6th International Conference for World Balance


Submitted by Diane Perlman - TRANSCEND Media Service

Following the high level of attendance at the preceding edition (2023) – over 1,100 delegates from 89 countries – the José Martí International Solidarity Project announces the planned holding of the 6th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE, in Havana on January 28-31, 2025.

The event is open to writers, historians, journalists, artists, politicians, economists, scientists and intellectuals in general; to representatives of social and solidarity movements, trade union and religious leaders; members of NGOs and scientific, feminist, youth, rural workers’ and ecological organizations and all people of good will who care about the defense of social justice, evenhanded development, dialogue and peace; who share the finer feelings of solidarity and the desire to build a better world.

This world forum of pluralistic and multidisciplinary thinking is supported and co-sponsored by UNESCO, the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science & Culture, the Foundation Cultural de Paz (Spain), Soka Gakkai International, the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and other international, regional and domestic institutions.

The conference will take place at a time when mankind is progressing towards new bases of organization of the world system, in the context of a transition in civilization which transcends the legacy of colonialism, hegemonism and unipolarity to make multilateralism and the sustainability of human development its basic aim.

The International Conferences FOR WORLD BALANCE have become important academic/scientific platforms of various branches of knowledge – notably the social and human sciences – attended by hundreds of educators, researchers, social activists and intellectuals from every latitude who are invited, regardless of their origin, culture, political stance, or religious beliefs, to ponder the main problems of the times, pursue common aims conducive to unity of global action, and convince international public opinion that dialogue should prevail over war, love over hate, solidarity over egoism … in short, to disseminate ideas and awareness for building a better world – more just and at peace, so that we can look to the future with hope rather than apprehension.

This world conference will take place in the year of the 130th anniversary of the death on the battlefield of José Martí, the master spirit of Cuban independence, a great philosopher whose profoundly humanist output of extraordinary longevity inspires efforts to bring about sustainable development; social justice; the elimination of poverty; access to public health, education and culture; the affirmation of international cooperation, of multilateralism, of respect for the rights of others, of dialogue and of peace.

The event will be the setting for the creation of meaningful relations between people of good will, for conferring greater visibility and substance to the struggle for the common ideal of making the world a better place and saving life on Earth; old and new friends will meet in the search for unity of global action to raise awareness within international public opinion; working experiences will be shared, views expressed with the utmost respect and in a setting entirely free of sectarianism. The gathering is also seen as a continuance of the International Conferences on the Dialogue of Civilizations and the debates at the World Humanities Conference held in Liège, Belgium, under the auspices of UNESCO and the International Council for Philosophy & Human Sciences.

Fundamental questions will be addressed in committees, panels, workshops, meetings, symposiums, specialized sessions, keynote speeches, special addresses and other modes of reflection and debate, as expected of an event of this nature and scale; the results will be published as papers for distribution to universities, other seats of learning and research institutions and made available on the social networks.

The 6th International Conference FOR WORLD BALANCE will accordingly adopt a wide-ranging agenda whose primary themes will include:

  • The need for a science sans frontières at the service of mankind: the salutary lesson of the COVID‑19 pandemic.
  • Science, innovation and the humanities: the necessary convergences and meeting points.
  • Artificial intelligence: future uncertain. Between enthusiasm and unease.
  • Climate change, focus on the irreversible processes, loss of biodiversity and other environmental challenges with implications for the survival of the planet, its flora and fauna – including homo sapiens, of course.
  • The threats to the seas, rivers and lakes. Observance of protected areas. Defense of Amazonia and the other territories that are the lungs of the planet.
  • Strategies and initiatives for comprehensive management of natural resources and conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity. New approaches in the attempt to recover destroyed biodiversity.
  • The water problem; all aspects.
  • Role of environmental education in facing the global crisis.
  • Environmental institutionality, democratic environmental governance, role of communities and the citizen. Human safety.
  • Importance of dialogue between civilizations and respect for cultural diversity.
  • Response to the global emergency of neofascism and the culture of death: the necessity of a global affirmation of a culture of peace.
  • Inter-civilization dialogue for building universal peace.
  • Universalization of education for peace; fostering of arms-industry disinvestment and dismantling of military bases on every continent.
  • The urgent need for nuclear disarmament and for building a culture of peace.
  • The auspicious proclamation of Latin America & the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace. The importance of defending this status.
  • The importance of respecting the international accords aimed at peaceful coexistence.
  • Need for solidarity in today’s world: the highest expression of human conduct.
  • The urgent call to re-humanize modern society.
  • Risks and prospects arising from the new information and communication technologies (ICTs).
  • Fake news, ethics and social networks. Uses and abuses of cyberspace.
  • The responsibilities of journalism in the present world scenario.
  • Education, public health, culture, social security and other human rights that underpin well-being and citizen care.
  • Schools and teachers: societies’ strategic centers and professionals.
  • Function of the universities in the development of nations, territories and localities.
  • Culture policies and national identity.
  • Arts and letters in the formation of spirituality and a culture of resistance.
  • Care, safeguarding and conservation of heritage sites, true legacies of universal culture and the culture of nature.
  • Embracing multilateralism as a mechanism essential to world balance. Goals and challenges.
  • International law in the multipolar world of the 21st
  • Unipolarity and hegemonism versus multipolarity and detente.
  • Analysis of the new interplay of global forces: actors in the ascendant.
  • The BRICS, countries with emerging economies and large geographic and demographic dimensions: their role in world balance.
  • The call for a new international economic order. The Group of 77 + China and the Non-Aligned Movement. South-South cooperation.
  • The right to self-determination.
  • Paradigms for regional integration in Asia, Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean. Strategies for responding to the present crisis.
  • Sustainable development and social equity. Models for sustainable development. Their relation to cultural heritage and local progress.
  • The importance of sustainable tourism that respects the natural world.
  • Hunger, the scourge of millions; food security strategies.
  • Education and human rights in the 21st Combating illiteracy and ignorance; the popular education option.
  • Human rights education and its importance in post-conflict scenarios.
  • The fight against all forms of discrimination.
  • Gender equality and its highest expression. The problems arising from femicide, misogyny and homophobia.
  • The family as the building block of society.
  • The trades unions: the challenges they face in today’s world.
  • Role and challenges of the social movements.
  • Rights of indigenous peoples and the need to counter the abuses committed against them.
  • Religious diversity, ecumenism and spirituality.
  • The problem of drug abuse and trafficking.
  • The role of youth in addressing the great problems facing societies and the planet.
  • The battle against terrorism in all its forms, including state terrorism.
  • Building a participative, effective and genuine democracy; public political education to keep it strong.
  • Analysis of financialization, de-dollarization, inflation and other current trends in the global economy; their social repercussions.
  • Justice as the sun of the moral world: the cornerstone of the new governance.
  • Value of history and historical memory to the present and future of the peoples.
  • Ancestral and traditional knowledge, its importance to societies.
  • Contributions of Latin American & Caribbean thinking, from Simón Bolívar and José Martí to the major present-day thinkers.
  • View of the relations between human beings and the natural world proposed by José Martí and affirmed in the concepts of the indigenous peoples and by the thinkers of the Americas.
  • José Martí and his precursory ideas regarding colonial exploitation and native capitalism and his view of the transition of the colonial to the international system. His contributions to the understanding of the problems of building a multipolar order. Links to the thinking of Sun Yat-Sen, Mahatma Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh, Nelson Mandela, Fidel Castro and other contemporary figures.
  • The great precursory figures and thinkers of the Third World; the value of their de‑colonizing ideas and concepts of a culture of peace.


