The Realpolitik of Transhumanism


Cynthia Chung | Through a Glass Darkly – TRANSCEND Media Service

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!

– Merchant of Venice, act 1, sc. 3, l. 99, William Shakespeare

This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune, – often the surfeit of our own behavior, – we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and the stars: as if we were villains by necessity; fools by heavenly compulsion; knaves, thieves, and treachers, by spherical predominance; drunkards, liars, and adulterers, by an enforced obedience of planetary influence; and all that we are evil in, by a divine thrusting on: an admirable evasion of whoremaster man, to lay his goatish disposition to the charge of a star.”

– King Lear, act 1, sc. 2, l. 132, William Shakespeare

A Cyborg Bohemian Rhapsody

3 Mar 2025 – As the Borg would famously say in their flat monotone voices – “Resistance is futile” – that is, to the inevitable assimilation between human and computer, where computer becomes master to a beehive of flesh and metal.

The Borg as depicted in Star Trek. The Borg saw as their mission to assimilate all intelligent life forms in the universe to their computer network.

This inevitability is at least what we are constantly led to believe in sci-fi rhapsodies, our modern-day folk tales of the deranged supernatural. But is this really so?

Today’s youth, like any point in time in history where totalitarianism rules, is being hit hard with the newest fad in how to weaponize, radicalise and ultimately enslave a generation. Told horror bedtime stories night after night as to how they will be irrelevant in this Brave New World if they do not accept the fact that one must merge with an AI nervous system if one is going to have any participation in relevance. To refuse is to accept a life in the dark recesses of society, the unmerged will be the new lepers, the “untouchables” caste of permanent irrelevance.

Those who can afford the best technologies in AI merging will earn their entrance into the more elite castes. To deny yourself or your children this, is to not only deny their future, but their children’s future, and so on and so on. In fact, this new system will look a great deal like the old system where bloodlines were relegated to a life of serfdom or aristocracy based on “the blood” you were born with, or rather… enhanced with.

Increasingly, to refuse the enhancements will be about condemning your family’s legacy, like an Apple computer that skips an update, you will be immediately isolated from the “network”.

However, as I have already laid out in several essays, most notably “The Curse of Game Theory” and “Why H.G. Wells’ World Brain and Yuval Harari’s Hackable Human Will Not Succeed” – these prophecies of inevitability are a lie.

You do not need to merge with AI as a form of mental enhancement, in fact, to do this will bring about the very opposite to the intended outcome, rather, it would ensure your mental enslavement.

Time and time again, we hear the doomsday prophets “warn” us of the apparent inevitability of our Brave New World – thus, not so much a warning rather than a use of predictive programming – since to repeat something over and over as an inevitability with no apparent solution is not really a “warning” is it – since we are told we cannot change the course we are on. Rather, it is to mentally prepare your gradual acceptance, or surrender, to a scenario that would otherwise be so horrific that it would be violently rejected by the greater majority of a moral society.

This is our new age of warfare, to be defeated in one’s own mind before you ever thought of rebellion.

ChatGPT as the New Oracle of Delphi?

Know Thyself,
Nothing to Excess,
Surety Brings Ruin

– Inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Many are aware of the Apollo at Delphi inscription and associate it as words of wisdom, after all, the Temple at Delphi was at the center of global intelligence. Kings, emperors, statesmen, generals from all quarters of the ancient world would travel to the Temple with a very generous payment in gold in hopes that the wisdom of the great god Apollo would be bestowed on them and give strength and power to their particular cause.

One of the most famous prophecies made by the Cult of Delphi, according to the ancient historian Herodotus, was to King Croesus of Lydia. King Croesus was a very rich king and the last bastion of the Ionian cities against the increasing Persian power in Anatolia. King Croesus wished to know whether he should continue his military campaign deeper into Persian Empire territory and whether he should seek a military alliance in such a feat.

According to Herodotus, the amount of gold King Croesus delivered was the greatest ever bestowed upon the Temple of Apollo. In return the priestess of Delphi, otherwise known as the Oracle, (some poor young girl selected once a year with the “right attributes”) would spout nonsensical babble, intoxicated by the gas vapours of the chasm she was conveniently placed over. The priests would then “translate” the Oracle’s prophecy.

King Croesus was told as his prophecy-riddle, “If Croesus goes to war he will destroy a great empire.” Croesus was also told to ally himself with the most powerful Greek state, and he chose Sparta. Croesus was overjoyed and thought his victory solid and immediately began working towards building his military campaign against Persia. Long story short, Croesus lost everything and Lydia was taken over by the Persians. The Spartans never showed up.

It turns out the prophecy-riddle was not wrong, but that Croesus mistook which great empire would fall.

There is likely a great deal of truth in this story. And the words inscribed at the Temple of Apollo “Know Thyself, Nothing to Excess, Surety Brings Ruin” becomes more a foreboding to anyone who dares enter such a Temple in search of wisdom and power; those who are “worthy” of the god Apollo will have the wisdom to solve the riddle of their prophecy and will prevail, those unworthy of Apollo’s “good graces” will fail and be ruined.

