 2023, the barrier surrounding Gaza – equipped with the most sophisticated sensors, radar, cameras and automatic weapons systems linked to a command center – is bulldozed through without triggering any alarms, which is technically impossible.

In 2001, while the hijacked planes are airborne toward their targets, the U.S. air defense system, one of the most efficient in the world, demonstrates catastrophic inefficiency by having interceptor fighters take off late. In 2023, as Hamas militants attack residents and music festival attendees, Israeli special forces, among the most efficient in the world, demonstrate catastrophic inefficiency by intervening late.

In 2001, the 9/11 attack and the casualties it causes serve to justify the opening of a vast war front with the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and then Iraq, in regions of primary strategic importance to Russia and China.

In 2023, the Oct. 7 attack and the casualties it causes serve to justify the opening of a vast war front in the strategic region of the Middle East with the dual objectives of wiping out the Palestinian Territories, making the creation of a Palestinian state impossible, and of triggering, by targeting Iran, a chain reaction of conflicts in a Middle East where the United States, Israel, and European powers are losing ground, as evidenced by the forthcoming entry of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Brics along with Russia and China.

Relevant Facts 

The bombs Israel is using on Gaza were supplied by the United States: there are about 10 thousand powerful small-diameter bombs guided on targets via the U.S. GPS system.

The “large-scale” air strikes Israel is carrying out on Gaza as it prepares for a ground invasion have so far resulted in over 7 thousand deaths, half of them children, and over 15 thousand wounded. Six hospitals have been closed due to lack of fuel.

The U.N. Secretary General reports that more than 35 U.N. personnel have been killed by Israeli shelling in Gaza.

Rabbis and other Jews demonstrated with Palestinians-demanding that they have their own state-in Jerusalem, where they were arrested, in Washington, New York, London and other cities.


This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci is a research associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization, a geographer, and geopolitical scientist. In the 1980s, he directed the magazine Lotta per la Pace (born from “Appeal against the installation of nuclear missiles in Italy”) and was Executive Director for Italy of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, winner of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize. His latest books are L’arte della guerra/Annali della strategia USA/NATO 1990-2016, Zambon 2016; and Guerra Nucleare Il Giorno Prima, Zambon Editore; 2017.

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