India-Japan Nuclear Deal?


Fr. Thomas Kocherry – TRANSCEND Media Service

It was in 1986 Chernobyl accident took place in Russia. 3% of the Nuclear Plant only got burst. 97% is still alive. The Russians were not able to kill the plant in completely. 90 million children were born deformed. 26 European countries were affected by radiation. It was in this context India entered into nuclear deal with Russia in 1988. It was in 1989 the National fish workers (NFF) protested against this plant and 25000 thousand people assembled in Kannyakumari on 1st of May 1989. The police opened fire upon the people and 8 got wounded. The protest has continued till today. Today the people in and around Koodankulam have been protesting against this nuclear plant, but GOI and Tamilnadu government went ahead to commission the plant. There is no meaning in Democracy in India. The might, corruption and privatization and the rule of the MNCs are going on by the ruling class. NDA and Modi are the same brand and they are making the people fools. A Koodankulam nuclear plant is the victim of Russian MNCs’ corruption.

In a similar way the Indo-Japanese nuclear deal is in the making. Japan cannot find an answer to Fukushima nuclear disaster. Japan is not learning from all these accidents like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan wants to sell their destructive nuclear technology for making profits to India. Inspite of the protest in Jaithapur, Haryana, AP and other places the GOI is `going ahead with Indo-Nuclear Deal. Manmphan Singh declared that his greatest achievement of the 10 year governance was Indo-Us nuclear deal. Manmohan is corrupt to the core as pretending to be gentle and innocent person. He is also the champion of mass destructive weapon like atomic bombs. Modi is another expression of violence with the same values like UPA. But the people of India are going to be fooled by him.

Is there any way out? The only alternative is AAP party. They should declare their main opposition to corruption and nuclear energy. Udyakumar S.P. and Kejariwal should lead the election campaign all over India. It is do-or Die Campaign with broom as a symbol to sweep up the all the Political parties. We stand for true democracy and nonviolence. Mass destructive weapons are symbols of nonviolence. The Indian Constitution is diametrically opposed to violence. It is wake up call, like the last Delhi election. The 1914 election is challenging all the political parties representing violence and chaos. They are anti democratic. Alternative energy and honest governance should be the slogans of AAP. This is the second freedom struggle to liberate India from the colonialism of the established political parties of India.


Father Thomas Kocherry is a Catholic Priest, Lawyer and Trade Union Leader. Was a Member of the Redemptorist Priests’ international decision making body, called, The General Chapter, Rome. Was a member of the Provincial Council, Served as a Rector of different CSSR Communities. At present he is member of CSSR Manavalakurichy Community.
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This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 27 Jan 2014.

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