Update from TMS Editor

EDITORIAL, 24 Feb 2025

#888 | Antonio C. S. Rosa | Editor - TRANSCEND Media Service

Dear friends,

Finally, I am back on my feet. I thank wholeheartedly all messages of encouragement, support and good wishes I received in the last three weeks and extend my gratitude to one and all; it is not possible to respond individually because of the volume.

Those who submitted materials for posting, please resubmit them as the backlog reaches over a thousand email messages.

FYI: I suffered an incapacitating respiratory infection that affected my whole body: weak, tired, no appetite, increased scoliosis pain. I went to hospital twice.

So, next week our TMS Weekly Digest should be back; please bear with me as I am still recovering.

Thanks again.

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Feb 2025.

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2 Responses to “Update from TMS Editor”

  1. Professor Hoosen Vawda says:

    Hello Professor Rosa

    Greetings. I praise the Lord that you are well and back on line.

    We all wish you continued recovery and look forward to your return at TMS, with your superb editorial skills.

    In case you missed my “media briefing from Capitol” I, myself was hospitalised from 15 April 2024 to 21st January 2025 with Guillain Barre Syndrome 1 which followed on a URTI which I contracted from an 8-year-old girl, I attended to in my community health outreach patient services (a Pro Bono)
    programme. I was on ventilator for 4 months and presently I am recuperating at home under the excellent care of my wife,Vanessa, I can only eat pureed food as my deglutition is dys-co-ordinated and I choke. I am fed through a gastric tube connected directly to my stomach from my abdomen, obviating the need for a naso gastric tube. I apologise for boring you with my medical ordeal, but so much for my charity medical work.

    Take care, keep safe

    Hoosen Vawda
    Mobile: +27 82 291 4546

    1. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=76878892e37fb980e212a5aae79e8256f4d3fdd057d5972d1c89e3f457b919f1JmltdHM9MTc0MDM1NTIwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=19bf7366-9926-65b9-0269-601d982664b6&psq=guillain+barre+disease&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvR3VpbGxhaW4lRTIlODAlOTNCYXJyJUMzJUE5X3N5bmRyb21l&ntb=1

  2. Amir M. Maasoumi says:

    Dear Antonio,
    I just sent, a bit late, a message to you yesterday for your 80th birthday without knowing that you had health issues theses recent days.
    I’m so glad now to hear that you are back and doing well.
    Fraternally, with all my best wishes.


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