Petition (please sign): Urgent International Military Protection for Palestinians

APPEALS, 23 Sep 2024

Ousman Noor | Avaaz - TRANSCEND Media Service

Posted 20 Sep 2024

To: Leaders of Governments Worldwide

We, the undersigned, call upon the international community to take immediate and decisive action to halt the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.

Since October 2023 over 40,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli Occupation Force, including over 17,000 children and over 100,000 wounded, with many in critical condition. While the vast majority of violence has taken place in Gaza, widespread atrocities are now escalating against Palestinians in the unlawfully occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The world cannot remain silent in the face of such relentless attacks , displacement and systematic violence perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people.

These violations of international law, human rights, and humanitarian norms by Israel in Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank neccesitate urgent military protection for Palestinian civilians to safeguard against further harm.

We demand:

  • The immediate establishment of an international military force to protect Palestinian civilians.
  • Immediate cessation of all military actions by Israel against the civilian populations of Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
  • Enforcement of United Nations resolutions and international legal frameworks that recognize the rights of the Palestinian people to peace, security, and self-determination. 
  • Accountability for those responsible for war crimes and violations of human rights.

We call on governments worldwide to stand against these atrocities and fulfill their moral and legal obligations to protect the Palestinian people .

Link to Petition:

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 23 Sep 2024.

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