Dietrich Fischer

Three mice were drinking.

The first said, "Let’s drink a glass and sing."

The second said, "No, let’s drink two glasses and dance."

The third said, "No, let’s drink three glasses and go beat up the cat!"


A mouse fell into a jar of wine.  She cried for help.  The cat came and saw her and offered: "Alright, I will pull you out, but then I will eat you, that is the law of nature."

The mouse said, "That is fine with me, I rather die in your sweet mouth than drowning miserably in this jar."

The cat pulled her out, but the mouse quickly ran away and went hiding inside her hole.  The cat waited in front of the hole and said, "Mouse, come out, you promised that I can eat you."

The mouse said, "You know, I was drunk from the wine, and when you are drunk you can promise anything!"


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 15 Jun 2009.

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