VENUE AND LANGUAGES: The event will be held at the Havana International Conference Center (Palacio de Convenciones); the official languages of the conference will be Spanish, English and Portuguese; at the plenary sessions, simultaneous interpreting will be available also in French and Russian.

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Prospective speakers are requested to register their papers with the organizing committee before November 30, 2024, notifying the title of the presentation, details of the author and the country, plus an abstract of up to 100 words (in Ariel 12). Any audiovisual equipment required for the purpose should also be specified. (The organizing committee’s and other e-mail addresses of interest to which interested parties may send messages are shown below).

PAPERS FROM THE EVENT: On termination of the event, the forum’s papers will be published on digital media for distribution to universities and the extensive network of the José Martí International Solidarity Project’s contacts. Accordingly, prospective speakers are asked to send their complete papers to the organizing committee on arrival in Cuba – or earlier if they wish – by e-mail and requesting acknowledgement of receipt.

CREDITS: Delegates registered as participants or speakers will receive a certificate showing the academic credits awarded, in accordance with international standards.


Delegates     ——————-    US $150.00

Undergraduate students —     US $80.00 (submit documentary evidence)

Companions ——————     US $60.00


The registration fee also covers lunch at the International Conference Center’s catering facilities, entry to artistic and cultural events (including a gala dedicated to the delegates and other participants, to be held in one of Havana’s emblematic theaters) and a final get-together cocktail party.


hpardo@cubarte.cult.cu / rogialmeida65@gmail.com / hpardo2006@yahoo.es;

Tel.: (+53) 7833 9818; 7836 4756; 7838 2233; 7838 2297.
Offices: Oficina del Programa Martiano, Calle Calzada No. 803, e/ 2 y 4, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. Postcode 10400.

Havana International Conference Center (Palacio de Convenciones)

Professional Conference Organizer: Zósima López Ruiz, MSc. E-mail: zosima@palco.cu


In order to facilitate those interested in paying the registration fee via ONLINE, the corresponding space has been enabled on the website of this world forum, where all the details appear.


People who make the payment via ON line will immediately receive the confirmation document and will also be registered as a delegate, in the corresponding status, to the VI Conference.

However, if you have any questions or difficulties in this regard, Miss Yanet Bellón is available to respond to any request on WhatsApp 53 5 5159873 and on her email yanet.bellon@solways.com

Also the Organizing Committee and the professional conference organizer, whose details appear in this call.

Although clearly the ONLINE registration fee payment formula is the most convenient, and preferable for the Organizing Committee, those participants who cannot do so for any reason, and who have already registered with the Organizing Committee, are informed that On Monday, January 27, 2025, spaces will be available in the Convention Palace, between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. and 5 p.m. to carry out this procedure directly there and where they will receive their respective credentials and event documents.

Likewise, on Monday, January 27, 2025, or on subsequent days, those who have already paid for registration via VIA ONLINE will be able to appear at the Convention Center to receive their credentials and event documents, including the program. scientific with all the required information, invitations for parallel artistic activities and others.


For reservations of very diverse special stay tourist packages, which offer services such as: accommodation, transfer in out (attention at the airport for entry and exit from the country) and other tourist options before, during or after the Event, the CUBATUR Travel Agency It will be completely available to interested parties.

The emails and telephone numbers for these purposes or other accommodation offers and any information about your stay are as follows:

Juan Carlos Govea, Main Specialist CUBATUR Travel Agency, Email: ep.eventos@centra.cbt.tur.cu

Majelis González Guillot, Commercial Specialist CUBATUR Events Market, Email: eventos2@centra.cbt.tur.cu

For solidarity movements it is recommended to contact:

Amistur Agency, Lic.Thailyn Ravelo Imbert, Commercial Specialist, Calle 13 No. 504 / D and E, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. Email: eventos@amistur.cu – WhatsApp: +53 50939620

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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 9 Dec 2024.

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