It’s a nice story, but it is in fact, a brilliant cover for a global intelligence racket.

The Cult of Delphi was indeed the nerve center of military and political intelligence that had no “allegiance” to any state or empire, but rather was able to use intel that they collected with their network of spies, along with intel they were given by those foolish enough to layout their plans (and their gold) to them. The priests of Delphi would then decide thereupon what information needed to be shared with what target to fit their purpose, a “prophecy” that they shaped, like moving pawns on a chessboard.

The question for those who dared visit the Cult of Delphi was thus not so much about having enough wisdom to solve the veiled prophecy, but rather, ‘What kind of pawn are you to the priests of Apollo?’

However, this is not just a story of the old. It is the story of our present – as well as our future if we continue to be fools to its antics. The levers of control may have changed their outward appearance, but I assure you, the methods have remained the very same.

ChatGPT is being treated by too many people, as something that is above prejudice, bias, ideology and error. Ironically, even those who have been outspoken critics of the romanticization of AI have found themselves unable to resist asking the “oracle” their questions of what is determining our present state of affairs and what lies ahead in our future.

The age of AI has also brought in with it, our new priests, magicians and prophets of the era. It is not hard to see how many people will be unable to resist asking the Oracle, ChatGPT, for instruction and advice in their affairs, not so different from the era of the Oracle of Delphi, however, now in the convenience and “privacy” of your home. And don’t be so naïve as to think that it is not aware of who it is talking to. If one is a notable person in society, what better way to manipulate one’s thoughts and direction than through the guise of an objective and unjudging servant. Mirror, mirror on the wall….

Today we are not led to believe that these all powerful abilities of priests, magicians and prophets reside in the gods of old, but rather our new god, the only god we can be assured of being entirely unbiased and well-balanced in its perspective – Artificial Intelligence, of course.

However, unlike the gods of the old, we are the creators of our new “perfect” god. Yes, apparently humans, who we are told are so extremely flawed, corrupt and unwise, have managed to create a perfect intelligence… an artificial intelligence. I hope one can appreciate the irony here – the claim that something that is extremely imperfect has the ability to create something that is perfect – is an absurdity.

In fact, not even the Platonic Christians thought we lived in a static world of perfection. Such great minds like Gottfried Leibniz thought we lived in the best of all possible worlds, this is true, but that was the key – what is “possible” is in reference to an unbounded, limitless potential towards perfection.

Thus, there was nothing that was created in our world that was “perfect” but rather shared in qualities of perfection that could always move towards a direction of greater perfection. For example, all living life partakes in the golden ratio, however, this is not to say that it is ever a perfection expression of the golden ratio. There is no perfect expression of the golden ratio that is found in nature, however, we can see that all life nonetheless strives towards this perfect expression.

Thus, in the Platonic Christian view, which I think makes a very good case for itself, especially through such great minds as Leibniz, that absolute perfection is not something that can in fact exist in a material form, yet, it is the organizing principle of the universe and all of creation nonetheless.

There is no absolute perfect expression of wisdom, or truth for example, in other words, no individual can attain perfect wisdom or knowledge of truth, however, this is not to say that absolute wisdom and absolute truth do not exist, nor that our understanding cannot follow its path and partake in its qualities.

Thus, our universe was created with the principles of goodness and perfection, but it is not a static concept, in the sense that we can always move closer to perfection and thus is unbounded and limitless, however, always governed by the structure, or principles, of natural law.

You may think at this point, well isn’t that also what transhumanists think in their striving for “perfection”? No, it is not, rather, it is the exact opposite of what transhumanists think. Transhumanists think that our world is imperfect and thus, we (ironically as imperfect beings) must intervene on the natural course of nature. We (or a select few I should say) should rewrite the laws and create anew according to these new laws in order to achieve their notion of “perfection”. Thus, an artificial intelligence fits right in with their artificial world, and hence the desire for humans to also merge with the artificial. To be a transhumanist is to reject the principles of natural law and to claim the ability to write new laws and form new creations. It is in fact to view oneself as a god.

As Harari notably said in his presentation to the WEF, evolution by natural selection is now being replaced by evolution by intelligent design. Not some

guy above the clouds” but “OUR intelligent design. And the intelligent design of our clouds, the IBM cloud, the Microsoft cloud. These are the new driving forces of evolution.

However, transhumanism is the ideology of its fanatical proponents, the likes of Yuval Harari and Elon Musk (more on Musk shortly). But this is not the true end goal, that is, for us to simply merge with an artificial intelligence and rid us of our pathetic misery, rather, it was always understood by those controlling the levers of power, that we would always need a caste above that of AI, for after all, they are the creators of our new god, have they not also become gods in the process as well?


Cynthia Chung is Editor-in-Chief and co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation and a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. She has lectured on the topics of Schiller’s aesthetics, Shakespeare’s tragedies, Roman history, the Florentine Renaissance among other subjects. She is a contributing author to the book series “The Clash of the Two Americas.” In 2022, she authored “The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy.” Email:

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